Zuo sangyan immediately blushed and explained, "no, no, I have no other meaning to miss Yunda. Don't talk nonsense."

However, other people haven't said anything yet. His sister Zuo Li deliberately teases her brother, "brother, I also want Yunxiu clothes to be my sister-in-law, but your competitors are better than you. You have to come on!"

The voice fell and caused a burst of laughter.

These people say happy, the client Yunxiu clothes is a pair of irrelevant appearance, in fact, it has nothing to do with her, she did not say a word with this Zuo sangyan, when did he like her?

"Brother sang Yan, you have to think clearly before you make a decision." Those people continued to tease him, "although the ninth princess, the fourth Prince and Miss Luo San are all very powerful, there are two useless people who have not practiced there..."

These people can also understand their eyes. Seeing that Jun Jinyao is obviously protecting Yun Xiu's clothes, the word "waste" just goes back.

Did not expect Zuo sangyan iron heart, just want to with Jun Jinyao they a team, people also no longer speak.

After a good team, Xingchen took zuowanwan to another road up the mountain, while junjinyao continued to walk along the original road.

Among them are Jun Jinyao, Jun Shaoqin, Luo Yaner, Zuo sangyan, Yun Xiuyi and Mo Xilou.

Xu is due to the presence of Jun Jinyao. Luo Yan'er is still at ease all the way. When he meets the ghost beast, he is fighting with all his heart. In other people's eyes, he is totally devoted to training.

As for yunxiuyi and moxilou, they play the role of waste.

They fight with the spirit beast in the front. They just look at the mountains and the water in the back. When they meet the beast yuan that Yun Xiuyi likes, Mo Xilou will wave his hand to the heaven and earth tripod.

The comfort of the journey ended in a ghost car.

Ghost car, also known as nine headed bird and ghost bird, is a legendary demon bird. It is named ghost car because it always makes the sound of driving at night.

There are also rumors that the ghost car is related to the nine tailed bird and Guhuo bird.

But the ghost car they met this time is very different from the nine headed bird before stardust.

Although Xingchen's nine headed bird is spiritual, it can't be called a demon bird. This time, the one they met had a complete sense of autonomy.

"Sister Yun, you step aside, fourth brother. We're in front and back. I'm responsible for attracting its attention. You attack and others support."

After Jun Jinyao assigned the task, everyone quickly entered the combat state.

Jun Shaoqin's momentum turned into a blue light, and dashed behind the ghost car like a photoelectric light. The dormant power in his body suddenly became restless, and a breath that can't be underestimated suddenly burst out from his body.

The ghost car feels the threat behind and turns to fight back, but Jun Jinyao sacrifices his spirit beast Nanhai butterfly to restrain it from the front.

On the other side, Zuo sangyan, though not as advanced as junjinyao and junshaoqin, did his best to help them and fight against the ghost car in three directions.

Luo Yan'er on the other side is serious on the surface, but actually he doesn't want the ghost car to be easily defeated by them.

She uses the remaining light to aim at the cloud Xiu clothes which is not far away from the matter, and the murderous spirit in her eyes gradually reveals.

Before the soul beast attack is too low, even if she designed them to attack Yunxiu clothes, Jun Jinyao will certainly protect her, so she has been holding her ground.

But this ghost car is not the same, as long as they have a fault, Jun Jinyao can't subdue it by one person.

Ready to plan, Luo Yan'er is hit by the wings of the ghost car on her left shoulder. She staggers a few steps back and enters the battle again.

In addition, Jun Jinyao and Jun Shaoqin on both sides worried and said, "Yan'er, are you ok?"

"How are you?"

"I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me." Luo Yan'er's voice trembled slightly. It should have been hurt a lot.

However, the battle has become white hot, and no one cares about her. Jun Shaoqin works harder than before. Under the blue light, more than a dozen interwoven boxing shadows smash at the ghost car.

Jun Jinyao's South China sea butterflies are surrounded by blue and purple lights. The power of ghosts and Demons distorts the surrounding space.

The pressure is so great that it seems to tear up the void. The turbulent force seems to cut off the plants around it like a huge wave. The terrible fluctuation makes people feel palpitating.

Yunxiuyi, who has been watching the battle, is also impressed. This little girl is really not simple.

Luo Yan'er's actions, of course, are in her eyes. She doesn't hesitate to hurt herself in order to get rid of herself. Yun Xiu Yi has no fluctuation in her heart, and even wants to laugh.Just when the other three have completely contained the ghost car, Luo Yan'er's spirit beast You'an bird suddenly starts to stir.

Luo Yan'er misses again, and the ghost car takes the opportunity to rush towards her, and the huge wings are waving on her face. Luo Yan'er only feels scarlet in front of her, dizzy and bleeding.

She underestimated the power of the ghost car and overestimated her own strength.

But even if she couldn't control the situation in front of her, she couldn't bear to give up on the way, so she began to run around with dizziness and came tottering towards Yunxiu clothes.

Jun Jinyao, Jun Shaoqin and Zuo sangyan on the other side are all injured by Luo Yan'er's mistake.

Zuo sangyan immediately fell to the ground unconscious, Jun Shaoqin's situation is not much better, forced to stand with the last breath.

Only junjinyao jumps to Nanhai butterfly's back and wants to stop it before the ghost car catches up with Luo Yan'er.

However, it was still a step late. The ghost car waved its wings, the wind rolled the fallen leaves, and beat Luo Yan'er hard. In the blink of an eye, Luo Yan'er was thrown aside and fainted.

Seeing that the ghost car has come to yunxiuyi and moxilou, Jun Jinyao steps on a butterfly in the South China Sea and bumps into the back of the ghost car. An earth shaking hiss sounds and a powerful force bursts out.

In the hustle and bustle, Yun Xiuyi said to Mo Xilou beside him, "I'll take this beast yuan. Take care of Jun Jinyao."

After the fierce collision with the ghost car, Nanhai butterfly was also seriously injured, and the blue and purple light around him gradually dissipated, and finally disappeared.

Jun Jinyao just stand firm, then see cloud Xiu clothes by ghost car wings roll fly to the valley.

She was in a hurry to catch up. The wind was blowing in front of her, and a huge force rushed out like a torrent. She thought there was a ghost beast coming again. Before she could fight, she fell to the ground because she couldn't bear the force.

Mo Xi Lou takes back the spirit power released just now, and the surroundings recover as usual. Only the ruins around remind Jun Jin Yao that the scene just now is not an illusion.

Ghost car has been flying with cloud Xiuyi to the valley between the two peaks of Daiyun mountain.

Xu was hurt a lot. When he reached the bottom of the valley, he threw his cloud Xiu clothes aside and hit the ground heavily. His two wings kept waving, each time slower than the last time.

Without waiting for Yun Xiu's clothes to start, he closed his 18 eyes and lost his breath. A pure white animal yuan with 3000 years floated slowly into the air from his body.

Yunxiu clothes attract the beast yuan, sit in situ, both hands seal, absorb breath between, Qi strength churn, the whole body golden light together to surge around. Above her head, the golden baby spins rapidly, and she goes from the first level to the second level.

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