"Help! Help me! Is there any kind-hearted person to save the birds

Not long after yunxiuyi came out of the valley, she heard cries for help. She didn't want to meddle in her own business, but her will was out of control, forcing her to go to the sound source.

When I got closer, I saw a bird that looked like a dove and a dove. It was tied to a branch and was roasting on the fire. It was strange that there was no one around.

Cloud Xiu clothing has been walking to the fire next to the recovery of consciousness, do not understand the look around, the last line of sight is fixed on the bird is being baked, "are you calling for help?"

"Yes, yes!"

Cloud Xiu clothes originally just guess, hear this bird suddenly really speak, slightly surprised.

"If you don't help me, I'll be ripe!" As soon as the roasted bird finished speaking, yunxiuyi smelled a delicious smell.

See cloud Xiuyi standing in situ also don't move, bird anxious, "cloud Xiuyi, you saved me, I will repay you."

Does the bird even know her?

"If you save me, I will..."

Without waiting for the bird to figure out how to repay Yunxiu's clothes, Yunxiu's clothes had already put out the fire under its body. With another wave of its sleeve, the ropes on its body were also scattered.

The rescued bird came back to life in an instant, fluttering its grape colored wings. First, it trotted around the spot, then hovered over the top of Yunxiu's clothes for a while, and then fell on the stone in front of her, complaining and spitting bitterness.

"You don't know. I was caught by the people who came with you."

See cloud Xiu clothes and didn't pay attention to it, it selfishly continue to say, "is star dust that group of people! They want to eat me. "

"Fortunately, I confused them and scared them all away, ha ha ha."

It turns out that the bird has the ability to deceive people. No wonder she was led over just now. Yun Xiuyi said, "since you can deceive them, why don't you let them let you go?"

After hearing this, the bird immediately pulled down its head and said, "if it's really so simple, have you ever heard of irrigation Huohuo?"

Irrigation? I've heard of it, but I've seen it for the first time.

Guanguan is a legendary bird. It looks like a dove and sounds like a bird. Its meat is delicious. It tastes more delicious after being roasted. The feathers wrapped around the body can make people not confused and have the effect of calming down.

If the bird is irrigated, Yun Xiuyi will understand.

"I can confuse them, but as soon as they get close to me, they will calm down and wake up. I can't let them let me go!"

Said it wronged crooked small head, black eyes shining, "I dare not talk to them, for fear that they have evil intentions to take me away."

"But you are different!"

Irrigation flapping wings to jump to the cloud Xiu shoulder, "you see will not hurt me, you say it! Want me... "A word has not finished, irrigation in front of a black, was cloud Xiu clothes thrown into the heaven and earth Ding.

Cultivation requires no distractions, but even she can't do it without any distractions. Since the bird's feathers have a calming effect, it's better to make good use of them.

Irrigation in the heaven and earth cauldron seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, and immediately exclaimed, "no, no! I don't want to be a bald bird

East moon Empire Palace.

An hour ago, Luo Rui ordered people to block all the entrances and exits of the Imperial Palace, and banned several other families from entering the palace, saying that it was a sudden disease of the emperor, and no one was allowed to enter or leave the palace.

Yun Jinyan is a man who has seen the world and has experienced many things over the years. He immediately guessed Luo Rui's plot. If the saint is really ill, it is he who makes the black hand.

However, Yunxiu went to Daiyunshan for training. The left family was always in the same line with the Luo family. That is to say, the Mo family didn't care about the world all the year round.

Yun Jinyan is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He thinks that the king's coming is over, and their cloud home is not far away.

Inside the Jingyang hall.

Luo Rui received the news from Xiao fengran early in the morning that Junlin was dying. He was afraid of being accused of regicide and treason. He had been waiting for Junlin to swallow his last breath in Jingyang hall.

Finally, when he didn't know how many times he walked back and forth in front of the hall, Xiao fengran came quickly and handed him the scroll in his sleeve. "The emperor is unconscious. I can't last long. I've sealed the seal on the imperial edict of the fourth Prince's succession."

Luo Rui satisfied took the scroll, "the more the last moment, the more can't panic, now the palace is our people, are not afraid of their tricks."

"Yes, father."

Xiao fengran seems to have been waiting for this moment for a long time. At this moment, she is no longer the unattainable and eccentric Princess Xiao, but a girl full of expectation for the future.Just after their discussion, a eunuch came to announce, "the holy God has collapsed!"

Inside and outside the hall, Luo Rui and Xiao fengran kneel down one after another, with a smile on their face.

Before everyone digested the news, Luo Rui immediately went to the hall and took out the imperial edict given to him by Xiao fengran, "the country can't be without a monarch for a day. The emperor has already had a candidate for the new emperor in his heart. He plans to issue an imperial edict to order the fourth prince to succeed."

Because the fourth Prince has always been favored, there is no doubt in everyone's heart.

However, they were very strange. The holy one was always in excellent health. How could they say that he was ill when he was ill? They were still in such a hurry that they didn't see him.

"The poor fourth Prince has not seen the last face of the holy one after training outside."

The voice falls, the gentleman helps then by the person to help to walk in, his eyes are red, because these days has been lying in bed, the hair is also messy.

He walked all the way to the hall, but he was stopped when he passed by Luo Rui. "The seventh prince, the Holy One is gone. You are not in good health. Why go in and make you sad?"

Jun Fu pushed him away, "Lord Luo, is this obstructing me from seeing my father?"

"How dare I!" Luo Rui says and then gives way on his own initiative, but makes a wink to Xiao fengran, and they walk into the inner hall behind you.

As soon as Junfu saw Junlin on the couch, he rushed over and cried.

Behind him, Xiao fengran sent all the eunuchs, while Luo Rui quietly gathered 100% of his spiritual power and clapped his hand to the emperor.

Just about to hit Jun Fu, Jun Fu suddenly dodged in the past, Luo Rui was surprised, "you are not seriously injured?"

Jun Fu put a wisp of hair on his cheek behind his ear. "If he didn't pretend to be ill, he would have died under your hands."

The surprise on Luo Rui's face is instantly covered by the intention of killing, "does the seventh Prince think that he won't die without being hurt?" He once again gathered spiritual power, "don't fight fearlessly, or go with your father!"

"Luo Rui, do you want me to die?"

Luo Rui's palm hasn't fallen yet. Jun Lin, who had been lying on the couch for a long time and had no breath, sat up again. "It's a pity that it didn't work out as you wish."

Seeing that Junlin is not dead, Luo Rui immediately goes to see Xiao fengran beside her and asks her what's the matter with her eyes. The latter is also at a loss. She doesn't know why Junlin is still alive.

Mingming herself fed Junlin and drank the kiss. She also saw his poisonous hair with her own eyes. Even the doctors and pharmacists in the palace were helpless. How could they not die?

Luo Rui immediately knelt down on the ground, "holy, I was just playing with the seventh prince!"

"For fun? For fun, even the imperial edict is ready? Why don't I remember writing this imperial edict The king came down from his bed, and his pale face was swept away.

"Concubine Xiao, how dare you poison me because I love you so much and tolerate your many atrocities?"

Xiao fengran was so scared that he suddenly lost his square inch. Seeing Luo Rui still kneeling on the ground, he was cruel. "Yes, it's my poison. It has nothing to do with my father. I did everything."

Hearing that Xiao fengran confessed his crime, Luo Rui was relieved. "My goddaughter has no way. How to deal with it is up to him."

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