If you say that she was scared a lot just now, Xiao fengran is more sad than her heart. She wants to help her father to answer the blame, but she never thought that Luo Rui would leave herself so soon.


She kneels down on the ground, trying to see a trace of heartache from Luo Rui's face. However, to her great disappointment, Luo Rui does not want to see her.

"My Lord, if I knew she was such a kind-hearted woman, I didn't dare to give her to you at the beginning."

"Father, don't say that."

At this moment, Xiao fengran did not give up his last hope. She should have died among the refugees. It was her father who brought her back to support her. It was her father who gave her a new life.

Over the years, all the people in the Luo family don't like her. Luo Yan'er and Luo Rou run on her everywhere and bully her. Only her father has been kind to her.

So when her father decided to give her to Junlin, she agreed without hesitation. If her father was happy, she would do anything.

She has always thought that she is different from her father, otherwise there are so many refugees, why did he only take her back to the Luo family? Why did it give her a chance to live again?

Jun Lin's eyes swept over Xiao fengran and finally looked at Luo Rui, "Oh! Well, why are you here since she poisoned you? "

"Holy, she is also my adopted daughter. How can I abandon her?"

Hearing this, Xiao fengran's eyes lit up again. Sure enough, her father still had her in his heart, and he was reluctant to give up.

However, the hope just ignited was crushed by Luo Rui himself at the next moment, "holy, I really don't care about my business! There are so many people in my Luo family. How dare I make fun of their lives and do such a ridiculous thing! I hope the holy one will see clearly. "

"So you want me to let her go! Or let me deal with her? "

Luo Rui finally took a look at Xiao fengran, but there was no emotion in his eyes. "Since she made a mistake, the emperor wanted to kill her, I have no complaint."

"Ha ha ha ha ha"

Xiao fengran suddenly burst out laughing like crazy. She staggered up and went to Luo Rui and looked at him in despair. "Father..."

"I didn't have a daughter like you. I knew you would do such a thing. At the beginning, I should have let you die in that pile of refugees without harming the emperor, It's done harm to the Luo family. "

Listening to Luo Rui's heartless words, Xiao fengran's tears drop by drop, "it turns out that I'm just a chess piece of my father."

In fact, she just wanted to ask Luo Rui, had she ever been in her heart, even if it was just a tiny bit, as long as he said yes, she would die without complaint.

However, he did not give her a chance to ask, he said so heartless words.

"Feng ran, you should give up."

Jun Lin has feelings for Xiao fengran in the end. Looking at her appearance, the pain in her heart is no less than her. "Do you know why he picked you?"


Xiao fengran immediately asked, the look of dim tears is really distressing.

"Because you look like an old friend of mine." Speaking of this, Xiao fengran fully understood that he had been premeditated from the beginning.

It turns out that she is not special, it turns out that his kindness to her is fake! She didn't know how she felt for him all the time. She only knew that this person was her whole world. But now, the world has collapsed and there is nothing left.

Xiao fengran staggers along. She suddenly picks up the vase on one side of the cabinet and smashes it at Luo Rui. Luo Rui sees danger and does not hesitate to fight back.

"Feng ran"

With the sound of the vase breaking, Xiao fengran's body is like a broken flower, a butterfly with broken wings, slowly falling to the ground.

She spat blood, and her eyes widened in despair.

If he really didn't believe her and didn't believe that she was reluctant to hurt him, she was wrong in understanding the word "father" after all, and also wrongly paid a cavity of enthusiasm. Since he gave this life, give it back to him! one finished , all is finished.

Jun Lin holds Xiao fengran and caresses her bloody face. It's so beautiful, but it's different.

"Feng ran."

"Holy, I don't regret poisoning. I'll do it again... But..." Xiao fengran sobbed like a child. "I also regret poisoning. It's fengran who's wrong. I'm sorry, holy."

Then she began to laugh again. Her beautiful face was as suffocating as a poppy.She laughs and spits out a lot of blood. Junlin wants to help her heal, but she holds Junlin's hand. "Originally, the best thing for me is the Holy One."

The moment Xiao fengran closed his eyes, Jun Lin sighed deeply.

When she first entered the palace, she was timid. He still remembers that she was obedient and clever. She spoke to the palace maids in a soft voice. When he looked at her, he felt protective.

However, with her more and more favors, her character gradually became eccentric. He thought she was proud of her, but later he found out that she was deliberately letting him down so that he could keep away from her.

As time went by, she was used to herself like that. She didn't cherish herself at all because she regarded the palace people's life as a piece of grass.

Now the end is like this, which can be regarded as returning the lives of those who died in her hands.

After all, Junlin is the master of the East moon. Xiao fengran's departure did not make his mood fluctuate too much, and soon he returned to his original appearance.

"Luo Rui, do you really think I'm such a fool?"

"Holy --" at the moment, Luo Rui is still hesitating, thinking how to escape this disaster. Jun Lin just told Xiao fengran that he should have known what he had done for a long time, but he always ignored it.

He never thought that he knew King's landing, otherwise he would not be able to see through his mind for so many years.

"That's all." Jun Lin waved his hand, turned his head and was no longer willing to see Luo Rui, "Fu Er, ordered people to put him in death row, and the whole Luo family committed the same crime."

"Holy, holy, you can't do this to me, you can't do this to the Luo family!"

Luo Rui also wants to explain that Junfu has already made people drag him out, "father, how does imperial concubine Xiao want to arrange?"

"With the ceremony of the imperial concubine."

In Daiyun mountain, Luo Yaner and Zuo sangyan are in a coma. Junshaoqin and junjinyao sit on one side to recuperate and heal their wounds, while moxilou is bored to stay on the other side. If Yunxiu didn't tell him to take care of junjinyao, I'm afraid he would have left long ago.

After junjinyao got up, he ran to the direction where yunxiuyi had disappeared. He said, "you are waiting for me here."

Mo Xi Lou raised an eye to see the direction that she left, also followed past.

They walked all the way to a precipice, but they didn't find any trace of Yunxiu's clothes. However, they ran into Zuoli by accident. Jun Jinyao immediately came forward and asked, "what about the others?"

Zuoluan shook his head, "I don't know."

"Then why are you here?" They are going in the other direction. They shouldn't be here. Is there something wrong with them“ Is it the spirit beast that has scattered all of you? "

Zuo shook his head again. "I don't know why I'm here. I remember we were hungry before. We were roasting birds to eat, and then..."

She scratched her head. "Then I'm here. No one else knows where I'm going."

Then she looked at Jun Jinyao and Mo Xilou, "where's my brother? How come it's just the two of you? There is also cloud Xiu Yi how also not at, whether they have an accident

"Your brother is injured. You can meet them when you walk in this direction. We are going to find yunxiuyi." Jun Jinyao explained a few words and then continued to search along the cliff.

Because of Zuo's experience, she is more worried about the safety of yunxiuyi. She has no palace of life and is taken away by a ghost car. At the moment, she is afraid of more or less misfortune. If something happens to her, it's entirely her responsibility. She doesn't fulfill her promise to protect her.

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