Before meeting with Mo Xi Lou, Yun Xiu Yi was stopped by a group of uninvited guests.

Looking at the clothes, these people are not from the four families, nor are they disciples of zhulanglou and Tianji Pavilion. They are like bandits.

The man in black, who was the leader, looked at Yun Xiu's clothes and said with a smile, "this little lady is delicate and looks pretty. It's a pity to kill her. It's not as good as us..." and then he looked at Yun Xiu's clothes with ill will.

Standing next to him, a fat man with a face full of meat said, "old star dust spent so much money to let us solve a waste. I thought he had too much money to spend. It turned out that he didn't have any meat for a long time and gave us a big gift."

"The old rule, one by one."

This group of uninvited guests are staring at Yunxiu clothes. They are about to flow out. They can't wait to discuss who comes first and who comes later. It seems that Yunxiu clothes are the fish on their chopping board, and they will be slaughtered by them.

Yunxiu clothes look at the sky, today has wasted a lot of time in Daiyun mountain, the cool sound quality slowly floated into each other's ears.

"How about coming together?"

The group of people were immediately happy, "this little lady has a strong taste! Brothers, I'm not afraid that you are too small to eat! "

Mouth said so, the body is quite honest, a group of people all toward cloud Xiu clothes rushed over, some impatient already began to take off pants, full face obscene smile.

Guanguan in the heaven and earth cauldron mourns for this group of people. A group of fools may not know that today next year will be their death day. Ah!

Before the group of people came to yunxiuyi, there was a surge of spiritual power around them. They all stopped and looked around warily.

The man in black, the leader, said nervously, "which expert passed by? Why don't you come out and see me. "

The irrigation black eye beads in the heaven and earth cauldron are rolling, a group of fools, people are right in front of you! What else is coming out!

It just finished in the heart, make complaints about the body of the cloud, and suddenly the spirit executed suddenly. The strong pressure immediately surrounded the crowd. The black man who led the head felt the neck was hot and was the first to be seen.

The ghost like figure of yunxiuyi wanders around these people. It's so fast that there are countless double figures in front of them that they can't tell which is the real body of yunxiuyi.

When they saw the golden baby above the head of yunxiuyi, they were so scared that they knelt down on the ground, and then came the smell of urine.

What is the concept of golden baby?

Although they have little knowledge, they also know that only the first child of the sixth saint is golden, and so far there has not been a saint in the East moon Empire, let alone a holy spirit.

This group of people looking at yunxiuyi is not only afraid and panic, they want to beg for mercy, but their tongue is so trembling that they can't speak clearly. Just with the desire to survive, they say intermittently, "Yun Yunda miss, forgive me

"We - we are also entrusted by others - to take your life. We - we have nothing against you, and we don't have to find our own way to death."

No injustice, no hatred?

If Yunxiu clothes were the same rubbish, I'm afraid they would have been poisoned by them for a long time. Wouldn't they also have no grievances and no enmity with them?

The world is like this. The law of the jungle is always on the side of the strong.

Cloud Xiu clothes play with a trace of spiritual power in the hands, eyes drooping, these people just think that she is going to let them go, continue to blame for themselves, "is the old star dust that want miss Yunda's life, Miss Yunda must not let him go."

"That old man has a small stomach. The cloud family made him make a fool of himself at the exchange meeting between Tianji Pavilion and zhulanglou, and even made him unable to be the leader of the hall. He always remembers his revenge!"

"Miss Yunda, why don't we help you get rid of the old man Xingchen and charge you nothing?"

This condition is good, but - cloud Xiu clothes lift Mou to look toward this group of people, unfortunately they saw her yuan baby, so let them go, how can she be at ease?

She clenched her fist slowly, and the magic power in her palm burst out between her fingers, and countless golden lights wrapped the group like gossamer.

They didn't even have time to scream, so they saw their bodies split by a ray of light. First there was a bloodstain, and then there was a second one. When the bloodstains were all over their bodies, the red blood gushed out of their bodies like a dike.

Then all parts of the body slowly stagger, they want to cry for help, but the voice is stuck in the throat, how can't come out, until the end of life, they don't know how they died.

Yun Xiu's clothes and skirts were not stained with dust, as if this situation had nothing to do with her. She walked around their corpses from a clean place.Although the irrigation in the heaven and earth cauldron can't see the picture outside, it must be very cruel and terrifying just by the blood in the air.

He summoned up a lot of courage before he said, "well, can we discuss, you can pluck my feathers, but can you pluck them once every other period of time! Otherwise, you will not be able to pull it out at one time! "


"Well, can you promise me that you won't eat me even if you are hungry! Although my meat is really delicious, it's more delicious when roasted... "No, no, it's a fool! Why do you say this to the female devil?

The irrigation in the heaven and earth cauldron shakes the feather on the body, "these words can be regarded as not heard."

As soon as Yunxiu left, junjinyao and moxilou appeared in the Shura hall. Seeing the scene of purgatory, junjinyao frowned.

Who on earth is so cruel to use such cruel means.

She resisted the strong and disgusting smell of blood, went forward to inspect the clothes of the dead, and finally came to the conclusion that these people should be bandits in Daiyun mountain, which she had met before when she came to Daiyun mountain for hunting.

But even so, the other side's means are too brutal and bloody.

And look at the degree of blood coagulation, these people should have just died not long, she and Mo Xi Lou have been looking for cloud Xiu clothes around, did not hear a cry for help.

This shows how terrifying the strength of the other side is.

Mo Xi Lou, who had been beside her, never said a word, but thought in her heart: this girl has not known how many times she has refreshed the vicious degree in his heart.

Jun Jinyao finally finds Yunxiu clothes at the foot of Daiyun mountain. She is relieved to see that she is safe and sound. She is afraid that Yunxiu clothes will be frightened in the mountain. She wants to hold her and comfort her, but she hides quietly.

Light up the number of people, Jun Jinyao finds that Xingchen and Luo Yaner are missing. After asking, she knows why Xingchen brought Luo Yaner back to Tianji Pavilion.

I thought this thrilling day was finally over. When I returned to the palace, I heard that Princess Xiao died of a serious illness. Luo Rui, the owner of the Luo family, was too sad to find her.

Although Jun Jinyao didn't grow up in the palace when she was young, she also knew about these intrigues.

My guess is that what happened to the Luo family and his father. The death of imperial concubine Xiao and the disappearance of the Luo family are not so simple. His father just doesn't want to publicize it.

In this way, she understood why Xingchen would bring Luo Yan'er back to Tianji Pavilion.

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