In the early morning of the next day, Yunxi came to tell yunxiuyi that there was no one in Luo's mansion overnight, as if it had been empty.

Cloud Xiu clothes in mind with green dragon, then easy into cloud ink also went to Luo home.

When she arrived, there were a lot of people around Luo's house. She avoided her eyes and ears and jumped in from a hidden place. After searching around, she didn't feel any spiritual power.

If Luo Rui is locked up in death row, no one in the Luo family should have the ability to take Qinglong away, or take all the people in the Luo family out overnight.

Cloud Xiu clothes with doubt released a trace of spiritual power, did not find clues also attracted people, this person is the same to the Luo family investigation Jun Fu. Jun Fu saw cloud Xiu clothes without saying a word, then started, until cloud Xiu clothes show their identity just stop.

"Are you the pharmacist of the cloud family?"

See cloud Xiu clothes nodded, Jun Fu quickly apologized, "last time cloud ink Xuan opened did not see sir, there are many offending place, please forgive me."

"Nothing." Cloud Xiu dress looks at him one eye, "why do you appear here?"

Jun Fu recovered from a serious illness, but he couldn't see his previous illness at all. His smile was clear. "Maybe it's the same as my husband's purpose."

Because yunmo is the man in Yunxiu's clothes, Junfu doesn't intend to hide, "to be honest, not only Luo's family and Qinglong have disappeared, but also Luo Rui has disappeared."

"Is it Luo Rui?"

"No Jun Fu shook his head and denied, "someone robbed Luo Rui. It must be the same person who took Luo Rui's family and Qinglong. Now Qinglong has recognized Luo Rui as the main one. In the future, he will take Qinglong back to revenge. I'm afraid it's hard to deal with."

Although yunxiuyi was worried about Qinglong, he was thinking about who this person was.

Although the left family has always been in the same line with the Luo family, Zuo Qiumeng's character should not be the one who risks rescuing Luo Rui, let alone the cloud family and Jimo family.

Excluding the four families, who else in the East moon empire can break into the Royal prison and rob people, and retreat?

Tianji pavilion?

Just as Junfu and yunxiuyi were lost in thought at the same time, there was a voice from the flower bed nearby. They turned their heads and saw a group of people planning to escape.

Jun Fu immediately came forward to subdue the man, to find out her is Luo rou.

"You --" Jun Fu looked at her puzzledly. The Luo family was gone. Why is Miss Luo still here“ What about the rest of the Luo family? "

Originally Luo Rou was still guilty, nervous and afraid, but now she calmed down and simply sat on the ground.

She sneered, "I also want to know where other people have gone, but I just sneak out to relax and come back like this."

It turned out that Luo rougang was not there when the Luo family retreated, so he didn't take her with him.

Look at her now, it's not like she's lying, "hum, my father arranged Luo Yan'er and took my elder brother away. I'm really the one he dislikes the most and the one he doesn't use the most."

"Who has been to the Luo family these days?"

Luo Rou looked up and said, "there are many people coming to the Luo family every day. Who is the seventh Prince asking? If you want to know your father's secret, I'm afraid you will be disappointed. What does the seventh Prince think a deserted man can know? "

It seems that they can't find anything from Luo Rou's mouth. Jun Fu thinks it over and decides to take Luo Rou back first, while yunmo plans to go to yunmo Xuan.

During this period of time, she was hindered by many things. She gave yunmoxuan full power to Ye Xingming. Although Ye Xingming was a little noisy, she managed the medicine shop with her heart and soul.

When Yun Xiuyi arrived at Yun Mo Xuan, it was still crowded, because the image of Yun Mo didn't appear many times, and no one knew her here.

I don't even know these guys in the cloud family.

As soon as Yun Xiuyi went in, a man immediately came and asked, "what do you need, young master? Let me help you find it. Or what kind of pills do you want? I'll recommend them to you. "

"I'll see first."

"Good! Look first. Call me if you need to

When the guy left, Yun Xiuyi strolled alone. Unlike other stores in Yun's family, Yun Moxuan was completely arranged according to her idea. There was no need to be gorgeous or cumbersome. There were some conventional pills on a few shelves.

Each medicine bottle is also a unified small white bottle, which is pasted with the name of the medicine for the convenience of the buyer. For the rare and precious pills, we need to consult the staff, who will take them from the medicine cabinet behind the screen.

Because cloud ink Xuan is a good and cheap selling point, so the vast majority of the shop is a product of pills, two products have been regarded as precious.Although this situation has retained many low-end buyers, there are few high-end buyers.

If you want to make a profit, it's not enough to just control the cost, and yunxiuyi doesn't want to increase the price of the pill, so the most straightforward way is to refine three kinds of pills as soon as possible and sell them to people who can afford it at a high price.

The so-called half a year does not open, open to eat half a year, and so on with these high-end buyers support yunmoxuan, she will not care about the price of those ordinary pills.

"Why didn't you come today? If she doesn't come again, I don't know whose yunmoxuan is. If she wants to send me, I don't mind! "

Cloud Xiu clothing has not yet indicated his identity, ye Xingming did not know where to flee out.

"Mr. Ye, the whereabouts of the first lady will not tell us! Let us know if you need anything, and we will try our best to do it. "

"I told you, you can't be the master. Can you give me a monthly salary? I'm very busy every day. I can't ask for too much money! Hum

"How much do you want?"

See those guys can't deal with Ye Xingming, cloud Xiu clothes walked past.

Because she is now dressed in men's clothes, ye Xingming stares at her for a long time, then suddenly realizes, "Oh! I know you. You are the pharmacist of the cloud family. What's your name, yunmo? "

His words immediately attracted several onlookers. Although they had never seen yunmo, his name was like thunder, and few people in Dongyue Empire didn't know it.

First of all, he is the only one who dares to participate in the exchange meeting in recent years.

Secondly, he even hunted six soul beasts, won the star dust elder of Tianji Pavilion by an absolute advantage, and got zhulanglou's zhurong kindling.

It must be that yunmoxuan was named after him by Miss Yun!

Yunmoxuan has been open for many days, but he never shows up. Unexpectedly, he meets today. These people are curious and excited. They surround him, but they dare not speak.

"I thought you were not coming!"

Ye Xingming suddenly jumps over and prepares to put his arm on yunmo's shoulder. But before he touches him, yunmo hides him and angrily takes back his hand, thinking that this person is not easy to get along with!

"I just want to ask how did you guess what those ghosts were that day? Especially my three, it's so hard to guess that you are all right. "

Other people present are also interested in this question, waiting for yunmo to say the answer.

Yun Xiuyi had already understood the difficulty of Ye Xingming, so he said three words to block his mouth, "lingvanilla, shijunzi, crane grass bud."

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