Other people don't understand what these three words mean, but ye Xingming knows better than anyone else. He sees the three herbs in his hand.

Anger and guilty intertwined, I think this person is not only difficult to get along with, but also very resourceful.

"You are very good, but in terms of alchemy, you are certainly not as good as me." Ye Xingming looks up with pride, and his alchemy is even convinced by the chief pharmacist of zhulanglou.

"Not necessarily." Cloud Mo showed his first smile after he came in cloud Mo Xuan, and his plain face became gorgeous because of this smile.

Ye Xingming was provoked in the field of alchemy for the first time. Naturally, he was not willing to be outdone. "Don't talk big. Don't forget that I was invited by Miss Yunda of your family after all her hard work."

Is it? Why doesn't she remember that?

Although it was Yun Xiuyi who provoked him first, she obviously regretted it, which was the only thing she had regretted in this period of time.

"Unconvinced, let's compete!" Ye Xingming took the initiative to issue a battle post, and a crowd of onlookers also showed their expectant eyes.

Yun Xiuyi is not interested in the competition, but it's not bad to learn the alchemy of zhulanglou. There are few pharmacists in Dongyue Empire, so there are not many opportunities.


Ouch! This man is so brave that he dares to fight. Ye Xingming waves to the onlookers to get out of the way, and asks the cloud family to move the table and lift up his alchemy stove.

"Don't cry later! It's not a great thing to win Xingchen. Of course, it's not a disgrace to lose to me. After all, few people in Dongyue Empire have won me. " Ye Xingming confidently rolled up his sleeve and opened it.

Whether in the 21st century or in the Empire of Dongyue, the steps of refining pills are roughly the same.

Material selection, charging, refining, adding other materials according to the main and auxiliary order, refining, fusion, coagulation, blowing in, collecting and ending.

It's just that the utensils in the 21st century are more advanced, and the ones here are more primitive. But because the alchemists here will inject spiritual power, the finished pills have their own advantages.

When ye Xingming had put the selected herbs into the alchemy furnace and began to refine them, Yun Xiuyi took out the Shennong cauldron.

Others don't know what Shennong Ding is, but ye Xingming, a pharmacist, is very familiar with it.

Seeing that yunmo hadn't moved for a long time, ye Xingming secretly glanced at him, and his eyes lit up immediately when he saw Shennong Ding

He had expected that yunmo would use zhurong kindling, but how could he still have shennongding?

Isn't Shennong Ding long gone? Where did he find it? It must be fake! It must be fake! Maybe he was dazed. After all, he only read shennongding in books.

Ye Xingming kept hypnotizing himself. This tripod just looks like Shennong tripod. It must not be true.

Regardless of Ye Xingming's surprise, Yun Xiuyi takes out the zhurong fire which has been stored in the heaven and earth cauldron, injects a trace of spiritual power, and then puts it into the Shennong cauldron.

He also threw in the fire spirit flower picked from the hidden fog forest.

"Huolinghua?" Ye Xingming's eyes are straight, trembling and pointing to cloud Xiu clothes, "cloud ink, you cheat, don't take you to open and hang like this."

The reason why huolinghua is called huolinghua is that it looks like a burning flame, and this word is because huolinghua is actually formed by the aura of fire. The use of medicinal materials is the formation of aura, which is cheating!

However, cloud Xiu clothes ignore him, "you can also use such herbs."

"You --"

Ye Xingming was angry for a moment. This huolinghua is a treasure. He thought it could be found casually? Ye Xingming seems to have swallowed a whole lemon. He wants it, too!

And he was the only one who was angry with others. He left others speechless. It was the first time that he suffered a dull loss from others and couldn't fight back.

I knew that some rules should be made at the beginning. They should use the same herbs, the same alchemy furnace and the same fire.

Alas! Blame him for his alchemy too confident!

Yeah! His alchemy is very powerful. Even Wen Yu praised him. What if he had huolinghua, shennongding and zhurong fire?

After regaining her self-confidence, ye Xingming once again devoted herself to alchemy and entered the second refining stage after adding auxiliary materials.

He infused spiritual power to improve the purity of refining. When he entered the fusion stage, there were bursts of aura coming from the alchemy furnace, and all the people watching the battle closed their eyes and breathed deeply. The pharmacists in zhulanglou were really not simple, and they were so rich before they became the alchemy.On the other side of the cloud Xiuyi put the fire spirit flower into Shennong cauldron, and then put an unknown array on it. After that, there was no movement.

Ye Xingming disdains to hum, and knows that he is a fake.

Because of time, ye Xingming didn't choose the most difficult and time-consuming pill. He only made a second grade Juying pill. However, it took so short a time to produce such a quality pill. People who watched the battle already admired it.

After opening the furnace to collect Dan, ye Xingming is very proud of looking at yunmo, "you still have time to admit defeat now. It's not a shame to lose to me."

Seeing that yunmo ignored him, he was not angry. Instead, he said to the people watching the battle, "I'm happy today. This second grade baby pill will be sent to you later."

Oh, my God! Send?

The crowd immediately boiling, the two products Juying Dan market price of 1000 gold coins, ye Xingming actually said to send, zhulanglou pharmacist is heroic.

The atmosphere in yunmo Pavilion is in full swing, but there is still no movement in yunmo. People's expectations at the beginning gradually become doubts, then disappointment, and even feel embarrassed for yunmo.

Although the pharmacists who lost to zhulanglou are not ashamed, after all, there are only seven famous pharmacists in zhulanglou, including Wen Li and ye Xingming.

However, yunmo's previous deeds are too legendary. How much they expect from him, how disappointed they are now.

In the face of the ups and downs of people's emotions, Yun Xiuyi always looks down at the Shennong cauldron in front of him, carefully controlling the temperature of zhurong's fire.

Just when ye Xingming is ready to comfort yunmo not to abandon himself, he finally withdraws the array above Shennong Ding.

In a flash, the aura of yunmo Xuan overflowed. Not to mention that the people who were watching the battle were shocked by the rich aura, even the people outside yunmo Xuan were attracted.

After a while, yunmo Xuan was full of people. Those who couldn't get in stood on tiptoe outside and stretched their necks to look in. Everyone had to stand firm to prevent being pushed down by the people coming behind.

"You --"

Ye Xingming fluctuates. This person is not a human! In a short time, unexpectedly - unexpectedly - he couldn't believe staring at the alchemy furnace in front of yunmo.

After he received Dan, he finished what he had stammered for a long time before, "Sanpin Zhenyuan Dan? Yunmo, you are poisonous

Hearing the words of Sanpin Zhenyuan pill, the people present, including the cloud family, became more excited. How lucky they were to witness a Sanpin pill refined in front of them.

This is enough for them to go out and boast for a long time, and will be told to future generations.

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