In the face of the shock and excitement of everyone, the client cloud Xiu clothes can't see a trace of emotional change, this three grade pill is in her expectation.

If huolinghua, shennongding and zhurong huozhong can't make her produce three kinds of elixir, it's her who doubts herself now, not ye Xingming.

Ye Xingming lost quickly and recovered faster.

"Well, I'm not the one who can't afford to lose. If I lose, I will lose. But you are both huolinghua and zhurong kindling. This tripod should be the real Shennong tripod! If you can't make three kinds of pills in this way, I'll have doubts about Yun Xiu's eyes. "

He found himself a step down, and the spectators also felt that it was very reasonable. They didn't feel that ye Xingming really lost, but the herbs and utensils used were not as good as yunmo.


Ye Xingming suddenly came to yunxiuyi's side and said with a smile, "you Shennong Ding and zhurong kindling are playing with me! How about a complete return to Zhao? "

"Borrow it?"

Seeing that yunmo finally took care of himself, ye Xingming hurriedly took advantage of the victory and pursued, "of course, you are willing to give it to me! If you are willing to send it, I will not be polite to you! " He said and laughed more brightly!


"So cheerful?"

He's going to change his mind. He's not difficult to get along with! Such a valuable thing to borrow, ye Xingming can't wait to reach for Shennong Ding, but is stopped by Yunxiu clothes.

"What, regret?" He chuckled, "it's hard for a gentleman to catch up with a word! So many people are listening to what you just said! It's not so good to spread the word without faith! "

"I can borrow you."

Cloud Xiu clothes mouth a Yang smile, ye Xingming only feel a cool aftereffect, feel like a simple innocent rabbit, was a cunning wolf stare at, "and then? What are the conditions


"What conditions?" Ye Xingming looks at yunmo warily, and even thinks that he is similar to Yunxiu's clothes. "What's the condition? You can say directly that I've sold myself to Yunxiu's clothes now. What's the condition that can't be accepted?"

Cloud Xiu clothes back to stop Ye Xingming's hand, motioned under Shennong Ding, ye Xingming Leng understood her meaning, immediately happily took Shennong Ding in the past.

He was enjoying the Shennong cauldron happily when he heard the people next to him say, "I can't mention the salary in the future."


Ye Xingming's hand almost threw Shennong Ding to the ground. What did he just hear? No more pay?

Is this human language? The girl in Ningxue building has signed the contract of selling herself. How many gold coins are there every month! He hasn't signed the deed of sale yet! How come even those girls are inferior?

He hates it!

"It doesn't matter if I don't want to. I'll explain your situation with Xiuyi when I go back. I'll pay you according to the standard."

"You --"

Ye Xingming is going to cry. They are depriving the working people of their human rights. They are squeezing him. He - he - OK! He won't fight.

"That's fine!" Ye Xingming clenched his teeth, "no salary, no salary. The pharmacist in zhulanglou doesn't lack these gold coins." After these words, ye Xingming immediately turns around with Shennong Ding.

No one saw his face in deep sorrow.

When it came to this place, it didn't end naturally. Before ye Xingming stopped grieving, those who watched the war began to ask, "Mr. Ye, er pin Juying pill."

Ye Xingming turns around blankly, "what?"

"You said you would choose one of us to give away the second grade Juying pill you refined." Another person nearby added, trying to wake up Ye Xingming's memory.

After such a reminder, ye Xingming immediately remembered what he had said, but just now he said it because he was happy, but now he is not happy.

Ye Xingming stares at yunmo fiercely. It's all the man's fault. As a result, before he takes his eyes back, he hears yunmo say, "a gentleman's word is hard to catch up. So many people are witnesses. Do you want to break your promise?"

"You talk a lot."

This person is really not easy to get along with, but also very resourceful, even deliberately use his words to anger him, too much!

Being despised by a chatterbox, yunxiuyi doesn't know whether to be proud or sad, but what she wants to say has already been said, and she doesn't say much.

In fact, ye Xingming is not distressed by such a second grade julingdan. He is just unhappy and uncomfortable.

When his breath was a little smooth, he pointed out his index finger to the top of the head of the group of people in front of him and said, "little rooster, whoever you order, you can choose."Then he pointed to a bearded man and said, "here you are. Here you are."

It seems that the bearded man didn't expect that good luck would hit him. He didn't respond for a long time. Until several people pushed him to congratulate him, he realized that ye Xingming had picked him.

He was overjoyed to go forward, other people are also very cooperative to make way for him. When ye Xingming put the second grade Juying pill in his hand, the bearded man cried with joy. No one could persuade him.

This improvised competition finally ended in the atmosphere of several families' happiness and sorrow. When they left yunmoxuan, they were still talking about it with relish.

It is said that there is no overnight revenge, ye Xingming's forgetfulness seems to be much more than normal people, people's free time has forgotten all the unhappiness before.

No matter whether yunmo has left or not, he has gone to the backyard to develop pills with shennongding happily.


Two months later, the long silent rosefinch street became lively again.

As early as a few days ago, it was said that elder Xingchen of Tianji pavilion was going to select new disciples on behalf of Tianji Pavilion. Although there were only three places, all the young practitioners had the opportunity, and they were fair and just.

As soon as the news came out, the younger generation of the major families were in a state of preparation, waiting for the arrival of stardust.

Even Yun Jinyan can't help running to find Yun Xiuyi, hoping that she can represent the Yun family in the selection competition of new disciples of Tianji Pavilion.

You should know that to enter Tianji Pavilion for further study is not only the recognition of your own ability, but also the supreme glory of your family, so how many children of your family are sharpening their heads.

Yunxiuyi thought, this star dust in Daiyunshan didn't kill her already enough anger, she at this time take the initiative to send to the door is not asking for trouble?

Besides, she is not interested in Tianji Pavilion.

Yun Jinyan didn't hold much hope. Seeing that Yun Xiuyi was tough, he gave up the idea.

Now the cloud family is more and more powerful, and there is no Luo family. Even the new fourth family, which family should replace Junlin, is consulting him. All this makes Yun Jinyan very proud.

And the constant stream of visitors, although Yun Jinyan knew that they were all power climbers, he was greatly satisfied with his vanity.

In the heart also often sigh, the cloud family has finally become the cloud family before.

Also secretly relieved a breath, fortunately cloud family didn't bury in his hand.

So even if Yun Xiuyi doesn't want to participate in the Tianji Pavilion new disciple selection competition, it's nothing. Since she doesn't want to, let her go!

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