Tianji pavilion's new disciple selection competition is finally in the spotlight, and the arrival of Xingchen is also full of the expectations and hopes of all the younger generation.

Yunxiuyi devoted himself to alchemy and cultivation, and was promoted to the third level of Lingshi. With the help of moxilou, the fire of Queling was well controlled, and Qingyao became more and more optimistic because of Yunxi's care.

Everything is very comfortable and quiet.

She didn't want to take part in such activities as Tianji pavilion's new disciple selection competition. However, he Yun's family is the organizer of this activity, and Junlin must be present to call her names.

No way, she can only sit on one side all the way.

There are a lot of people participating in the trials. Except for Jun Shaoqin, Zuo Qiong and Zuo sangyan, the others are all new faces. After all the people have chosen their opponents well, some are nervous, some are confident, and others have nothing to do like Zuo Qiong.

As soon as she saw yunxiuyi, she took Zuo sangyan and ran over, saying hello to yunxiuyi from a long distance, "yunxiuyi, here."

When she ran in front of yunxiuyi, she blinked her big eyes at Zuo sangyan excitedly, while Zuo sangyan immediately turned red behind her, "don't make trouble, you'll have to compete later!"

"Brother, can you be brave?"

Said she left sangyan pull to his side, said to cloud Xiuyi, "cloud Xiuyi, my brother really good, you marry him will be very happy."

For the first time, Yun Xiuyi looked at Zuo sangyan seriously. He was gentle and scholarly. His eyes were always dodging intentionally or unintentionally. He should be a master who was afraid of right and wrong.

And cloud Xiu dress itself is a right and wrong, this person good end of how to have interest to her?

"Yunxiuyi, where can you find a sister-in-law like me! Not only there is no contradiction, but also we can get along very harmoniously. "

"I don't like men."

"Yun Xiuyi's words not only shocked Zuo Ruo and Zuo sangyan, but also stopped Mo Xilou.

Knowing that they misunderstood, Yun Xiuyi said, "I don't like women either."

That's what he meant. Zuo urged, "brother, have I ever said that I would never marry in my life? It's similar to what Yun Xiuyi said

Getting Zuo sangyan's response, Zuo continued, "but now? Hit yourself in the face. " Knowing that it was impossible for her to marry Junfu, she fancied that she would marry him. She even thought about what to wear.

When she thought of it, a trace of depression flashed in her eyes.

"Here you are."

Mo Xi Lou goes to the place next to Yun Xiu Yi and sits down, not ready to join their conversation.

But Zuo Fu was surprised again. "Yunxiuyi, you should take the initiative to say hello to others. It's amazing. What's the relationship between you two?"

She recalled it carefully. It seemed that Yun Xiu Yi did stay with this man every time. All she knew was that this man was Uncle Jimo's adopted son, Mo Xilou. She didn't know anything about the rest. Even the commander didn't know what he looked like.

"Oh! I see. You find comfort in Yunxiu's clothes, so you get close to her, right? Both of you have no practice, so you have a common topic! "

It must be so, otherwise how can there be the word "birds of a feather flock together"!

"Don't worry. My brother and I won't dislike you. What's the matter without cultivation and life palace? It's much better than that

Zuolu chirped a lot and didn't feel tired at all. Yunxiuyi thought that she should compete with Ye Xingming to see who can say the last word.

"Yunxiuyi, is he dumb! Why don't you say a word? "

Zuo said and was ready to lift the hat of Mo Xi Lou. "It's so stuffy. It's hard to wear it. I'll take it off for you to breathe."

Just when her fingertip was only one finger away from Mo Xi Lou's bamboo hat, her brain suddenly went blank. When she recovered, she looked at her hand which was still hanging in the air for no reason. What was she doing?

In other people's eyes, Zuoli suddenly put out her hand to lift the hat of Mo Xi Lou, and then suddenly took back her hand as if she didn't want to lift it again.

At this time, the arena suddenly became lively. It turned out that Xingchen came with the disciples of Tianji Pavilion. All of them were arrogant and disdainful in the face of envious eyes around them.

Among them, a veiled woman attracted many people's attention.

Although she can't see her face clearly with her veil covered, her exposed eyes tell everyone her beauty, and her graceful posture is even more imaginative."Isn't this Luo Yan'er?"

At a glance, Zuo recognized the veiled woman, "I heard! After she was brought back to Tianji Pavilion by Xingchen, she bowed to his door. "

Zuo Li's tone was rather sour, "it's good to have contacts! It's not like we have to take part in the trials. We have to win so many people to go to Tianji Pavilion. But -- "

She said mysteriously, "have you heard that Luo Yan'er is disfigured! It seems that she is in Daiyunshan, so she has nothing to admire. "

"I know she was hurt by a ghost car, and we were all there at the time." Zuo sang said.

"Yes! You are all members of the same team. I -- "before Zuo Lian finished speaking, there was the drum sound of the beginning of the game. She said goodbye to Yun Xiuyi and took Zuo sangyan to prepare.

After Zuo left, the world became quiet. Even Guan Guan, who had been sleeping in the heaven and earth cauldron, sighed, "this girl is so boring."

The competition mechanism of this trial is not complicated.

In accordance with the previous draw, the opponents will fight each other first, because there is a big gap in strength in the preliminary competition. The first round of screening ends quickly, and the next several rounds are more time-consuming and more wonderful.

Finally, Jun Shaoqin, brother and sister of the left family and other three families entered the final.

Jun Shaoqin was alienated by Junlin because of the relationship between the Luo family. Originally, he was only one step away from the throne, but now he is out of reach.

Where is he willing to change his fate? So all hope is placed in the Tianji Pavilion new disciple selection competition. As long as you enter the Tianji Pavilion, your father will regain his trust and favor.

The other three families are more responsible and under more pressure.

Now the position of the fourth family is vacant. If they are successfully selected as the disciples of Tianji Pavilion, half of their families will become the new fourth family.

Zuo's brothers and sisters are much more relaxed, especially Zuo. She would not have been willing to participate in the competition if she had not been forced by her father Zuo Qiumeng.

What's good about Tianji pavilion? How comfortable is she at home? Open your mouth when you eat, and reach for your clothes when you wear.

When she got to Tianji Pavilion, she lost her freedom. She had to do everything by herself. I heard that there were all kinds of classes. She had to get up early every day and go to Tianji pavilion every night. So what did she plan for?

However, more and more afraid of what, more and more what.

Zuo's opponent made mistakes because he was too nervous. Zuo wanted to let him, but he didn't give him a chance. Finally, Zuo easily won the competition and became the first official disciple of Tianji Pavilion.

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