Although Jun Shaoqin's talent is not high among these young people, he has long been a level seven warrior because of his own efforts, and it will be sooner or later for him to break through into a level one martial arts master.

Although his opponent fought hard, he was defeated in the end.

This scene happened to be seen by the king's landing who came to watch the battle. He had clapped his hands and praised it before, but now, under the protection of the close attendant, he walked past the arena without squinting.

Jun Shao Qin's joy gradually turned to loss when he saw Jun Lin. when he saw Jun Fu coming with him, he clenched his hands into a fist and showed his intention to kill.

Because of the arrival of King's landing, the trials became more intense and lively, and Zuo sangyan, who played the last duel, also felt unprecedented pressure.

Because the strength of both sides is equal, the game fell into a stalemate at the beginning.

Zuo sangyan's opponent is a weapon cultivator who practices with sword. The sword and light are crisscrossed, and the move is fierce. The force is to force Zuo sangyan to show his flaws, but Zuo sangyan always defends and does not make any counterattack.

As soon as they come and go, one attack and one defense, no one has the tendency to lose the battle. In the end, it turns into a battle of physical exhaustion for two people.

Zuo sangyan looks weak, but in fact calm, no matter strength or physical strength did not let the other side account for half of the benefits.

Just as the physical strength of both sides was gradually exhausted, Zuo sangyan's defense suddenly revealed a flaw. When the other side saw the opportunity coming, he stabbed him with a sword. Zuo sangyan sidestepped to avoid and could get out of the way, but still let the sword cut the ribbon of his hair.

The sword passed away in the wind, and Zuo sangyan's head was covered with green silk, which made the harmless face more miserable.

Everyone thinks Zuo sangyan is going to lose. Only yunxiuyi and moxilou make eye contact. This man looks good and deceiving, but it's not simple.

On the stage, the man saw that he had the advantage and planned to attack again. Unexpectedly, Zuo sangyan behind him suddenly approached him and wrapped his spirit power around his opponent's sword.

The man originally wanted to accumulate power to give Zuo sangyan the last blow. His sword was suddenly entangled by the spirit power and lost his square inch. With a shake of his hand, the sword turned to stab him. It was too late for him to stop power, so he could only watch his sword sink into his belly.

In a flash, the sword Qi knocked him down on the stage, and his eyes gradually faded.

When the game was over, everyone seemed to be lost. For a moment, they fell into a strange silence. I don't know who yelled "dead man!" All the people responded.

Although there is no eye on the field, but every trial is to the end, never make a human life.

The people next to the stage are in a mess, and Zuo sangyan on the stage is also flustered.

He nervously ran to check the man's injury, and immediately knelt down in front of the king's landing after confirming that he had returned to heaven without surgery, "holy, I didn't mean to."

Jun Lin looked as usual, but he didn't say anything. On the contrary, Xingchen beside him excused Zuo sangyan and said, "holy, I think this child is good."

Jun Lin's sight was fixed on Zuo sangyan and asked Xingchen, "how do you say that?"

"He just wanted to hand over the sword. It was the child who repaired it who was so murderous that he hurt himself."

"Oh," the king said. He didn't agree or oppose it. After a long silence, he said, "since elder Xingchen likes this child, do it according to elder Xingchen's idea."

Get Junlin's consent, Xingchen immediately jumped to the stage, will kneel on the ground zuosangyan up, announced to the public this game by him to win.

In the end, the three places for the new disciples of Tianji Pavilion belong to Jun Shaoqin and the left brothers and sisters.

At the end of the trial, Yun Xiuyi didn't want to stay any longer. Unexpectedly, Luo Yan'er came out again and said, "holy Lord, all my elder martial brothers want to see Xiuyi's elegant demeanor. How about having her compete with the ninth princess?"

Hearing that she was named, Jun Jinyao immediately refused, "how can sister Yun compete with me?"

Although she doesn't want to boast about herself, no one in their generation is her rival except seven brothers. Besides, yunxiuyi doesn't even have a palace of life?

"Princess nine, you misunderstood me. You don't know. Sister Xiuyi doesn't practice, but her martial arts are good."

"Are you asking me not to use psychic power?"

"Of course, you can't use the spirit power. It's just a duel. The ninth princess should not look down upon Xiuyi's elder sister. We were all seriously injured in Daiyun mountain that day, but she didn't do anything

Seeing that Jun Jinyao had been shaken by his own words, Luo Yan'er continued, "I also overheard that a group of mountain bandits wanted to plot against Xiuyi's elder sister that day, and all of them died in Daiyun mountain. Isn't it strange?"

Jun Jinyao remembers all kinds of things during this period. Yun Xiu's clothes are taken away by the ghost car, but he comes back alone without any damage. There are also those mountain bandits who died miserably.Because Aunt Yunxiu had no palace of life, she had no doubt about her. Now Luo Yan'er said that it was really strange everywhere.

After the match, Zuo Li, who was standing beside Yun Xiu's clothes, said, "Luo Yan'er is too shameless! Lie is coming. She is so arrogant because she is now a disciple of Tianji Pavilion and the emperor won't move her. "

Said Zuo Li lowered his voice, "although the rumor about the Luo family has been suppressed, but the fool can guess, it must not be so simple."

Who is Luo Rui? Will he go into seclusion because of Xiao fengran's death? And even if you hide yourself, do you still hide with the whole family?

And Xiao fengran, who is not much older than them. He was good at the palace banquet last time. If he was in a hurry, he would be in a hurry?

But her father didn't allow her to talk about it, so she had to rot all her doubts in her stomach!

"All right, all day long." Jun Lin suddenly got up and whispered in Jun Fu's ear. Then he heard Jun Fu say.

"My father ordered that in addition to the three who won the competition, Yun Xiuyi, the first lady of the cloud family, and Mo Xilou of the Jimo family also went to Tianji pavilion to study together for a month."

As soon as these words come out, people who haven't left are talking about it. It's obvious that Junlin is biased! But then again, they just went to study for a month, not as formal disciples. It seems that there is nothing wrong with them.

"Wow! Yunxiu clothes, you are lucky! You can go to Tianji Pavilion and stay for only one month. " Zuoluo Du's mouth was full of envy.

Sight sweeps to Luo Yan'er's gloomy eyes and sympathizes again, "but Luo Yan'er is also in Tianji Pavilion. She can't figure out how to bully you!"

Yunxiuyi and moxilou make eye contact again.

Cloud Xiuyi asked: what is the meaning of Jun Lin?

Mo Xilou: to test you, I'm just covering up.

It seems that Junlin doesn't take Luo Yaner's words seriously on the surface, but she has doubts in her heart. Before, she hid her strength because she is not the opponent of Luo Rui and others, for fear of causing death.

Now Luo Rui has dug her own grave, and the cloud family has become the first family of Dongyue empire. She is no longer afraid, and there is no need to hide it.

All of a sudden, a gust of wind came in from the entrance of the alley, and a piece of Brucea Javanica fluttered its wings to the sky, and the fallen feathers whirled into the sky.

Mo Xi Lou's eyes sank, and he passed a divine thought to Yun Xiu Yi, "be careful, someone's coming."

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