The words sound falls, a few dark nails "SA --" take advantage of the wind to quickly fight to the direction of the race platform, the five passers-by who have been hit have not yet issued a scream, then stare at the eyes and fall down.

Then there was a flash of blue light and a sound of dragon singing in the clear sky.

In the blink of an eye, the dark clouds fill the clear sky, whistling in the sky, cutting the thunder and lightning, and the bloody smell diffuses in the previously noisy stadium.

Now it's dead.

"Ah --"

"Ding Ding Ding" the sound of several dark nails hitting each other, mixed with a scream, resounded through the sky. The living people began to flee everywhere, and there was a sense of sadness in front of them.

Before she knew what was going on, the figure in front of her flickered and her ears roared. As soon as she got up to prepare for the battle, the three men who escaped from her stopped and were lying dead on the spot.

She shivered and quickly stepped back. Someone behind her helped her. It was Zuo sangyan, "father asked me to take you."

One after another, the mourning and scarlet bloomed in the wind, the accumulation of debris was ferocious and terrifying, and the strong breath almost choked people. All this seemed like a disaster, only happened in a flash.

When the wailing stopped, Luo Rui led a group of people to quickly surround the stadium, "since you are all here, then we will solve you together."

Jun Lin was horrified by the killing intention in his eyes. He couldn't help but squint his eyes, and Yuan baby in his body also turned quickly.

Junfu, who was beside him, immediately stood in front of him, and with the close attendant, he protected Junlin tightly in the center, "father, you go back to the Palace first, and give it to me here."

Luo Rui this time is aimed at the king to come, how can easily let him go, eyes closely staring at him.

And the star dust around Junlin has already taken Luo Yan'er to one side to comfort her, "don't worry, your father is well prepared, you can watch him subvert the East moon empire!"

Luo Yan'er nodded after listening, but his face was worried.

Jun Shaoqin, on the other side of the platform, keeps wandering between Luo Rui and Jun Lin, but he only struggles for a moment and then retreats to one side.

Since it was his father who gave him up first, no wonder he was merciless.

After a moment's confrontation, Luo Rui waves his hand, and all the Luo family members around the arena rush forward to fight with Jun Lin's close attendants. In an instant, the swords and swords collide with each other.

Jun supports Jun Lin, and Jun Jinyao blocks Luo Rui. However, there is a great disparity in strength. Jun Jinyao's feet move, and he can't hurt Luo Rui at all, no matter from a distance or close.

Luo Rui teases Jun Jinyao for not defeating her. Like a cat and mouse, he enjoys the cruelty and pleasure of teasing her.

Mingming is at a disadvantage at the beginning, but junjinyao doesn't give up at all. She focuses on Luo Rui's flaws.

Her spirit beast Nanhai butterfly is also shining blue and purple because of her strong consciousness.

After confirming that she can't find Luo Rui's flaw, Jun Jinyao condenses all her spiritual power in the palm of her hand and tries her best to move to Luo Rui quickly under the cover of Nanhai butterfly.

Luo Rui looks at Jun Jinyao's desperate appearance, and a creepy smile comes out of the corner of his mouth. He doesn't hide or flash in the face of Jun Jinyao's spiritual power.

Ruins, human purgatory, the original bustling streets are empty, the whole Zhuque street has become cold and quiet, almost all people hide at home waiting for the end of the disaster.

And in the dust, there are two people sitting on the sidelines of the stadium, not affected.

"No help?"

"You can't help me."

Mo Xi Lou looked at the motionless cloud Xiu clothes beside her eyes, "why should I save people for you?"

There Jun Jin Yao's spiritual power has not yet hit Luo Rui, then it turns into a little firefly. Without waiting for her to step back, Luo Rui forces her to the front of her eyes again, "beyond measure."

Jun Jinyao is wrapped up in a terrible spirit.

When Lingli pierces Jun Jinyao's body, she seems to be able to hear the sound of skin tearing. Her heart cools for a moment, and she immediately calls Nanhai butterfly, but she watches Nanhai butterfly shot down by a blue light.

As the spirit power stabbed deeper and deeper, her heart sank.

Junfu wants to go to save her, but is entangled by several Luo family members. Looking at junjinyao's desperate eyes, he feels that something has blocked his chest and made him unable to breathe.

And then I saw that Yunxiu clothes had never been released. An unprecedented mood was spreading, sour, disappointed and mixed.

Seeing that Jun Jinyao was about to lose her beauty, Yun Xiu's clothes finally moved.

She bent down and picked up a small stone, broke through the air and hit the circle of Lingli that tightly wrapped Jun Jinyao.The stone is tiny, but it can break Luo Rui's spirit power array.

She points on her toes and catches Jun Jinyao, who is flapped by her spiritual power. She puts her hand on her chest and heals several fatal wounds, but she doesn't notice.

Mo Xi Lou, who is still in the original place, shakes her head slightly, knowing that she is ruthless and can't help her.

Seeing that his spirit power array was broken, Luo Rui's face changed. "I can't see that you little trash still have some skills. You broke my array."

Cloud Xiu clothes don't think so, "is your array too good to break."

Jin Yao, the king in her arms, came back from the fear of just now. When she looked up and saw Yun Xiu's clothes, the first sentence was, "what Luo Yan'er said is true?"

"Does it matter?"

Although Jun Jinyao was silent, she replied that it was not important.

Luo Rui is very angry by Yun Xiuyi's words. This little waste insults him. However, although he is angry, Luo Rui still remembers that the main purpose today is to solve the problem of Junlin.

If today let him escape, and then want to find a chance to deal with him, I'm afraid it's not easy, "I'll deal with you later." He didn't fight with yunxiuyi, and planned to kill Junlin directly.

Jun Fu saw that Jun Jinyao was saved. Before he was relieved, he saw that Luo Rui was in front of him and quickly entered the battle.

Luo Yan'er, who had been waiting beside him, saw that Yun Xiu's clothes were in the limelight again. He was so angry that he yelled, "bitch, today's Zhuque street is full of blood because of you. They're right. You're born unknown. You're a disaster to the country and the people."

His father's pot should be rightfully thrown on her body, cloud Xiu clothes angry, it is time to calculate with Luo Yan'er Ning snow building and night time bead account.

Luo Yan'er suddenly feels that she is surrounded by the cold, and she moves towards the stardust in fear.

See a gray yuan baby slowly float in cloud Xiu clothes top of the head fast rotation, she gaped at her, seven level spirit? What's wrong with her?

It's impossible. How can Yun Xiu Yi be a seven level spirit? Even she is just a fifth order spirit.

Yunxiu clothes release the spirit power wantonly in the space, like a dragon visiting the sea, like a phoenix flying nine days, a trace of light with light gold flowing slowly.

It's not necessary to hide your strength, but it's also important to keep some cards. Yunxiu clothes deliberately suppress yuan baby's color into gray and disguise himself as a seven level spirit.

"Bitch, don't you have a palace of life? How is it possible to practice

Cloud Xiu clothes did not pay attention to Luo Yan'er, but with practical action to answer her, she also happened to cultivate.

The light of light gold seems to flow irregularly, but it forms a boundary between Luo Yan'er and Xingchen.

When Stardust finds out, the boundary has become.

It's not good for him to cry in secret. He just wanted to stay out of the trouble, but now he has to join the battle. With a wave of his hands, his spiritual power keeps hitting the border with the swing of his sleeve. He plans to solve the old and new hatred together and get rid of Yunxiu's clothes as soon as possible.

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