Yun Xiuyi puts Jun Jinyao on the seat where he just sat, and instructs Mo Xilou to take care of her, while he turns to Xingchen and Luo Yaner.

Both of them tried their best to kill her. Today they must learn some lessons.

As soon as Yunxiu's clothes left, junjinyao asked Mo Xilou nervously, "even if she is the seventh level spirit, she can't kill Xingchen at all. Please advise her to come back quickly and don't make unnecessary sacrifice."

"She knows she can't kill stardust."

Hear Mo Xi Lou say so, Jun Jin Yao is anxious, "know to still send to death?"

Cloud Xiu clothes are not people who will die, so they use the border to trap Xingchen, even if they can't kill, torture is always enjoyable.

There is Luo Yan'er, who is really disgusting. She should be more comfortable if she is ruined. But she seems determined to keep up with her. In that case, come on!

Cloud Xiu clothes from heaven and earth Ding out yesterday just refining moment Fanghua, use the spirit power to transport to the border.

She used to practice medicine and poison. Although she doesn't have many opportunities to use poison, refining and making poison is her hobby. No, there are many poisons in the heaven and earth cauldron.

Although the irrigation in the heaven and earth cauldron can't see the scene outside, it must be very bloody and brutal just listening to the sound. Now I see Yunxiu's clothes take out Fanghua in an instant, and it's even more frightening to keep shaking its feathers.

Although Fanghua is not a fatal poison at that moment, it can make people's face age instantly. It is the most effective way to deal with Luo Yan'er, a woman who loves beauty so much.

Irrigation shows that she is in love.

Luo Yan'er was injured and destroyed by a ghost car in Daiyun mountain. He was depressed in Tianji Pavilion for a long time, and no one wanted to see him without tea.

For the past two months, I have been looking for medicine to restore my face. I finally got a prescription a few days ago.

After several attempts, the scar on her face became lighter gradually. As long as she insisted, she would recover to the previous appearance in time.

And this time she traveled with Xingchen, she regained her confidence in her appearance.

Luo Yan'er and Xingchen in the border don't know that they have been poisoned by Fanghua for a moment, until Jun Shaoqin, who is not far away, shouts at Luo Yan'er.

"Yan'er, your hair is so white."

Luo Yan'er only thought she had heard wrong, but when she looked down at her hair, she screamed. She picked up her hair and looked left and right. When she saw the snow white, she was breathing more and more quickly.

"What's going on? What's going on? How good hair white? "

She emotional to seek help next to the star dust, but see star dust eye socket deep, wrinkled face, scared back and forth.

She was vaguely aware of something in her heart, but she didn't want to believe it.


Luo Yan'er shakes her hands to pull off the veil on her face, and shakes her hands to caress her face. First, she lightly touches it. After touching the skin that is no longer smooth, she stares at her eyes and suddenly takes a breath.

Then I couldn't believe it. I felt my face desperately. Except rough or rough, it was as lifeless as dry bark.

She looked at her hand again, "no --"

This pair of dry hands is not hers. She sat down on the ground crying, her mouth changed from hoarseness to muttering, "no, it's not me, it's not me, it's not me..."

Not far away Jun Shaoqin sees Luo Yan'er's aging appearance, I was too scared to say a word.

See Luo Yan'er nearly collapse, not to mention comfort, he kept dodging sight not to see Luo Yan'er, afraid that she suddenly called himself.

Even if he is no longer favored, he is also the fourth Prince of Dongyue empire. What kind of woman can't he find? How can you be entangled by an ugly old woman?

Compared with Luo Yan'er's collapse and despair, Xingchen is much more calm. He stares at Yun Xiu's clothes fiercely, "what have you done?"

Don't they see what they've done?

Cloud Xiuyi just want to continue to strengthen the border, cloud Jinyan don't know where to come out, emotional wave hands, for a long time to speak, "Xiuyi, when did you recover? Why didn't you tell the second uncle? "

Yun Jinyan is full of tears. Who says that their cloud families are cowards? Who says their cloud families are not talented?

Fifteen years old is the seventh level spirit! How many people can't match this speed?

Without waiting for Yun Xiuyi to reply, Luo Rui has defeated Jun Fu. "Jun Lin, if it wasn't for you, my Luo family would not have come to this place."

"Up to now, you still don't know how to repent." The arrival of the emperor is not surprising, but Luo Rui has failed to live up to his expectations.He is afraid that the cloud family will always be the first family when several families come to this stage. He just wants them to know that even the first family of Dongyue Empire doesn't mean they are the same.

But how can Luo Rui not understand?

"I've been waiting for 15 years, Junlin. I've done so many things for Dongyue empire with all my heart, but you never turn a blind eye to it and cover up this loser everywhere."

Luo Rui reaches out his hand and points to Yun Jinyan, hoping to tear him to pieces. "What's the qualification of being the head of the first family?"

By Luo Rui pointed to the nose scold, cloud Jinyan angry red face, but this situation this scene is not suitable to scold back, can only stand on one side big eyes stare small eyes. But the thought that Yun Xiu's clothes were the seventh level spirit comforted him.

How dare he say that all of them are losers? His own precious daughter is not as good as his great niece!

Luo Rui killed red eyes, "now I can't turn back, only to overthrow you, overthrow the Empire of the East moon, my Luo family will have a ray of life, king, die!"

If he can become the leader of Dongyue Empire, the strength of Junlin can not be underestimated. Only when he meets his face, Luo Rui is in a disadvantage. He passively resists the attack of Junlin and has no chance to fight back.

But cloud Xiu clothes this side, Luo Yan son already evil Zheng, only star dust reason still exists.

"Little waste, those who know the truth will let me out quickly. What's the ability to trap me? We have a fair competition. " She'll die convinced.

Fool will be fair and aboveboard with him, their current strength disparity is not a bit, hard encounter is undoubtedly looking for death.

But with the strength of Xingchen, this barrier can only trap him for a while, not for a long time.

Just thinking about this, Luo Rui over there has been defeated, and other Luo family members have almost died together with Jun Lin's attendants. Now all that stands are Yun Xiuyi, Jun Lin, Yun Jinyan, Xingchen and Luo Yaner trapped in the border.

I thought that this catastrophe was over, but Mo Xi Lou, who had been sitting on the observation seat, suddenly got up and moved to Yun Xiu Yi.

Without waiting for her to ask what happened, she picked her up and jumped onto the roof.

Soon after that, their toes just touched the tiles, and the dark clouds above their heads suddenly churned violently, and then lightning broke through the clouds and hit the ground.

In an instant, the whole rosefinch street was turned into ruins.

People who originally thought that they could escape as long as they were hiding at home were buried in the ruins. Some of them escaped by chance, but they were struck by lightning again and fell on the way of escape in despair.

Above the clouds, a blue light loomed.

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