A flash of lightning splits to the boundary of Xingchen and luoyan'er. Xingchen just breaks the boundary at this time and pulls luoyan'er to flash to the side quickly.

Two people have not yet landed, the original border has been cut out of a dark hole by lightning.

Xingchen has no time to settle accounts with Yunxiu clothes. He looks up at the sky and quickly takes Luo Yan'er to leave this right and wrong place. Before leaving, he looks at Luo Rui who falls on the ground.

Luo Rui got up from the ground, and the smile on his face was still creepy, "Jun Lin, do you think this is the end? Innocence

Then he looked at Xiang Yun and said, "old waste, you've been hiding from Junlin for so many years. I'll give you a chance to confess to him and then send you two to die together."

Yun Jinyan was scared by the sudden situation, so he became more nervous after listening to Luo Rui.

"Dare not say? Or I'll say it for you

Luo Rui looks back at Jun Lin with a scornful smile on his face. "The waste you are partial to has concealed many things from you, such as 15 years ago..."

"Luo Rui!"

Yun Jin is flustered and shouts at Luo Rui. But the more he is, the more proud Luo Rui is. "Look at you, ha ha, the head of the first family of the East moon empire! It's disgusting to think that I've been under you. "

Luo Rui pointed to the sky, "see? Green dragon. "

He insidious smile, "you will not know how the rosefinch died until you die, Jun Lin, you don't know! Rosefinch died fifteen years ago! But this old trash has been hiding it from you. "

"You killed it?"

Yun Jinyan is afraid and asks.

"Fifteen years ago, I didn't have this ability. Do you want to know who killed Zhuque and yunyiyan? When you die, ask the king of hell

Above the sky, the blue light was rolling up and down, then diving straight down, and the green dragon appeared in front of people. Around the flash of lightning and thunder, wind swept around, Yun Jinyan and others were blown to the East and West.

And the Mo Xi Lou on the roof always protects Yun Xiu's clothes in his arms, but his eyes follow the green dragon closely.

In front of Qinglong, everyone is like a mole ant, and all his strength is insignificant. Luo Rui looks up at the sky with red eyes and smiles.

"Jun Lin, today I will let you see with your own eyes how the Empire of Dongyue was destroyed."

During the years when Qinglong was worshipped by the Luo family, he had already recognized Luo Rui as the main one, and now because of Luo Rui's consciousness, he became very tyrannical and swept everything.

In an instant, the whole Zhuque street was filled with grief and blood.

Jun Lin closed his eyes in pain. He knew more about the power of Qinglong than anyone else. He also knew that there was no one to stop him. Even if he called white tiger and Xuanwu, it would only intensify the situation more seriously, and finally lead to the end of life.

Thinking of what Luo Rui said just now, rosefinch is dead, he sighs.

For thousands of years, the four spirits have been the foundation for the prosperity of Dongyue empire. Now that the rosefinch has died and the green dragon has changed, it seems that heaven is going to destroy Dongyue!

"Luo Rui, what you want is nothing more than power and status. It's no good for you to destroy Dongyue Empire and kill Dongyue people. Let them go! I admit defeat and I will help you. "

Luo Rui doesn't care about Junlin's compromise. Since Xiao fengran poisoned Junlin, he and the Luo family can't go back. Now they are desperate.

"What if you don't give up? Without rosefinch, how do you think you can get green dragon

Today, he is going to destroy the Empire of Dongyue, and then build a new empire that belongs to him. First family? He is no longer rare.

Luo Rui orders, green dragon killed red eyes, where is still one of the four spirits at the moment, it is a ferocious monster.

With cries and collapses, I don't know how many people were buried in the ruins. They were still laughing and fighting the moment before, but their families were broken at this moment. Despair, fear, all the haze enveloped them, enveloped the whole empire of the East moon.

As Mo Xilou, he shouldn't have been involved in the affairs of Dongyue Empire, but after witnessing the tragedy, he couldn't help feeling fluctuating.

He has been paying attention to the movement of Qinglong, but suddenly feels the abnormality of Yunxiu clothes in his arms. He looks down at her and sees her sweating.

He realized that the fire of Queling had changed and quickly sealed it again.

However, before he had time to do something, yunxiuyi pushed him away, covered his chest and gasped for breath. With a dumb sound, yunxiuyi's body flashed red light, and a red light and shadow flickered on her body.

Junlin and Luo Rui didn't notice the situation of Yunxiu clothes. Only Qinglong sensed the fluctuation of spiritual power and kept churning over Yunxiu clothes.This kind of feeling was once experienced by Yun Xiuyi. In the forbidden area of Yun's family, the phantom of rosefinch flew towards her at that time. Maybe it's more intense now.

She is like a drowning person, countless hands around her to drag her to the abyss. Mo Xilou is right. She can't control the power of the fire of bird plume, but now she is only engulfed by the fire of bird plume.

She felt her Qi and blood churning, her body seemed to explode, and her spiritual power was unprecedented.

"Yunxiu clothes, come on, my feathers! Feather

Guanguan in the heaven and earth cauldron cried out, "rosefinch is going to wake up! You can't control her. Pluck my feathers and keep your mind, or you will die. "

Because of this sentence of irrigation, Junlin and Luo Rui look to this side at the same time.

Just at this time, the storm surged, a red light from the cloud Xiuyi body quickly spread around, all of us could not resist a few steps back.

I thought that his previous guess was very little, but today it has come true. Mo Xi Lou's sleeves are agitated, and the bamboo hat falls aside with the explosion of spirit power.

"Hold your heart and let me have the rest."

Mo Xi Lou's voice seems to have a magic power. Yun Xiu Yi feels that she is coming back little by little, and immediately gets rid of her thoughts and meditates with her knees crossed.

"Mo Xi Lou, long time no see." Although Yun Xiu Yi didn't open her mouth, a voice came from her body.

"She's my man."

Mo Xi Lou seems not to be surprised. Its voice is like a millennium glacier. It's cold to the bone marrow, and its words are irresistible.

Who knows cloud Xiu clothes body of that voice but a light smile, "I stay for 15 years of container is your person?"? I haven't seen you in a hundred and eighty years. You're joking. "

"Her body is not something you can occupy at will."

"What about yours?" The voice once again chuckled, "your soul will soon disperse. Why don't you replace her as my container and I'll let her go?"

"I'm afraid you can't afford it."

The atmosphere in the heaven and earth cauldron dare not breathe. It can't afford to offend either of the two outside! But he felt that he should work hard, "well, excuse me! I just want to remind you, isn't your enemy the green dragon? Are you really good at this time? "

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