"That's right. The most urgent thing is to solve this bug. We'll settle the accounts later."

Voice down, cloud Xiu clothing has been encroached on the divine sense, her eyes closed, sitting in place, the body of red light slowly gathered, a fire bath rosefinch appeared above her, looking down at the world.

Luo Rui is shocked to look at this scene, "how is it possible?" At the beginning, he saw rosefinch die under that man's hands. How could he still be alive?

At the moment of seeing rosefinch, Junlin, who had decided to give up the struggle, regained his confidence. With rosefinch, it is not known whether Luo Rui can destroy the Empire of Dongyue.

The most overjoyed is Yun Jinyan.

Luo Rui is dead when he wins this catastrophe, and Junlin is dead when he wins. But if Zhuque is still alive, everything will change. It seems that heaven doesn't want to kill his cloud family! No wonder the cloud family is back to life. It turns out that the rosefinch is awakening.

The three Hexagrams are Zhuque ligua, xuanwukan hexagram, Qinglong Zhengua and Baihu Dui hexagram.

It's war.

As the God of the South and the head of the four spirits, rosefinch always has an unshakable position.

For thousands of years, the four spirits have been consecrated by the four major families of the Dongyue empire. They have been guarding the country, guarding the homeland, fighting evil and regulating yin and Yang.


Fortunately, before the death of rosefinch's body, he put the last trace of divine knowledge on the newly born cloud Xiuyi, and had the chance of rebirth. Otherwise, Dongyue would die today.

"Qinglong, we are all four spirits. Do you have to go to this step?"

At this time, the flying dragon in the sky also opened his mouth, with a gloomy voice and angry eyes

The rosefinch cried and said, "well, each one is his own master. Do you remember that the mission of the four spirits is to protect the East moon, not to destroy the life of the East moon?"

"It's possessed. Why say more?"

Mo Xi Lou is worried that Yun Xiu's clothes are ill, and his patience has been lost. "Make a quick decision, if she has half a slip, I will break up your last trace of consciousness."

"I can't protect myself and I'm not ashamed. Don't worry, I don't want to damage her body."

"You have lost one of your bodies and one of your souls will be scattered. Do you still want to fight with me? It's beyond our capacity. "

Listen to these three old people, you quarrel with me one by one. They are all the same age. How can they be more childish than each other? If you want to fight, fight quickly!

The battle between rosefinch and green dragon is a collision between spirit and spirit, and also the first battle between the four spirits so far.

The rosefinch spreads its wings and goes up like a burning flame. The green dragon swoops down like a bolt of lightning. The sky and the earth change color instantly.

The two spirits meet in mid air, and the aura breaks the dike. The surrounding space is strongly distorted by the two waves of aura. All the people present except Mo Xilou are affected by the aura, and their skin is split inch by inch.

The jade hairpin between cloud Xiu's clothes and hair was shattered by Lingli, and three thousand green silk was disordered in the wind, which covered her pale face.

She gradually can't bear the rosefinch's powerful spiritual power, and her breath begins to muddle, and her expression is painful. Seeing this, Mo Xilou quickly casts a spell to protect her.

The rosefinch and the green dragon in the sky are entangled to fly through the clouds.

The clouds are red, green, green and red, and wave after wave of spiritual power drives the clouds to block out the sky and the sun, covering up the shadow of rosefinch and green dragon.

I don't know how long later, cloud Xiu clothes vomited a big pool of blood, slowly opened his eyes, the body also like remnant flocculent continuous backward.

Mo Xi Lou catches her. As soon as she takes her into her arms, she hears Yun Xiu Yi murmur, "rosefinch is seriously injured. I need you to help her seal the green dragon. Time is running out. Seal him directly in the heaven and earth cauldron."

Cloud Xiu clothes finish saying then fainting.

In the sky, the rosefinch and the green dragon pester and smash to the ground. While the green dragon has no time to distract, Mo Xilou sacrifices the heaven and earth tripod and forces it into the tripod together with the rosefinch.

"Do you want to trap me?"

Qinglong, who was forced into the heaven and earth cauldron, was unwilling to be subdued. He struggled in the cauldron, trying to break through the confinement imposed by Mo Xilou.

After several rounds of competition, Qinglong finally lost the battle and was successfully sealed in the heaven and earth cauldron.

The irrigation in the heaven and earth cauldron is shivering. It originally thought that the heaven and earth cauldron was very safe! But he doesn't want to stay with Qinglong all day.

After the successful seal of Qinglong, Mo Xilou consumed a lot of spiritual power, new wounds and old diseases. A strange and enchanting red light flashed in his eyes, and was soon suppressed by him.Rosefinch's situation is not good, there is no physical body of her this battle is actually with the divine sense in the war, "Mo Xi Lou, our account today is unable to calculate."

Said her phantom gradually dissipated, a wisp of if there seems to be no red gossamer slowly floating to cloud Xiu clothes, around her after a few circles disappeared in her body.

Until moxilou takes away the unconscious Yunxiu clothes, Junlin, yunjinyan, Luo Rui, Junfu and junjinyao do not recover from the shock just now. They stay in the same place for a moment, and their brains suddenly become blank. When they are clear again, the memory of this period gradually disappears.

At the end of the ruins, two middle-aged men dressed in black also had a moment of dull, and soon talked as usual, as if nothing had happened.

One of them was slightly surprised, "Qinglong actually lost. We underestimated Junlin."

The other one seems to have thought in his heart. He always feels that something is wrong, but he can't remember anything. Finally, he just thinks he is suspicious.

"Whether Luo Rui will succeed or not is in our plan."

The one who spoke earlier agreed, but he was worried when he thought that the royal family was so powerful.

"Now there are only two spirits left in the four spirits, and it will be sooner or later that the East moon will perish."

"But you guessed it. The girl of the cloud family is really hard to deal with. She is a seven level spirit at a young age."

"What about the seventh level spirit? The spirit beast has not awakened. "

It's strange here. It's reasonable to say that at this age, the talent of the seventh level spirit is extremely high, but since the talent is high, why does the spirit beast not wake up?

More than half a month after the disaster, Zhuque street was still in a depression. Although Junlin sent a large number of troops, the ruins were still not cleaned up.

And those displaced people can only stay in temporary shelters. Although they survived, they also suffered serious physical and psychological injuries, and were immersed in the sadness of their relatives leaving forever.

In order to appease these people and give them an account, Junlin ordered Luo Rui to be hanged in Zhuque street, and his head was displayed to the public on July 49th.

It is also a large amount of money to arrest other living Luo family members. Once they are arrested, they are all sentenced to death. If the other party resists, he can be killed on the spot, and he can get a reward with his head.

Luo Yan'er escaped the disaster because she was a disciple of elder Xingchen of Tianji Pavilion. Her sister Luo Rou was not so lucky. It is said that she survived by chance, but where she went is unknown.

Some said that he married Mr. Li as a concubine, while others said that he sold himself to Ningxue building.

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