Yun Xiuyi wakes up in his bed on the third day after the disaster. When he wakes up, he is surrounded by Qingyao, Yun Jinyan and others. They all look worried and dignified.

See her open eyes, everyone is overjoyed, ye Xingming quickly for her diagnosis and treatment, make sure she is safe, just a little at ease, mouth is complaining, "out of such a big thing, where did that cloud ink go?"

After complaining, don't forget to praise yourself, "I have to be there at the critical time, or you will!"

Standing behind Ye Xingming, Qingyao could only ask anxiously, "what's the matter? How's Xiuyi? What's the matter? "

Without waiting for ye Xingming to answer her, Yunxi comforted her, "don't worry, madam. The first lady is awake!"

"Just wake up, just wake up."

Although the stone in her heart has been put down, Qingyao's brow hasn't stretched. Before, she was always worried that Yunxiu's clothes would be bullied, but she was not afraid that she would leave her suddenly.

But now, her daughter is promising, and no one dares to bully their mother and daughter, but she begins to worry about the safety of Yunxiu clothes. She is always afraid that she will have an accident outside. It doesn't take long, and she has been injured several times.

Finally, Yun Jinyan is in a good mood. The Luo family, the dead enemy of the Yun family, is completely finished. Their Xiuyi is also restored.

It can be said that double happiness is on the way!

"Xiuyi! You should have a good rest first. Don't worry about other things. My uncle is here! Don't worry

Then he told ye Xingming, "Mr. Ye, no matter how precious the medicinal materials are, it doesn't matter. Xiuyi must be restored as soon as possible. She is a rare genius!"

Without waiting for Qingyao to feel strange, Yun Jinyan explained, "Qingyao, you have a great daughter. Xiuyi is a seven level spirit!"

All the people on the scene were stunned. Although Ye Xingming and Yunxi knew that Yunxiu's clothes were powerful, they didn't expect that she was already a seven level spirit.

"Wow! Cloud Xiu clothes, can't see! I have such a thick thigh. "

Because ye Xingming was rescued by Yunxiu clothes in Daiyun mountain, he digested the news most quickly among these stunned people, "in fact, you can compete with Xingchen that day, even if you can't fight, you should tease the old man."

Ye Xingming is still chirping, but Yun Xiu's clothes on the bed are in a bad mood. She is seriously injured, but now she is better.

There is no doubt that Mo Xilou must have saved her again.

She has a lot of questions in her heart. At last, she selects several important questions to ask Yun Jinyan. However, Yun Jinyan doesn't know anything about rosefinch at all, and doesn't know what happened to Mo Xilou. On the contrary, she wonders why Yun Xiuyi asks these questions.

From the version described by Yun Jinyan, we can know that the battle was that Junlin defeated Qinglong in the end, but they don't know where Qinglong went.

It's not easy to excuse the rest and let everyone leave. Yunxiuyi has a chance to ask about irrigation.

Irrigation spirit is not very good, the voice is dull.

"The identity of Mo Xi Lou can't be known to others, and the rosefinch in your body can't be known to others, so he eliminated their memory."

She quickly continued to ask, "where is Mo Xi Lou?"

"I don't know. On that day, he sealed Qinglong and cured your injury, and then he disappeared. However --" Guan Guan's tone suddenly became serious. "It seems that his condition is not very good!"

"What happened to him?"

"Don't hurt me! I'm just telling you the truth. It seems that his soul is going to disperse. I found it when he helped you to heal that day. "

Listen to the words of irrigation, cloud Xiu clothes immediately jumped down from the bed, she is about to see Mo Xi floor.

Guanguan in Qiankun Ding urged her, "don't worry! It's useless for you to find him. His soul is about to disperse. It's the fire of your bird feather that makes his soul reunite a little bit. "

"Since the fire of Queling can reunite his soul, I can help him. Why is it useless?"

Yun Xiuyi couldn't listen to irrigation's advice at all. In the twinkling of an eye, he had left the room and left Yun's house to avoid everyone.

"Oh! Why are you so stubborn! I haven't seen you care about anything before, so I'll tell you directly! The soul of Mo Xi Lou is gone. "

Yun Xiu Yi, who was walking fast, suddenly stopped, as if there was something buzzing in her ears. She couldn't really hear the sound.

What did she hear just now? The soul of Mo Xi Lou is gone?

Like to let cloud Xiu clothes completely dead, irrigation continued to say, "so you now find him useless, see him still useless, better stay at home!"Confusion is only a moment, soon cloud Xiu clothes and calm, the soul scattered how? No, there's the last ray of heaven!

Guanguan in the heaven and earth cauldron guessed the idea of Yunxiu's clothes, and tirelessly advised, "you really don't want to go to him! You will regret it

As if I had expected that yunxiuyi would come, jimochuan, one of the four families, had been waiting in front of the mansion. As soon as he saw yunxiuyi, he welcomed him. "He said you would come today. Let me wait for you here."

"I want to see moxilou."

"Nephew Yun Xian, go back! He doesn't see anyone now. "

"He's still alive?"

Jimochuan was stunned and replied, "of course." Then he continued, "don't worry about him. I'll take care of him. You've been seriously injured this time. You'd better go back and have a rest."! Don't let him down. "

"I'm not worried."

Make sure Mo Xi Lou is still alive, cloud Xiu clothes has completely recovered calm, tone also gradually slow, "Jimo uncle, I only go in to see him, won't disturb him."


Jimochuan seems to be struggling. After a while, he agrees again. "He's closed these days. It's reasonable that he shouldn't disturb him. In order to make you feel at ease, just have a look."

After that, yunxiuyi, led by jimochuan, went to the closed secret room of moxilou.

It was a natural ice cellar full of crystal stones. Although the practitioners were not afraid of the cold, Yun Xiu's clothes were still slightly shivered by the cold.

The irrigation in the heaven and earth cauldron exclaimed, "Yunxiu clothes, get out! I'm freezing to death! I'm a bird that needs to live in temperate zone! Are you trying to murder me? "


Jimochuan motioned for irrigation to be quiet, and said to yunxiuyi, "he's there, just have a look."

At the end of the chamber, the air was cold. The floor was like an ice sculpture sitting there. Even at such a close distance, I didn't feel the slightest anger.

Cloud Xiu clothes don't understand of hope to Jimo Chuan, with eyes to ask him Mo Xi Lou sure still alive?

Before Jimo Chuan could answer for her, Mo Xi Lou in front of her suddenly opened her eyes, but there was a strange and enchanting red light flashing at the bottom of her eyes.

Jimochuan yelled that he was not good. He quickly left with Yunxiu's clothes. Suddenly, the irrigation in the heaven and earth cauldron flapped its wings and yelled, "I told you not to look for him! What a bad luck

Yunxiu clothes still don't know what happened, Mo Xilou suddenly came forward and clapped on Jimo Chuan, Jimo Chuan immediately fell unconscious.

He quickly moved to yunxiuyi, his scarlet eyes were looking at her and even frightened. As if he didn't know yunxiuyi, he grabbed her by the neck and slowly lifted her up.

Everything happened so fast that Yun Xiu's clothes had fallen into Mo Xi Lou's hands before he could resist.

"Die, die! I'm sure I'll die this time! "

The irrigation in the heaven and earth cauldron flew out of the cauldron. He wanted to peck Mo Xilou with his beak and hold Yun Xiuyi's hand, but he knocked it down with a wave of his sleeve.

Irrigation lying on the ground turned black eyes, "cloud Xiu clothes, I tried my best." With that, he fainted with a crooked neck.

Breathing bit by bit was pulled away, cloud Xiuyi frowned at the man in front of him, it was Mo Xi Lou, but it didn't seem to be Mo Xi Lou.

"Mo --" she tried her best and slowly called out his name, "Mo Xi Lou --"

The fingertips of the people in front of him seemed to vibrate, and the red light in his eyes also flickered, "who are you? How dare you call me by my name

"Mo Xi Lou, wake up."

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