"I don't know."

Mo Xi Lou's hand strength increased a few points, and the sound of the fracture of the neck bone of Yun Xiu's clothes could be heard vaguely.

But who is yunxiuyi? She survived so many times. How could she die in the hands of Mo Xi Lou? She closed her eyes, cast "floating ashes", and quickly healed the wound.

Mo Xi Lou didn't seem to expect that the little girl had this hand. The corner of her mouth raised a smile of evil spirit, "interesting."

He drew the cloud Xiu clothes closer, so close that he could see himself at the bottom of each other's eyes.

Mo Xi Lou was serious, and a force of destroying heaven and earth surged up in the secret room. Yun Xiu Yi felt fear for the first time, and knew clearly what death was for the first time.

At this moment, fear and death seem to be visible to the naked eye.

If Yun Xiuyi just couldn't breathe before, now she is in purgatory. She also fully understands that the Mo Xi building in front of her has no humanity at all.

And she's not his match at all.

Her life was originally saved by Mo Xi Lou. If it's God's will, give it back to him!

Yun Xiuyi slowly closed her eyes and felt death devouring her little by little. Just when she felt that her consciousness was gradually peeling off, she suddenly fell into a warm and steady embrace.

I do not know how long, she slowly opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Mo Xi Lou's beautiful face.

She was in a trance. "Are you back?"

In front of Mo Xi Lou nodded, eyes red has retreated, with a smile, "not easy to save people back, almost killed himself."

This tone, this expression, is the Mo Xi Lou that she knows, yes, "the price is a little big."


The simple words were spoiled by Mo Xilou, "you almost made me fall short of success. During this period of time, I'll practice at home. I'm waiting for you to control the fire of bird plume as soon as possible."

"And you?"

In yunxiuyi's impression, moxilou has always been so powerful that there is no need to doubt its existence. Now seeing his slightly pale face, he really realized for the first time that he would also be injured.

"I can't die."

"I know all about it."

Mo Xi Lou picks an eyebrow, "that bird says with you?"

"It doesn't matter who said it. Since we have an agreement, you can save me and I can help you. No matter what you ask me to do, I won't have any objection..."

But now it turns out that moxilou has saved her again and again, and even her soul is gone. She can't control the fire of Queling at all, and she can't help him at all, This feeling of being in debt made Yun Xiu's clothes breathless.

She didn't like to be ungrateful all the time, mainly for fear of trouble, and even more for fear that she couldn't return it.

"There's no need to blame myself. I'm saving you for myself. If I'm not destined to wait for that day, it's my life. I'm afraid I'll destroy this life."

Yun Xiuyi immediately understood the meaning of Mo Xilou's words, "just now --"

"Don't ask, the more you know, the more dangerous it is."

Mo Xi Lou didn't want to continue this topic. He pointed to jimochuan and Guanguan on the ground, "you save them, I can't use the spirit power now."

After Yun Xiu's clothes revived jimochuan and irrigated it, jimochuan seemed to be used to it. "This time I woke up faster than before. Is it because nephew Yun Xian is here?"

It's not the first time to listen to jimochuan.

At the thought of Mo Xi Lou just now, Yun Xiu Yi had a lingering fear, "is there no other way?"


The voice of irrigation came in at this time, "my feathers are also very useful!" Finish saying it regretted, it this big mouth, how mouth does not obstruct even oneself pit!

Has it forgotten the feeling of being plucked bare by Mo Xi Lou last time?

"I'm... I'm kidding."

"Your feathers used to be useful, but they can't help me now."

Listen to Mo Xi Lou say, irrigation just a little more at ease, a peace of mind is also flexible, "in fact, the last time you plucked my feathers, I wanted to tell you, later because I hate you deliberately did not tell you."

Douguan raised his neck and shook his feathers. "In fact, I think you can try xuehuangyu. When it comes to calming down, it's much more powerful than my feathers."

"Snow phoenix feather?" Jimochuan then said, "you say it's xuehuangyu, the treasure of Tianji pavilion?"

"I don't know if it's in Tianji pavilion or not. Anyway, it's better than my feathers. But if you're really in Tianji Pavilion, you can't even use Lingli now. Can you get it smoothly? ""I'll go."

Cloud Xiu clothes did not give Mo Xi Lou the opportunity to refute, "in a few days I will be ordered to Tianji pavilion to learn, just can look for the opportunity to find xuehuangyu."

"Yunxiuyi, you are crazy!"

Irrigation really can't understand why this woman is so impulsive today, "where is Tianji pavilion? No one dares to make trouble there. Even Junlin has to abide by the rules. You are a third-level spiritual master. Don't say you steal their treasures. You will die if you break into the forbidden area! "

Cloud Xiu clothes ignore irrigation, but look to Mo Xi floor, "don't worry, I will live to complete the transaction between us."

No one can stop her knowing what this woman is going to do. Mo Xi Lou doesn't mean to stop her at all. "I can't go with you this time. You should be careful yourself."


Crazy, crazy, these two people are crazy, irrigation kept turning its black eyes to show their speechless.


Tianji Pavilion is located in the southernmost island of the East moon Empire, tianque. The island is like spring all the year round. It is not too much to say that it is a fairyland on earth.

Because of the disaster in Zhuque street, on the way to Tianji Pavilion, everyone was very dignified, even Zuo wanwan, who was always chattering, was always silent.

At the thought of that day, she was so afraid that she couldn't even walk. At last, she was brought home by Zuo sangyan, and she didn't come back to herself.

Jun Shaoqin is also in such a mood. Although he doesn't intend to intervene, it's a shame that he is stunned by a flash of lightning, especially in front of Yun Xiu's clothes.

Now Luo Yan'er has lost the support of the Luo family. His appearance is extremely ugly, and his strength is not as good as that of Yun Xiu's clothes. He is not worthy of his status as the fourth prince.

But the cloud Xiu dress is different, she is the first family's big young lady, the appearance talent everything is outstanding, can match his also only she.

Fortunately, during this trip to Tianji Pavilion, Junfu and Su Zixiang, the two most powerful opponents, were not there. He was very confident in himself, and he would make Yunxiu Yi fall in love with him again, and he would be loyal to him again.

After arriving at Tianji Pavilion, everyone's gloomy mood was swept away in a flash, and everyone looked around excitedly, full of curiosity.

When he saw the people who came out to meet them, they were even more surprised, because the person who met them was Jun Jinyao. Zuo wanwan asked first, "Princess nine, haven't you learned to go back to the palace?"

Jun Jinyao said with a smile, "I happened to be in Tianji Pavilion during this period of time. If you have any problems and need, you can come to me directly."

During the conversation, she glanced at yunxiuyi intentionally or unintentionally, until everyone went to their respective residence, junjinyao came to yunxiuyi.

"I've been in Tianji Pavilion since I was a child. I'm very familiar here. I'll show you around when I have time."

"Right now!"

In junjinyao's impression, yunxiuyi didn't seem to be a person who would soon get acquainted with him. Although there was a little doubt in her heart, she still readily agreed, "good!"

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