Unlike zhulanglou, which has no subordination, it is composed of seven pharmacists, such as Wen Li and ye Xingming, who pay attention to self-discipline. Tianji pavilion has many rules since it was founded.

It is said that the founder of Tianji Pavilion is an immortal named Tianji old man. Although he is an immortal, he is a conservative immortal who loves to make rules.

In his hands, all the disciples of Tianji Pavilion were constrained to only talk about rules and not human feelings.

There are not only many rules, but also the superiority and inferiority of elders and children.

Naturally, those who can become disciples of Tianji pavilion are not ordinary children. In addition, they have to put down their previous status when they come here, so every new disciple is enslaved in the first year.

Of course, if you are smart and smart, you can hold your thighs or worship the master who protects your shorts.

Junjinyao takes yunxiuyi to visit, and tells her the matters that need to be paid attention to in Tianji Pavilion, so as to prevent her from accidentally touching taboos.

All the way, the disciples of Tianji pavilion are looking at Yunxiu clothes intentionally or unintentionally, guessing her identity.

Although Jun Jinyao is young and still twelve, she is the only disciple of xiaoyaozi, the leader of Tianji Pavilion. She is in the same generation as the three main hall leaders.

For this reason, although she is the same age as the younger disciples of Tianji Pavilion, they dare not get close to her. Today, when they suddenly saw her with a character like a fairy daughter, they were all curious about the identity of this person.

Fearing that Yun Xiu was frightened by these rules, Jun Jinyao comforted her, "you just came to study in January, which is different from those disciples."


"I heard that the leader of Xingyue Hall who is responsible for teaching you is Huajian hall. She is different from other people in Tianji Pavilion. You will not be bored to follow her, and she is very interesting."

When it comes to Huajian hall, junjinyao also talks about the main structure of Tianji Pavilion in detail.

The current owner of Tianji Pavilion is xiaoyaozi, Jun Jinyao's master. Below are two Dharma protectors, Tian Jun and Qi Si. These two Dharma protectors rarely appear in front of people. Even Jun Jinyao has never met each other.

Then there are the three main hall leaders, the stars and moon of Huajian hall, Zhiyuan of Tianshui hall and Su Mei of Qingxu hall.

Then there are the five elders, Yuexiu, Wuhuo, muwanci, Xingchen and ye Tianjing.

"You don't need to remember these people. Anyway, you don't have much contact with them. Just follow the leader of Xingyue hall, but there is a place in Tianji pavilion where you can't go."

All the way, yunxiuyi was searching for the special place of Tianji Pavilion. After listening to Jun Jinyao's words, he immediately became interested, "where is it?"

"Cloud Pavilion."

Jun Jinyao explained, "there are all the treasures of Tianji Pavilion. It's the most important place in Tianji Pavilion. Ordinary disciples can't go in."

Yunxiao Pavilion! treasure!

"Besides, Tianjun and Qi Si, the two guardians of Tianji Pavilion, are in it. It's not good if you break in by mistake and get hurt by them."

In this way, the Yunxiao Pavilion is not a place that you can enter casually. If you want to go in and look for xuehuangyu, you need to take a long-term view.

Jun Jinyao gradually lowered her voice and pointed to a gloomy tower not far away. "And you can't go there either. It's Jiuyin temple. It's said that there's a monster in it."

"But there is a border outside Jiuyin temple. No one can go in except my master. Although no one is there at ordinary times, you can't go in even if you go. On the contrary, it's safe."

Jun Jinyao knows everything and says everything. He tells Yun Xiuyi all the things he can think of.

Finally, he kindly sent her to the temporary residence of the new disciple, "you should have a rest here today. When the new disciple assigns the master tomorrow, you will go to the master's place separately, and you will also go to huajiantang."

"Well! Thank you

"You're welcome. Go and have a rest."

Yunxiuyi turns around and is about to leave. Junjinyao suddenly stops her. Yunxiuyi looks back at her. She hesitates for a long time before saying, "thank you that day."

With that, he ran away in a hurry and almost ran into the left wanwan who was just passing by.

Left Wan Wan don't understand of hope eye gentleman brocade Yao's back figure, also hope to cloud Xiu clothes, "she how?"? Did you bully her? I saw her run away with a red face

Cloud Xiu clothes didn't answer left Wan Wan's question, but turned to find his own residence.

Behind the left Wan Wan immediately followed, "I've already helped you choose! I'll take you to the room next to me. "

On the second day, all the disciples of Tianji Pavilion were urged by the morning clock to attend the morning class.The rest of the disciples have adapted to this kind of work and rest. They dress and wash in a leisurely way. Only Jun Shaoqin and the left brothers and sisters have sleepy faces.

The elder martial brothers and sisters next to them did not forget to joke when they saw their appearance, "it's good to get used to it. Which one of us here is not spoiled at home, just force and punish!"

Jun Shaoqin and Zuo sangyan soon adjusted their state, only Zuo Hun's face was crying and complaining with Yun Xiuyi.

"Alas! I said, what are you doing here! My father forced me to come. I'm not a rooster. Why do you get up so early? I'm so sleepy! No, no, I'm going back to bed. "

"Yunxiuyi, give me some reaction! How about a few words of comfort

"If I don't sleep well, I'll be in a bad mood. I'll be in a bad mood all day."

Zuo Hun bent down and reluctantly followed Yun Xiu's clothes. Although he complained, he didn't dare to go back.

In the whole morning class, I dozed off crazily first, and then I fell asleep.

Until the end of the morning class, I was awakened by Zuo sangyan, "wipe your saliva. As my elder martial brother said just now, we only have half an hour to eat. If we go late, we will have no food to eat!"

After hearing this, Zuo Li stood up and said, "shit, don't let people sleep, don't you give them food? Is this where people stay? "

Tianji Pavilion dining hall.

Zuo Dun didn't know how many times she sighed today. She and Zuo sangyan were just a little late, but they didn't have anything to eat. They didn't even have porridge.

Just as she was rolling her eyes to go home, she caught a glimpse of Yun Xiuyi sitting alone in the corner. The porridge and steamed bread in front of her didn't move.

She quickly pulls left sangyan to run over, a buttock sits in front of her, "cloud Xiu clothes, you this is to leave for me?"

Seeing that Yun Xiuyi didn't deny it, she quickly moved the porridge and steamed bread in front of her, "brother, eat quickly, I don't want to starve here."

Zuo sangyan looked at Yunxiu's clothes with some restraint, and then pulled the corner of Zuo's clothes under the dinner table, warning her with his eyes: are you really good? They didn't even take a bite.

"Brother, don't look at me like that. It's like I'm bullying Yun Xiu Yi." Then he divided the steamed bread into half and handed it to Yunxiu, "NAH!"

Cloud Xiu dress head didn't lift, tone is still cold, "you eat!"

"Look, look! I said that Yun Xiu's clothes are not as stingy as you think. Brother, eat fast, eat fast, and then you have the strength to be abused by them. "

I spent the whole morning in the chirp of Zuoluo, but everything was quiet. It wasn't until the morning orientation meeting that the atmosphere began to get weird.

Yun Xiuyi just walked to the square where the party was held, and was stopped by several men with nostrils in the sky.

"Yo! Look who this is! Isn't this the famous waste lady of our east moon Empire? Where do you think she's coming from to our Tianji pavilion? "

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