"People just come here without face!"

These people were talking and laughing. As soon as they stopped, someone immediately said, "don't talk nonsense. People's faces are so pleasant that I want to watch them every day! At the most, I'm a little more cheeky! "

After that, it caused a lot of laughter around.

"What did you say she came to Tianji pavilion to learn from a waste who didn't even have a palace of life? I can't teach her! If we let others know that there is a waste without a palace of life in Tianji Pavilion, we will all lose face when we say it. "

"Yes! That is to say

Hearing these people insulting Yun Xiu's clothes, Jun Shaoqin and Zuo Ruo could not sit still.

That day, only Jun Shaoqin and others knew that yunxiuyi had been restored. Because of the disaster in Zhuque street, the whole empire of Dongyue has been immersed in grief. Naturally, they would not publicize yunxiuyi at this time.

So now those people who abuse yunxiuyi as rubbish don't know that yunxiuyi is a seventh level spiritual master, which is not inferior to them.

Different from Jun Shaoqin's knowledge of the inside story, Zuoyu is a simple short guard. What's wrong without Minggong! What's in their way? Thanks to the fact that they are still disciples of Tianji Pavilion, they have no self-cultivation.

"Don't talk nonsense, Xiuyi..."

However, Jun Shao Qin just prepared to explain for Yun Xiu clothes, there appeared the figure of Xingchen, a few people who were arrogant and domineering just now immediately returned to their position.

Then came a woman in a white Taoist robe and a man in a blue Taoist robe. The woman was Xingyue, the leader of Huajian hall, and the man was Yuexiu, one of the five elders.

According to the rules of Tianji Pavilion, the new disciples are taught by the five elders every year. This year, it's the turn of Yuexiu and Xingchen.

Yunxiuyi is an exception, because she is not a disciple of Tianji Pavilion. She just came to study for a month, and she was handed over to Xingyue.

Coincidentally, Xingyue, Yuexiu and Xingchen are the same brothers and sisters.

After the three stood in front of the disciples, all of them were attracted by Xingchen. Why did the elder suddenly become so old?

No wonder he came back from the trials behind closed doors.

There are also younger martial sister Yan'er. These days, besides not seeing anyone, she also shut herself up in her room and cried every day. She didn't even go to class. These elder martial brothers have been worried for a long time. Isn't she——

The image of a white haired old woman suddenly appeared in everyone's mind. She was so scared that she immediately shook her head. No, no, No, How can their younger martial sister Yaner get old?

This new year's party was originally hosted by Xingyue, but she always didn't like these lengthy speeches, so she shirked them to Xingchen.

Xingchen talked about a lot of rules before entering the theme. Yuexiu and he chose their apprentices respectively.

As early as a long time ago, he wanted to accept Luo Yaner and Jun Shaoqin as apprentices, but now Luo's family is broken, so he takes Luo Yaner to think about the friendship with Luo Rui.

And Jun Shaoqin's situation is not much better now. If he accepts him after Luo Yan'er, won't he become the laughing stock of everyone?

So even if Jun Shaoqin is waiting for him with a full face and is sure that he will choose himself, Xingchen will turn a blind eye and walk straight from him to the left brothers and sisters.

Originally, he liked Zuoluo better. After all, she was the daughter of Zuoluo's family, but he was afraid that she would fall into the real world if he accepted two female disciples in succession.

So after careful consideration, Xingchen chose Zuo sangyan.

Because this year he has accepted Luo Yaner and Zuo sangyan as disciples, the rest of Jun Shaoqin and Zuo Tuo will naturally worship under the door of moon cultivation.

After the distribution of the three, all of them turned their attention to Yun Xiu's clothes, and all of them envied each other.

First of all, Tianji pavilion has never had the precedent of directly worshiping the leader. Yunxiu clothes is not a disciple, but she can understand it. But there are three Hall leaders. Why is she so lucky, but the leader of Xingyue takes her?

You know, when they first entered Tianji Pavilion, they were all tortured by the five elders, one more severe than the other.

Among the three Hall leaders, and even the whole Tianji Pavilion, the leader of Xingyue hall is the most amiable elder, and he can blend with them most.

It can be said that the stars and the moon are the dawn in Tianji Pavilion! It's the only sweetener in Tianji pavilion's boring life!

But now, a trash can follow her directly! They can't accept it, they can't accept it! But he didn't have the courage to question in public. He could only stare at Yun Xiu's clothes one by one with resentment.

"Hey, what kind of eyes do you have! Don't scare my Xiuyi. "Suddenly a beautiful voice came with a smile.

When they all looked at the source of the sound, they saw a beautiful, detached woman standing there, with a gentle, jade like white robe between her eyebrows, soft and elegant.

She walks like the wind and has a sense of dust removal.

Seeing that it was Xingyue, all the disciples were fearless. "Master Xingyue, we also want to worship you. We are not as good as her."

"Besides, she is not a member of Tianji Pavilion. She can follow the leader of Xingyue hall."

Hearing people complain, Xingyue knocks on their heads one by one, "enough of you! Let your master know that I think I'm prying their corner, and you're not allowed to bully my Xiuyi. "

Xingyue said that she had come to yunxiuyi and immediately exclaimed, "ouch, my Xiuyi looks so handsome!"

Then he warned the people around him, "you don't want to make my Xiuyi idea!"

Yun Xiuyi has been quietly watching this scene, his eyelids are not visible, shaking, Tianji pavilion has such a temperament, no wonder Jun Jinyao will find her interesting.

But it is not known whether such a person is lucky or unfortunate when he meets Yun Xiu's clothes.

"Xiuyi, smile! You have no face like this

Before Xingyue's voice fell, someone immediately corrected, "master Xingyue, you are not her master! She is an outsider at most. It doesn't matter if she follows Tianji Pavilion for a month! "

"Nonsense, I can see that you are rejecting my Xiuyi, right? I can warn you, if you let me know that you bully her... "Before Xing Yue finished speaking, a birdsong suddenly came from the sky," I will throw you to feed my Yunyang bird. "

"Well, don't scare them." Yuexiu advised Xingyue at the right time, "we have something important to announce, elder martial brother Xingchen, come on!"

Xingchen returns to the front of the square. Although his face is old, his voice is still full of air.

"In ten days' time, there will be the annual Douling competition and the graduation test of your senior brothers and sisters. The rules are the same as in previous years. You must have remembered them well. I hope everyone can achieve good results this year and shine brilliantly."

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