"Wow! How lucky we are! As soon as I came, I met the most exciting competition of Tianji Pavilion. "

Zuo Qiong just ready to poke cloud Xiuyi, was cloud Xiuyi side to hide in the past, she did not mind, continue to say excitedly, "I heard that from Tianji Pavilion smoothly finish school is not easy, we can see the excitement."

"Little girl, don't patronize and watch the fun. It will be your turn one day."

Hearing Xingyue's words, Zuo Hun immediately hummed twice, "master Xingyue, that's a long time to come. Don't remind me at this time!"

After that, Zuo Juan came to Yunxiu again, "do you know? The first person in the Douling competition can enter the cloud Pavilion! Unfortunately, the new disciples are not qualified to participate. "

The star moon over there said again, "little girl knows a lot! But the cloud Pavilion is meaningless. You can't take those treasures away because you have a long insight at most. "

"How can you tease me like that?"

Yuexiu looks helpless. His younger martial sister has been gifted since childhood. Among them, he has the highest practice and is most loved by the master, but he is stubborn and disrespectful when he is old.

"I'm easing their tension."

Yue Xiu shook his head and said, "don't listen to her. Yunxiao Pavilion is a holy land full of spirit because of its many magic weapons and treasures. If you can go in, it's possible for you to have a higher understanding and break the first level."

After listening to Yue Xiu's words, he immediately brightened his eyes, "Wow! Master, can I only take part in the Douling competition when I finish my studies? "

"That's natural. With your current strength, how many elder martial brothers and sisters can you beat?"

She knows the truth, but Tianji Pavilion only has such an interesting thing in a year. She also wants to join in the fun, "master, do something about it!"

"No nonsense."

Yue Xiu suddenly became serious, and immediately calmed Zuo Fu. She was so scared that she immediately closed her mouth, thinking, this master is really fierce.

Compared with the severity of Yuexiu, Xingyue is still smiling, "Xiuyi, do you want to join? You are not the same as them. If you want to participate, you can be a teacher to help you dredge up. "

"Younger martial sister, how did master teach us? No favoritism. "

Next to the left also said, "cloud Xiuyi won't be interested in these competitions, it's better to let me go!"

When these three people talk to themselves, Yun Xiuyi, who has been silent all the time, finally opens his mouth, but this opening startles these three people.

"I'm going to take part."

Zuoli: "Yunxiu clothes, you - hit me in the face on purpose!"

Yue Xiu: "a young man without a palace of life also plays around."

Xingyue: "Oh! Apprentice, you have your master's style in those days. This time, master will be favoritism. Don't persuade me. "

The news that Yun Xiuyi is going to take part in the dueling contest is even more exciting than when Xingchen just announced the news. All the disciples laugh at each other. Isn't this waste put out to death!

But Jun Shaoqin is still immersed in the sadness that Xingchen hasn't accepted him as an apprentice, and forgets to tell you that Yunxiu's clothes are the seventh level spirit.

At the end of the new year's reception, Zuo Li tentatively asked Yun Xiuyi, "Hey, Yun Xiuyi, let's go outside Yunxiao Pavilion! I'm not qualified to take part in the Douling competition. Let's have a look at the headquarters of Yunxiao Pavilion! "

"Don't pester Xiuyi all the time. I'll go with you."

Seeing Zuo sangyan defending Yunxiu's clothes, Zuo not only didn't get angry, but stared at him with a bad smile, "brother, they haven't married yet! You have to be reserved

Here, Zuo Lu is still talking and laughing. Yunxiu's clothes have gone in the direction of Yunxiao Pavilion. Seeing this, Zuo Lu immediately follows up, "Yunxiu's clothes, are you uncomfortable! How strange is it today? "

These days, she has long been used to the indifference of Yunxiu clothes and her refusal, but how can she do the opposite today?

Seeing that Yun Xiu's clothes had gone far away, Zuo ran after them, and stopped Zuo sangyan from following them by the way, "brother, you go to the dining hall first. You're late and you don't have anything to eat!"

Outside the Yunxiao Pavilion, the door is closed. Yunxiu's clothes release a trace of spiritual power to explore. The next moment, I hear a voice coming from the pavilion, "who's outside?"

Zuo Li, who had been looking around, was startled by the sudden voice and quickly explained, "we are new disciples of Tianji Pavilion. We just passed by here." Then he waved his hand to Yun Xiu's clothes and said, "go, go."

Looking at the gate of Yunxiao Pavilion, Yunxiu thought to himself that even his words contained some spiritual power, and his real strength was immeasurable.It seems that Yunxiao Pavilion is really hard to enter.

Just left Yunxiao Pavilion, the men who insulted Yunxiu clothes came out of nowhere. There must have been Xingyue and others in the square before. They didn't dare to ask Yunxiu clothes for trouble. They didn't come here until now.

"Waste, don't think that we are afraid of you because the master of Xingyue hall is protecting you."

"Yes, are we afraid of you as a waste?"

"Oh! Don't talk to her. Get down to business. "

These people winked at each other, and the last speaker continued, "little younger martial sister, we have some grudges to deal with this waste. I advise you to be wise and leave as soon as possible, so as not to hurt you by mistake."

Zuo was never a master who was afraid of things. He immediately stood in front of Yun Xiu's clothes and said, "unfortunately, I just don't know who I am."

These people didn't expect that Zuoli was a difficult master, and his face changed. "You are different from her, but you have to stay in Tianji Pavilion for several years, which offends us. We can't eat good fruit in the future."

"Yes! Then you'd better drive me out of Tianji Pavilion. " She can't ask for it.

Seeing that Zuo Ruo refuses to eat hard and soft, these people are now in trouble. Fighting in Tianji Pavilion is a big mistake to be punished. In fact, they dare not really fight.

These people winked again. At last, they simply ignored Zuo, "waste, I urge you to hand over the antidote, and we will let bygones be bygones."

Hear antidote two words, cloud Xiu clothes immediately understand.

I have long guessed that these people must have a lot to do with Luo Yan'er, otherwise I would not recognize her, and I would not be so malicious to her when I first met her.

Cloud Xiu clothes eyes cold, light sweep people, "let bygones be bygones?"? Have we met before? "

"What have you done to younger martial sister Yan'er? You know in your heart that we only need antidotes, otherwise you won't have a good life in Tianji Pavilion this month."

These people didn't dare to be presumptuous in Tianji Pavilion, and they didn't dare to delay at all, so they were all told soon.

"It's Luo Yan'er again?"

Zuo Chui said with disdain, "she's also a thief. It's good that she doesn't trouble Yun Xiuyi. How dare she frame Yun Xiuyi now? She is also funny. She has no courage to show up and let you show up for her. "

Zuoli's heart was quite speechless. Originally, Luo Yan'er in the East moon Empire went everywhere to attract people's love. Unexpectedly, now there are a lot of blind followers in Tianji Pavilion.

These people certainly don't know Luo Yan'er's broken things. She is not jealous of Luo Yan'er, or simply laments what's wrong with this world!

"You say antidote, Luo Yan'er is poisoned?" Zuo Li thought that she was not good at the trials that day.

Just now, a few people who were still upright were stunned when they heard Zuo Li's words.

In fact, they haven't met Luo Yan'er since she came back from the Tianji Pavilion new disciple selection competition. This time, Luo Yan'er asked Yun Xiu Yi for the antidote, which is also what Luo Yan'er sent a note to explain.

They don't know if Luo Yan'er is poisoned, what poison she has, and what antidote she wants from Yun Xiu Yi.

Anyway, Luo Yan'er's note clearly says that he wants to take the antidote with Yun Xiu Yi. Yun Xiu Yi must know what the antidote is.

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