Seeing these people with question marks on their faces, Zuoluo became more speechless. "You don't know everything, do you? I'm not afraid that Yun Xiu will give you any medicine to poison Luo Yan'er. "

As soon as he finished his sentence, cloud Xiuyi opened his mouth, "I can give you an antidote."

When they heard this, they were immediately happy, and some stones fell in their hearts. It's rare that younger martial sister Yan'er had something to ask for. If they couldn't do it, it would be too humiliating. In a moment, they even spoke in a friendly tone, "it should have been like this for a long time! And don't waste your time. "

"Cloud Xiu clothes..." Zuo Fu kept winking at cloud Xiu clothes. When did she poison Luo Yan'er?

Yun Xiuyi took out a pill from the heaven and earth cauldron and handed it to these people, "be sure to give it to her in person."

These people took the medicine and immediately left, but Yunxiu clothes called them, "there are two antidotes, and one for Luo Yan'er to come to me."

After these people left, Guanguan in Qiankun Ding complained, "Yunxiu clothes, why do you rob my sugar beans?"

Zuo, who was not in the situation, was just about to ask where Yun Xiuyi got the antidote, and what poison Luo Yaner was in, so he heard the sound of irrigation.

Her expression immediately changed from surprised to strange. She stared at Yun Xiu's clothes for a long time, "who's talking?"

Irrigation also flew out at this time, fluttering wings on the shoulders of cloud Xiu, "cloud Xiu clothes, I just a few sugar beans, you compensate me!"

"This -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this -- this --

Zuo was first surprised by the talking bird, and then he felt a little familiar. "You're not Dai Yunshan's bird!"

Irrigation glanced at the left side of his eyes and said, "I'm right. Why do you still want to eat me?"


It's - it's weird! Dai Yunshan tied the bird to the branch with her own hands. She helped to make the fire. I'm hungry! Roast a bird! What a normal thing.

When she used to go hunting in the hidden fog forest, she was hungry, and she also caught the small animals in the forest directly!

But it was the first time that she met the bird, and she had no appetite for it. "Since you can talk, why don't you explain that day? You deserve to be roasted. "

"Ah! Why do you think you are reasonable if you don't apologize! I dare to talk about that! If I speak, I can still stand here and talk to you! Stardust will lock me in first, you think I am as stupid as you

"You're stupid!"

When a talkative girl meets another talkative bird, yunxiuyi can only feel her ears buzzing. Fortunately, ye Xingming is not here, otherwise she will be killed.

"I almost forgot that we baked you well that day. Why are you suddenly somewhere else?"

Douguan held his neck high, black eyes rolling around, "you say you are baking me, how can I know why you are in other places?"

"You --"

Zuo Lian was so angry that she stamped her feet. She said that it was just a bird. "Yunxiu Yi, how can this bird be with you? Is it haunting you? "

"Nonsense, you think I'm as annoying as you are. It's Yunxiu's clothes that are pestering me."

Douguan then rubbed his head against Yunxiu's neck, but before he got close, he was thrown out by Yunxiu's clothes, and his head hit the ground, and suddenly his eyes were starry.

This scene amused the left side with a smile, "let you talk big, be hit in the face!"

After playing with one person and one bird, Zuo Li asked Yun Xiu, "what you just gave them are sugar beans?"

"What else? You really think she'll give you an antidote! "

"Did I speak to you? If you provoke me again, I will pluck all your feathers. "

This one person a bird just quiet, didn't have a few seconds to quarrel again, "clearly is you have been disturbing us, I and cloud Xiu clothes stay well."


As soon as the cold sound quality is out, Zuoli and douguan immediately shut up, but their eyes are still competing with each other. In a word, Zuoli's life in Tianji Pavilion will not be boring this month.

"Yunxiuyi, you haven't told me what's going on! When was Luo Yan'er poisoned? You poisoned it? I don't know

Now outside Luo Yan'er's dormitory, those people are knocking on the door, "younger martial sister Yan'er, we have the antidote! You come out quickly

Luo Yan'er, who is cursing Yun Xiu's clothes in front of the mirror in the room, immediately goes to the door and stops when she wants to open the door. How can she be seen now?Before she hurt her face, she could cover it with a veil, but now her hair is white, her eyes are cloudy, and even her voice is hoarse.

No, she can't let others see what she looks like now. Luo Yan'er goes back to find a pen and paper and asks them to put the antidote outside the door.

But these people just don't leave, "younger martial sister Yan'er, that waste said to give it to you in person, and she also said that there are two antidotes in total, and one needs you to go to her in person."

Luo Yan'er gnashes her teeth in anger. She knows that Yun Xiu Yi is not so kind as to give her the antidote so easily. She wants to see her make a fool of herself.

She quickly pointed her voice and tried to make her voice sound more comfortable. "Elder martial brothers, I'm not feeling very well recently. I don't want you to see my haggard appearance. You can put the antidote at the door!"

"Younger martial sister Yan'er, why is your voice a little hoarse? Is it cold? "

All of these people want to show themselves in front of Luo Yan'er, where they are willing to leave easily, they are all guarding the door, but they are not willing to give her the antidote.

"I'm fine, elder martial brothers, you go back first!"

Seeing Luo Yan'er's resolute attitude, these people began to hesitate again. Finally, they exchanged their eyes and planned to listen to Luo Yan'er's words and put the antidote at the door, "younger martial sister Yan'er, we'll put the antidote here for you!"

Luo Yan'er holds back her heart's joy. When the door doesn't move, she pushes the door slightly. She can't wait to reach out and pick up the antidote, but she almost throws it out because of shaking hands.

Hurry to protect the medicine, the wrinkles all over the face just unfold slightly.

She was just about to take the antidote, but there were bursts of exclamations in her ears. When she looked up, she found that those people said they wanted to leave, but they didn't leave.

At the moment, pointing to Luo Yan'er, he was too surprised to speak for a long time.

While they haven't recovered, Luo Yan'er quickly covers her face and enters the room. She is so angry that she is shaking all over. Now the whole Tianji Pavilion knows that she has become such a ghost. How can she stay here in the future?

All of a sudden, she saw the antidote in her hand and comforted herself that it was OK. As long as she took the antidote, she would be able to recover.

Luo Yan'er immediately swallows the antidote, and then runs to the mirror to observe his changes.

I didn't expect that the wrinkles on her face in the mirror were really shallow. She was so excited that she couldn't help herself. This antidote is really useful.

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