Afraid of the side effects of the antidote, Luo Yan'er waited in front of the mirror for a long time, and was relieved that he didn't recover. It seems that Yun Xiu's clothes didn't cheat her.

Although she has not fully recovered her former beauty, she is happy to see the hope.

Luo Yan'er remembered what several elder martial brothers had said to her just now. There were two antidotes in total, and the remaining one was still in Yunxiu clothes.

What kind of medicine does cloud Xiu clothes gourd sell?

If change into before, Luo Yan son can't wait to find cloud Xiu clothes for antidote, but now the situation has changed.

Yunxiuyi is a spirit of seven levels, two levels higher than her. She is no longer the opponent of yunxiuyi because of her spiritual power. This matter must be considered in the long run.

But when he saw his ugly face in the mirror, Luo Yan'er couldn't wait for another moment.

On the other side, not far from Yunxiao Pavilion, Zuoli didn't know what the antidote was, so he saw a tightly wrapped man coming towards them.

When the other party came to them, she didn't recognize who the person was. Just by the other party's eyes, she guessed that the person should be a very old mother-in-law.

Zuo Li politely wanted to ask her if she needed help, and said to the convenience, "Yunxiu clothes, what's the remaining antidote?"

Oh, my God! This person can't be Luo Yan'er!

Feel left Wan Wan surprised eyes, Luo Yan son immediately stare back, "see what to see?"

This tone is really Luo Yan'er, all become this appearance, still here arrogant and domineering, left Wan Wan rolled a big white eye.

At the same time, countless questions arise in my heart. Is it true that Yun Xiu's clothes have poisoned her?

Oh, my God! She knew that Yun Xiuyi was a cruel man, but she never expected to be so cruel! Luo Yan'er cares so much about her appearance, which is more painful than killing her!

Thinking like this, the left Wan Wan looked at Xiang Yunxiu's clothes and couldn't help admiring them.


Luo Yan'er stretched out her hand in front of Yun Xiu's clothes and repeated it again. Her dry hand was like the bark that had been exhausted for a long time. Even if she wrapped herself up tightly now, Zuo Wan could imagine what she was like now.

However, what cloud Xiu clothes give Luo Yan son is not sugar bean! She should have no reaction to it! Is Luo Yan'er stupid enough to believe even Yun Xiu's clothes?

"Give it to her."

Hear the words of cloud Xiu clothing, Luo Yan'er and left Wan Wan are looking around for a while, left Wan Wan Wan in see the irrigation on the ground immediately reaction, but Luo Yan'er thought cloud Xiu clothing is playing with her.

"You'd better not play games with me."

In the face of the threat, cloud Xiu clothes also don't set gas, but look at the irrigation on the ground, signal it quickly. Irrigation a face aggrieved, it said it did not have a few sugar beans, it can not bear to give others to eat.

See irrigation with wings to protect the chest, cloud Xiuyi said softly, "believe it or not to roast you."

Anger! This man knows how to bully birds.

See irrigation also have Counsellor's time, left Wan Wan carelessly laughed a voice, originally feel cloud Xiu Yi is teasing her Luo Yan son immediately infuriated.

"Don't go too far."

This man takes himself seriously! She disdains to laugh at her, left wanwan ignore rage Luo Yan son moved to irrigation in front of, squat down body whisper to say with it, "don't delay, big deal later I compensate you! Take it out quickly. "

Douguan looks at the left wanwan suspiciously, not sure whether her words are credible, but Yu Guang just takes aim at the cold sight of cloud Xiu clothes.

It shakes, give it! Fierce what fierce!

bad person! Yunxiu clothes are broken!

Douguan reluctantly gives the sugar bean to Zuo wanwan. At this time, they find that the sugar bean is infused with a trace of spiritual power.

No wonder Luo Yan'er believes that this is the antidote and comes to find Yun Xiu's clothes without hesitation.

Left Wan Wan took the sugar beans directly to Luo Yan'er, Luo Yan'er excited to rush over, but the fingertips haven't touched the sugar beans, cloud Xiu clothes will use Lingli sugar bean powder.

Everything happened in an instant, and several people on the scene didn't seem to expect such an event.

Luo Yan son for a time didn't understand what happened just now, wait for reaction to come over, immediately toward cloud Xiu dress pounce on, "bitch, you return my antidote."

Silly in situ left Wan Wan inexplicably looking at his palm, and see to constantly attack cloud Xiu clothing Luo Yan'er.

I think Yunxiu clothes are really cruel, give people hope, and crush them in front of others. It's strange that Luo Yan'er is not mad, but how can today's Yunxiu clothes do something she can't understand?On second thought, it's also very enjoyable. Luo Yan'er has bullied her a lot over the years. Now it's good for someone to clean her up!

In the face of Luo Yan'er's continuous turning attack, Yun Xiu's clothes always only defend but not attack.

See in the eyes of others, is Luo Yan'er has been chasing cloud Xiu clothes to kill her, and cloud Xiu clothes no counterattack, can only keep hiding.

See cloud Xiu clothes have been Luo Yan son forced to the front door of the cloud Pavilion, left Wan Wan rushed after the past.

Tianjun and Qi Si, the two great guardians of the Dharma, have already felt their dignity. If they find them fighting in Tianji Pavilion, Yun Xiuyi will definitely be punished.

However, Zuo wanwan was a little late. She watched Luo Yan'er's You'an bird attack Yunxiu's clothes. The turbulent spirit power directly knocked her into the gate of Yunxiao Pavilion.

Because of the impact, the gate of Yunxiao Pavilion slowly opened a crack. Yunxiu's clothes could not take care of his injury and immediately hid in Yunxiao Pavilion.

Luo Yan'er, who is in hot pursuit behind him, follows in like crazy, regardless that this is the forbidden area of Tianji Pavilion.

Entering Yunxiao Pavilion, Yunxiu clothes quickly swept around the layout of the pavilion, until Tianjun and Qisi two Dharma protectors appeared, and xuehuangyu was not found.

After Tianjun and Qi Si appeared, Yun Xiu's clothes did not defend Luo Yan'er at all. He dodged and walked through Yunxiao Pavilion.

Until Luo Yan'er was subdued by Tian Jun and Qi Si, she stopped and said thanks.

"Thank you for your help."

Both Tianjun and Qi Si frowned. Tianjun began to say, "it's nonsense. Where is Yunxiao pavilion? Do you dare to break in?"

Qi si then said, "how dare you fight in Yunxiao Pavilion and damage the magic weapons here? How do you end up?"

The left Wan Wan outside the door didn't dare to go in. He thought that this time Yunxiu's clothes were finished, the punishment would be sure, but he didn't know whether the punishment was heavy or not.

With her next to irrigation shook his head, it should have guessed cloud Xiuyi will not be good to provoke Luo Yan'er, originally want to use her into the cloud Pavilion! In this way, no one would suspect her bad intentions.

This woman is very cunning.

Before the gate of Yunxiao Pavilion is closed, Guanguan sneaks up to the threshold, stretches his neck and looks inside. He is shocked by the baby inside. He can't help sighing that Tianji Pavilion is really rich.

But after searching, she didn't find any trace of xuehuangyu. Was it hidden in other places? Or is it too deep to find?

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