Repentance platform is a special place for Tianji pavilion to punish its disciples. Almost every disciple of Tianji Pavilion instinctively repels this place and would rather take a detour than pass by.

In fact, over the years, every disciple has kept in mind the rules of the pavilion, and almost no one has made a big mistake. At most, they are trivial mistakes, which can be taught by their respective masters.

Therefore, since Tianji Pavilion founded the sect, only a handful of disciples have been punished, and a lot of dust has accumulated.

Today, the new students' orientation meeting has just ended. It should have been a happy day for Tianji Pavilion. However, this repentance platform, which everyone rejected, is surrounded by many people.

Yun Xiuyi and Luo Yan'er kneel on the platform of repentance, and let the people talk and instruct them.

In Luo Yan'er's heart, she has determined that Yun Xiu's clothes are designed to make a fool of her in front of everyone, so as to completely destroy her.

Luo Yan'er doesn't dare to look up and face the strange eyes around her. She even dislikes herself, not to mention others, for she looks like a ghost now.

Who didn't know that Luo Yan'er was not only gifted, but also beautiful.

It's a pity that all this is destroyed by Yunxiu's clothes. Luo Yan'er's whole body trembles, and her nails are already deep in the flesh because of her anger. She will get back this revenge with interest.

Even if she can't turn over in her life, she will definitely take Yunxiu clothes to hell.

Zuo Li, who was standing with the onlookers, was sweating. She never thought that things would be so serious. She knelt down to the repentance stage. If she only knelt down to say it, she was afraid that there would be heavy punishment.

And clearly is Luo Yan son first move of hand, cloud Xiu clothes from beginning to end all didn't return hand, how with her punishment same! unfair!

While all the disciples were talking, Xingchen and Xingyue came at the same time.

Seeing Luo Yan'er kneeling on his knees, Xingchen's face is even more gloomy. After he failed in the last communication meeting between Tianji Pavilion and zhulanglou, he took a big step away from the position of hall leader. Now it's not easy to fight for it again, but she even drags him back.

If it wasn't for her father's kindness, how could he take such a big risk to take her back to Tianji pavilion? Still to be criticized?

"Master, she forced me to do it."

At the sight of Stardust, Luo Yan'er seemed to see the Savior, and all her grievances gushed out, and her eyes turned red, biting her lips, and tears fell down.

I thought that Xingchen was the only one I could rely on. Unexpectedly, without looking at her, he said to Xingyue, "take strict measures and never tolerate."

On the other hand, Xingyue doesn't think so. "You should be strict with your apprentice. My Xiuyi just came to Tianji Pavilion for one day. Many rules are not clear, and those who don't know are innocent. I've heard about the details. It's your apprentice who's not good. "

Xingyue then went to yunxiuyi, helped her up, and bent down to help her pat the ash on her skirt, "master is late, you are wronged!"

Qingyao is kind to her, she can understand, after all, it's her mother. But the star moon at this moment of behavior cloud Xiu clothes is not very understand, this world really has no reason good?

As soon as Xingyue was ready to take Yunxiu clothes away, she was stopped by Xingchen, "master Xingyue, you are not good! How to convince the public in the future? Do you want to set a precedent for all disciples to follow? "

"Elder martial brother, I'm very serious. If you discipline your apprentices well, it won't happen today. Besides, elder martial brother has no confidence in these children. I'm sure they won't commit crimes knowingly."

As if in order to remind the star, knowingly a few words, star deliberately said heavy.

"You --"

"What? For the sake of you being my elder martial brother, I've already given you enough face. Don't you really pay attention to me, the leader of the hall, and disobey me in front of so many disciples? "

Xingyue directly uses the identity of the hall leader to suppress Xingchen, which makes him speechless in an instant, and the disciples around him also snicker.

When Yun Xiu's clothes were taken away smoothly, Zuo Fu immediately complimented, "master Xingyue, you were so handsome just now! I dare not even speak in front of elder Xingchen. "


The stars and the moon pick their eyebrows to the left, but they turn their heads to see Yun Xiuyi's cold expression, "Xiuyi, you really don't want to give your master a smile? A few words of praise to master will do! "

"Thank you."

"Thank you, but don't go to Yunxiao Pavilion any more. There are many borders in it. What if you are hurt by mistake?" The star moon one face is clear, but does not point to break, "Dou Ling big game well performance, when the time comes, the master enters the cloud Pavilion together with you."

Yunxiuyi just looked at the stars and the moon for a few more times. He could be the leader of Tianji Pavilion. On the surface, he was unsophisticated and rebellious. In fact, he could see things better than anyone else.After returning to his residence, Guanguan immediately shared the information he had collected with yunxiuyi.

"Yunxiuyi, have you found xuehuangyu? My neck is sour, and I don't feel the smell of xuehuangyu. I'm not in Tianji Pavilion, am I

"I didn't find that either."

"That's strange. Yesterday Jun Jinyao took you around Tianji Pavilion. I didn't feel the smell of xuehuangyu in other places! It's impossible to hide in the Jiuyin temple where monsters are kept! "

Then he said, "it's impossible to think about it. Xuehuangyu is a treasure. It must be that the boundary protecting it is too strong, so we can't find it."

"As long as xuehuangyu is in Tianji Pavilion, he will find it."

It's easy to say. It's said that one person can't find anything, but it has to talk about Yunxiu clothes well. "You're too anxious."

Douguan flapped his wings and flew to the table in front of Yunxiu's clothes. "Although the situation of moxilou is really bad now, it's not so easy to die! But you are too impulsive these days. Even if Luo Yan'er is not your opponent, you should consider Tian Jun and Qi Si! They can shoot you to death at will. "

"I see."

"Really?" Irrigation slants a neck to stare at cloud Xiu dress, "how do I feel you are perfunctory me?"


Luo Yan'er didn't receive severe punishment because she didn't cause great disaster, but it was the biggest insult to her to make her ugly side public.

After returning to her residence, Xingchen not only didn't comfort her, but also ordered her not to go out.

Luo Yan'er was so angry that he smashed all the things in the room. At last, he covered his face with a quilt and yelled wildly. He was a little angry.

I don't know which one doesn't have long eyes at this time. When Luo Yan'er hears the movement and looks towards the door, he sees Zuo sangyan standing there indifferently.

She had never noticed such a person around her before, and the most impressive one was Dai Yunshan's good impression on Yunxiu's clothes during his training. At this time to see him, Luo Yan'er only as if he was to see his own joke.

"Go away."

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