Zuo sangyan seemed to have expected that Luo Yan'er didn't like to see him and turned a deaf ear to her words. He stepped on the debris and walked into the room slowly. "How can I help you?"

It's enough to make a fool of her once. This man wanted to make a fool of her for a second time on the same day.

"Zuo sangyan, you'd better get out of here before I start. Otherwise, I can't guarantee that I will do anything. Maybe I'll kill you."

Luo Yan'er is gnashing her teeth, and has completely regarded Zuo sangyan as the object of venting.

In the face of such Luo Yan'er, Zuo sangyan doesn't get angry either. He just thinks that the other party is very funny and pitiful. He thinks that she used to be very proud. No one but Jun Shaoqin has paid attention to her. She is the focus of attention everywhere, but now she has come to such an end.

Zuo sangyan shook his head and sighed, then chuckled, "I should call you elder martial sister. Since we are in the same school, we should help each other."

Elder martial sister? In the same door?

If she had heard this sentence yesterday, Luo Yan'er might have taken care of the feelings of her school. But what Xingchen has done today has completely chilled her heart. Bullshit is in the same school. Who cares only about her own interests.

"What are you trying to say? Go away immediately

During the conversation, Zuo sangyan came to Luo Yan'er and looked at her old face with pity, "although we had no friendship before, I can't bear to see you now! That's why I came here to help you recover your face. "

"Oh Luo Yan'er sneers. Today, she also hopes to find Yun Xiu's clothes. What's the result? But I was fooled by that bitch.

"I know you won't believe it easily, but listen to my method! It's up to you to try or not. "

When it comes to her appearance, Luo Yan'er struggles for a long time and is still moved. Moreover, she always feels that Zuo sangyan is different. For a moment, she can't say what this feeling is.

See Luo Yan son heart, left mulberry speech also don't sell the key, attach in her ear side, will own method truthfully tell.

Luo Yan'er immediately pushed him away, "impossible! How dare you let me use such a vicious prescription? Where did you hear that from? "

"Viciousness is more viciousness, but you have to think about it clearly, which is more important, do you want to restore your appearance?"

"I --"

What I want to say has already been said, and Zuo sangyan has no need to stay, "the Miss Luo San I know is not indecisive. If my prescription is useful, remember to come to me."

Ten days later, the Douling competition came as scheduled. The venue and rules were the same as in previous years. The only special thing was the existence of Yunxiu clothes.

In the past ten days, Luo Yan'er did not stir up trouble, and no one bothered her. She spent a lot of time with irrigation to search Tianji Pavilion, and found no trace of xuehuangyu.

Finally, I can only place my hope on the Douling competition. I hope I can enter the Yunxiao pavilion after winning the competition and carefully look for it again.

According to the information provided by Xingyue, the highest level of this year's graduating disciples is the third level Lingshi, which is the same level as her.

But the problem is that her spirit beast has not awakened, and she does not intend to let others know that she is a third level spirit master now, so it is not easy to win the competition.

In fact, the place of the so-called spirit fighting competition is a mirage built by the five elders of Tianji Pavilion. In this way, it is not only convenient for them to monitor the condition of their disciples, but also free from the restrictions of the venue.

In fact, the rule of the so-called Douling competition is that the first one who leaves successfully is the winner.

It is said that everyone is different in what kind of difficulties they will encounter in the dreamland.

At the beginning of the competition, everyone didn't take Yunxiu clothes seriously. They just thought she was coming through the back door to experience their graduation test.

It's estimated that you will give up before long.

Yunxiuyi has just entered a dreamland, and her goal is to enter the environment where she died in the 21st century, a dark alley, and the street lights on the side of the road are flickering.

She remembered that she was walking quickly with her medicine box. Suddenly, there was a hail of bullets, and she fell into a pool of blood.

Now the environment has not changed, but she is no longer herself.

As she walked, she recalled the scene at that time. When she came to the place where she was killed, her steps stopped. It was here that she was ambushed.


Like a barrage of bullets, countless black bees suddenly flew from all directions, behind the buttocks of the needle with fluorescence, like a firefly.

The cloud Xiu clothes store up the spirit power, temporarily spread a border around, will attack to come over of Xuan bee all number block outside.At the next moment, the aura of the border is full and turns into thousands of gold needles. Yun Xiu's clothes calculate the right time to remove the border. At the same time, the gold needles also welcome Xuanfeng.

After a burst of crackling anxieties, the Xuan bees one by one fell to the ground, and one or two of them were smashed by the spirit power in her hands.

Although the wasp is small, it is highly aggressive and extremely toxic. If it is stabbed to light, it will swell into a pig's head. If it is stabbed to heavy, it will spasm and die. If there are so many Xuan bees going up together, there is no doubt that those with lower accomplishments will die, and those with higher accomplishments will also need some energy and time.

However, the cloud Xiu clothing only solves it all in an instant, which shows that the strength is extraordinary.

The disciples who were watching outside the mirage were just wondering how the scene of Yunxiu's clothes was so special, but they didn't care much. Now they are all staring at each other.

When I got back to my mind, I began to ask Zuo Qiong. Doesn't it mean that Miss Yun was born without a palace of life? Is she a waste? How could it be so powerful?

The asked Zuoli was also confused. She didn't know what was going on! She was worried for a long time before Yun Xiuyi entered the dreamland! I'm afraid that something might happen to her. Now it seems that she thinks too much.

"She has long been a seventh order spirit." At this time, Jun Shaoqin answered everyone's questions.

It suddenly dawned on all the disciples that this man had been keeping a low profile. It's no wonder that the cloud family has declined since Yun Xiuyi was born. If we let others know that she is so talented, I'm afraid she won't live to this time.

Yunxiuyi in the dreamland walks to Jiufeng again. This cliff seems to be the place where she finds moxilou. It's also here that she was killed by the fire of bird plume for the first time.

Yun Xiuyi probably knew what was going on in this dreamland.

The reason why mirage is called mirage is not only because it is transformed from spiritual power, but also because the so-called difficulties are their illusions.

Just want to understand, a fire bath rosefinch flew up from the cliff, did not give cloud Xiu clothing the slightest opportunity to prepare, then attacked.

The onlookers in the mirage widened their eyes again. They saw the rosefinch. Although they knew it was not true, the real image was enough for them to be excited.

Xingyue originally thought that Yunxiu clothing was very likely to win. As soon as she saw the rosefinch, she immediately let out her anger. What did the child think all day long?

Look at the ghosts that appear in the dreamland of other disciples. They are all ghosts that can be easily crushed to death. She is good. Is it rosefinch, the head of the four spirits?

It's no exaggeration to say that even if xiaoyaozi, the leader of Tianji Pavilion, comes out, he may not be able to hurt the rosefinch, not to mention that yunxiuyi is just a seven level spirit now. There's no hope to win this competition!

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