As Xingyue expected, yunxiuyi failed to win the first place in the Douling competition. If she hadn't stopped in time, it was estimated that yunxiuyi would not be able to get away for a while and would have been injured by rosefinch.

Although he didn't win the first place, yunxiuyi's hand captured most of his disciples.

As soon as she came out of the dreamland, she was surrounded by many disciples, shouting one by one. The scene was more lively than the one who won the first place.

Zuo Ruan originally wanted to wait for Yun Xiuyi to come out and ask why even Jun Shaoqin knew that she was a seven level spirit, but he thought that he who was closest to her didn't know anything. As a result, he couldn't squeeze into the crowd after a long time.

In the face of the sudden popularity, cloud Xiu clothes all stiff standing in place, for fear that they touch themselves.

Finally, they didn't mean to let her go at all, so they put a defensive array around them and resisted these people.

It's not easy for me to be quiet. There's a cry of surprise not far away. Then Luo Yan'er appears in front of her, and her appearance is restored.

It can be seen that she has to pay more attention to her make-up than every time before, and there is no flaw in her face. Because she can't wear too expensive in Tianji Pavilion, Luo Yan'er, who is only dressed in white, is more beautiful than before.

With a smile on her lips, she was very different from her wife who knelt on the platform of repentance that day, and her anger disappeared completely.

Like a nightmare, the disciples who had been fond of Luo Yan'er had completely forgotten about it, and now they were immersed in her beauty.

Even just eyes also closely follow cloud Xiu clothes Jun less Qin, also once again by Luo Yan Er attracted in the past.

Yun Xiu's clothes are beautiful, but he is too cold and difficult to get along with. Just looking at them, he feels that he has a sense of distance and can't play with them.

But Luo Yan'er is not the same. Her beauty is not aggressive, and her personality is amiable. She is also famous for her gentleness. If you say a word to her, you will be crushed to the bone by her voice.

Luo Yan'er enjoys the eyes of the public, and walks to Yun Xiu's clothes.

She respectfully toward cloud Xiuyi salute, "Xiuyi sister, I'm here to apologize with you, that day almost hurt you, sorry, I hope you can forgive me."

Luo Yan'er's voice is soft and soft, and I can't help but feel sorry for the slight frown of his brow.

Her apology has not been forgiven by Yun Xiuyi, and other disciples have already said, "younger martial sister Yan'er, you don't know! She is a seven level spirit, two levels higher than you! You can't hurt her at all

He was interrupted immediately by someone nearby, "how can I speak? You mean younger martial sister Yan'er is inferior to her? I think someone has ulterior motives. "

"Don't talk nonsense. Xiuyi doesn't want to fight in Tianji Pavilion."

Zuo Chou finally came to Yun Xiuyi and immediately explained to her, "it's you, Luo Yaner. How can you have a strange smell?"

Luo Yan'er's face changed greatly after hearing Zuo Fu's words. He raised his arm and kept sniffing himself. He was sure that only the smell of fat and powder could he dare to refute.

"Li Li, our two families have been making friends all the time. You must not say these words that make people misunderstand you. You think you are a man who is in favor of others. Although the Luo family is gone, I hope our relationship is still the same as before."

Keep making friends? Misunderstandings? Who doesn't know what their relationship is?

If her father didn't warn her not to fight with Luo Yan'er, or if she didn't take the interests of the left family into consideration, she thought she was willing to deal with her?

What's more, what she said now seems to be defending her. In fact, it's leading people to think that she is a person who is in favor of others.

I don't know if I've been used to it ever since I was a kid. Zuo Li is very articulate in front of everyone. As soon as I got to Luo Yan'er, I was very poor in words. It took me a long time to explain, "I just said a few words of truth, but you think too much about it yourself."

Zuoli's sense of smell is OK. Although Luo Yan'er's body is full of fat and powder, it still can't hide a fishy smell.

For a moment, Fanghua actually had an antidote, but Yunxiu clothes were not refined at all, which was equivalent to no antidote.

Therefore, Luo Yan'er's appearance recovery is definitely not taking the antidote, but using other methods. No accident should be a kind of magic.

Not long ago, the people of Luo family still suspected that Yunxiu had practiced magic arts, and satirized her everywhere. It didn't take long for Luo Yan'er to use the heresy. It's ridiculous.

Luo Yan'er always remembers the purpose of his coming here today, and he doesn't want to argue with Zuo Fu. He continues to talk with Yun Xiu Yi.

"Sister Xiuyi, you don't know that my master and I have a strange disease. Suddenly my face is getting old. It's because I care too much about my appearance that I disturb my mind and almost make a big mistake."Her this move is useless enough, cloud Xiu clothes all see enough, originally Dou Ling contest didn't win the first place already unhappy, by her such a stir more upset.

"If you really feel sorry, don't show up in front of me in the future."

"Sister Xiuyi, why do you hate me so much? I really want to apologize to you. "

See Luo Yan son will rush to pull cloud Xiuyi, star appeared in time to block her, "OK, OK, my Xiuyi just finished the competition, tired, to go back to rest."


"But what, but! It's better to practice well when you have time. " The star moon finishes saying then protects cloud Xiu clothes to leave.

Luo Yan'er looks at the back of the two of them leaving. He is very angry in his heart, but he still has a smile on his face. She originally wanted to force Yun Xiuyi to do it, so that she could play her weak identity and return to her previous state perfectly, but she was disturbed by the stars and the moon.

But it doesn't matter. It's only ten days. She still has 20 days to deal with yunxiuyi. But if she misses these 20 days, it's not easy to start with yunxiuyi again.

"Yan'er, it's really good that you're OK."

Suddenly hear Jun Shaoqin's voice, Luo Yan'er seems to be separated, she turned to look at him, there is instant disgust on her face, so fast that people can't catch it.

"Brother Shaoqin."

It's still sweet and Nuo's voice in memory. Jun Shaoqin walks up to her with a smile. Regardless of the strange eyes of Tianji Pavilion disciples, he holds Luo Yan'er's hand. "Do you know I've been worried for a long time?"

Looking at the hypocritical scene in front of him, a chill rose from the sole of his left foot to his skull. The corner of her mouth twitches twice and runs away after Yun Xiu's clothes.

Back to huajiantang, Xingyue is afraid of Yunxiu's frustration and keeps comforting her. She repeatedly emphasizes that she can't beat rosefinch, so she doesn't have to be sad.

I found that after using it, I whispered to yunxiuyi, "in a few days, the two Dharma protectors Tianjun and Qisi will go out with the leader of the pavilion. Then I will take care of Yunxiaoge for a few days. Don't you think the master can handle it casually?"

Cloud Xiu clothes this just had some reaction, "seriously?"

"What did master cheat you for? I didn't say that before because I hope you will go all out to participate in the Douling competition. "

Right after hearing this, Zuo Fu immediately hugged Xingyue's arm and said, "master Xingyue, I want to go too, I want to go too, I want to go too."

"All right, all right, let's go together. You'll let me go first, and then you'll shake my bones to pieces!"

Xingyue patted the wrinkly sleeve of Zuoluo and reminded them, "you can go in, but you can't move the things inside! No matter how big my face is, if I lose something, I will pay for it! "

Zuo Juan immediately cooperated and put up three fingers, "I promise, I only see but don't touch, and I will never take it away."

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