There was no time to find out what strength she had just absorbed, and how the border outside Jiuyin temple was broken. Yun Xiu immediately went to Xingyue's side with his feet on the ground.

However, as soon as she jumped forward, there was a roar of wild animals behind her. Before she turned around, she felt murderous.

You don't have to guess that the border is broken, and the monsters in Jiuyin temple have also escaped.

It is said that it was not easy for xiaoyaozi to defeat the monster at the beginning, and he almost died. In the end, it consumed a lot of spiritual power to seal the monster in Jiuyin temple.

Also after that time, xiaoyaozi rarely appeared in front of people, most of the time in the closed door.

It can be imagined that the background and the lethality of this monster can not be underestimated. The current strength of yunxiuyi is not its opponent at all.

And her mind is in the stars and the moon, and she doesn't want to entangle with this monster too much, so she uses an array to trap the monster, and immediately escapes here.

However, the monster has been sealed in Jiuyin temple for many years, and has accumulated a lot of resentment. Now it is hard to escape. It wants to wash Tianji pavilion with blood to relieve its hatred. Yunxiu clothes is the first person it sees after it comes out, and now it takes her as its prey.

Cloud Xiu clothes did not go far, the monster has broken the array, rushed over.

Until there was no way to avoid it, Yunxiu turned to fight, and finally saw the real face of the monster, which turned out to be a red giant fox.

Fire red fox full of murderous, looking at cloud Xiuyi eyes also want to tear her up, it bared his teeth, panting, step by step approaching cloud Xiuyi.

Because the strength disparity is too obvious, cloud Xiu clothes also don't love war, just want to escape quickly.

But the fox seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, and his fiery eyes were staring at Yun Xiu's clothes, which made it possible for him to rush up anytime and anywhere.

Cloud Xiu clothes whole God guard to retreat toward, that Fox also cautiously follow her.

Just when the two sides were in a standoff, a surge of spirit power suddenly came not far away, and the fox attacked quickly and fiercely.

Yunxiuyi dodges from left to right, trying to lead it to Yunxiao Pavilion, but the fox is very cunning. In another direction, he forces yunxiuyi to Jiuyin temple.

Originally, yunxiuyi was in a state of uneasiness, and she was almost hit by a fox several times. As soon as she entered Jiuyin temple, she calmed down inexplicably, and her irritable heart gradually calmed down. As soon as her face changed, xuehuangyu was here.

She should have thought that monsters are hard to tame, and xiaoyaozi has to make such a complicated border to trap them.

But it certainly will not give in easily. It is bound to try to break through the border every day and night. In this way, Tianji Pavilion will be restless.

So the best way is to suppress it. Since xuehuangyu is in Tianji Pavilion, he should make good use of it.

In the past month, Yunxiu's clothes and irrigation have almost covered the whole Tianji Pavilion, but there has been no progress. Unexpectedly, it took no effort for xuehuangyu to find her.

With the thread, yunxiuyi climbs to Jiuyin temple, but the fox stops. It seems that he doesn't want to enter this place again in his life.

Without the fox's entanglement, Yun Xiuyi soon found Xue Huangyu.

After getting xuehuangyu, the fox outside the temple seems to have a lingering fear. His eyes follow Yunxiu's clothes closely, but he is never close.

Cloud Xiu clothes also quickly take the opportunity to leave, don't give yourself a chance to get into trouble again.

The fox stops at the same place and doesn't seem to want to catch up. But when Yun Xiuyi throws Xue Huangyu into the heaven and earth cauldron, he rushes over immediately and says, "Xuanxin ring is in your hand."

Xuanxinjie? A name I've never heard of.

"Give Xuanxin ring back to you." The fox bared his sharp white teeth and looked at Yun Xiu's clothes fiercely. He was more murderous than before.


Cloud Xiu clothes brain rapid operation, in order to delay the fox simply follow its words agreed, "also you can, but now I have urgent things to deal with, must leave, if you don't agree, don't want to get Xuanxin ring."

"You - how dare you threaten me."

The fox's reaction tells Yun Xiuyi that this move is useful. She takes advantage of the victory and pursues, "if you go late, that person has an accident, you can't get Xuanxin ring."

"You - no one has ever dared to speak to me like this."

If so, yunxiuyi was 100% sure that the fox would not kill her for the time being. Without any scruples, she went directly around the fox and rushed to Yunxiao Pavilion.

At that time, yunxiuyi expected that the battle between Xingyue and Xingyue would be very fierce. But at this moment, when she arrived at Yunxiaoge, she could hear the needle falling quietly.Yunxiuyi walked forward, looking for a familiar figure, and finally found the stars and moon lying on the ground in the southwest of Yunxiao Pavilion.

She's still a little late.

Looking at the scene in front of him, although Yun Xiu's clothes didn't lose their manners and didn't know what to do, there was a trace of sour in his heart.

Isn't that great? Didn't you say you would come back? Isn't Stardust her rival? How now not only lost, but also... Countless questions floating in Yunxiu's mind.

She closed her eyes and slowly opened them, as if hoping that all this was false, but the stars and the moon still fell to the ground.

She walked slowly to the star and moon, and directly performed the twelfth weight of "floating embers".

The twelfth weight of "Floating Life ember" can bring people back to life, but it also consumes their own energy, which is equivalent to using their own Shouyuan to continue the life of the dead.

Therefore, yunxiuyi will not forcibly save the dead unless it is a last resort. Moreover, there is a certain number of life, aging, illness and death. It is not only one person's life that is artificially changed, but all the people related to it will be affected.

Yun Xiuyi read the pithy formula, a string of strange characters seemed to come out from under the ground, slowly wrapped around the body of Xingyue, and a circle of light halo immediately appeared around her.

Lying on the ground, Xingyue suddenly moves her fingers, and then opens her eyes. Yunxiuyi squats down to help her up.

"Master, what happened?"

She only extended the life of the moon and the stars for an hour, and she would die again after an hour, so she had to ask what happened to the cloud Pavilion during this period and who killed her.

If there were only Stardust outside at that time, his cultivation could not hurt Starmoon, let alone kill her, there must be something strange in it.

"Master lied to you --"

Xingyue's voice was soft. Before, everyone thought her voice was beautiful and pleasant. At this time, Yunxiu's clothes felt stuffy.

"Shifu wants to see you smile."

Although he came to life again, the breath of the stars and the moon became weaker and weaker. "Your father used to look good when he laughed! The greatest regret of Shifu's life is that he couldn't find his killer. Xiuyi -- "

Hearing this, Yun Xiuyi's fingertips trembled. It turned out that Xingyue and Yun Yiyan were old friends, so they would take care of her.

"Xiuyi, you promised master that you would avenge your father. He is a good man and the best man in the world. You must find..."

Seeing the star and moon start to spit blood, cloud Xiu clothes eyes a little doubt, once again show "floating embers".

Just at this time, Stardust quietly appeared behind her, clapping Xiang Yunxiu's clothes with one hand, "you even have your own master to do so, I will do it for heaven today."

In the process of display, cloud Xiuyi can't be distracted, and can't fight, so she is given a slap by Xingchen.

This palm of Xingchen uses 100% of the spiritual power, and it shatters many parts of Yunxiu's clothes, and also interrupts the "floating embers". Yunxiu's clothes will have to say goodbye in the future, and the stars and the moon will have no breath.

And she didn't answer any of the questions she wanted to ask.

In a flash, cloud Xiu clothes whole body murderous rampant, she put down the star and got up to face the star dust, has not thought of himself is not the star dust opponent.

The magic power of the palm turns into a long sword. Yun Xiu's clothes move quickly in front of Xingchen. The speed is so fast that Xingchen's heart is shocked. He immediately hides behind and warns himself not to be careless.

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