After the star dust's palm, Yun Xiuyi's spiritual power was already affected. In addition, the strength of both sides was so different that she was restricted everywhere after a few moves.

However, Yun Xiuyi dodged and thought about other methods. Then he turned the power into a golden needle. Relying on his understanding of acupoints, he stabbed the dead acupoints of Xingchen accurately.

Stardust realized the danger, applied a barrier to block all the gold needles.

I think this waste can't be left. It's easy to deal with now when she is young and has little practice. If she grows up and becomes stronger, it will become a big trouble.

In case other people come to save the waste, Xingchen will keep all the spiritual power in his hand, and plans to make a quick decision.

Fox, who has been guarding not far away, looks at this scene and is depressed. A girl who is so weak that she will be killed soon dares to threaten it.

However, it is more gas, this old son, it has not yet got Xuanxin ring, this person is going to kill this girl.

The spirit power in the palm of Xingchen's hand quickly attacks Yunxiu's clothes, and she doesn't dodge either. Xingchen thinks that she has given up the struggle, and the winner's smile appears on her face.

However, a scene that shocked him appeared.

After Yun Xiu's clothes catch Lingli, even her consciousness begins to be confused, but she doesn't fall down.

Stardust see her eyes closed in situ stood for a while, until the eyes open again, the body injury seems to be good. He did not understand looking at her, suspected that his spiritual power had a problem.

And just ready to help cloud Xiu clothes Fox also took back the claws, this girl seems to be different from its imagination.

Although the wound healed as quickly as possible, the spirit power of Yunxiu clothes was seriously damaged. As long as Xingchen attacked again, she would be defeated. However, Xingchen seemed to have a scruple about her and didn't start again.

Also just gave cloud Xiu clothing opportunity.

In a flash, she came to Xingchen. The silver needle hidden in her sleeve quickly went into several big acupoints of Xingchen. Xingchen only felt that she had been bitten by mosquitoes for a few times, almost without much pain.

Then his body gradually became numb. He wanted to denounce Yun Xiu's use of abusive methods, but found that his tongue was numb and he couldn't speak at all.

"What about lingligao? I can still kill you."

Cloud Xiu clothes hold star dust's neck to control him, "say, how my master died."

"Well --"

After a long time, Yunxiu took out the silver needle from his neck. Unexpectedly, Xingchen could speak and yell.

"Bitch, if you have the ability, we fought again. We just killed you to accompany Xingyue. If she didn't get in the way, I would be the leader of Huajian hall. It's not easy for me to wait for another chance, and the pharmacist of your family will make trouble again. You all deserve to die. "

These words have been in my heart for a long time. Now I don't need him to do it. Xingyue is dead. It seems that even heaven is helping him. "You're not as human as I am, you even kill your own master."

A strange skin tearing sound accompanied by the sound of bone fracture rings out. Before the rest of Xingchen's words are uttered, he finds himself flying in horror.

But when he looked down, he found that his body was still standing in the distance.

When Yuexiu and Zuoli arrive, they just see yunxiuyi unscrewing Xingchen's head with his bare hands. Xingchen's eyes are wide open and his face is full of fear. He opens his mouth wide and doesn't want to say anything.

The next moment, his head hit the ground heavily, his body also fell back, and he came to a different end.

"How dare you attack in the cloud Pavilion."

Without waiting for zuolun to stop him, Yuexiu rushed forward to stop yunxiuyi. However, yunxiuyi didn't want to fight with him and went straight to Xingyue.

Whether it's her father's or not, it's true that this man protected her, but now she doesn't even know who killed her. And all this is because of her, she must also be responsible for the death of Xingyue.

"Xiuyi, what happened? Why do you want to kill elder Xingchen? " Zuo Lian was so anxious that he spoke with a trace of crying.

At that time, in Yunxiao Pavilion, she didn't listen to yunxiuyi's words to go back to rest. Instead, she rushed to the small room with her and planned to go to the gate of Yunxiao pavilion with her.

As a result, Mingming and yunxiuyi come out, but she suddenly disappears. Zuoli thinks that she is too fast, so she rushes to the gate, but she is stunned by a wave of spirit power without even seeing the appearance of the gate.

If master hadn't woken her up, she would still be faint!

Cloud Xiu clothes go to star moon side, gently close her eyes, month repair this just see also fall on the ground of star moon, before the anger gradually disappear into panic."Younger martial sister Xingyue... Is she... Xingchen?"

Zuoli also cried out in fright, "isn't the master of Xingyue hall saying it's ok? How could it be? "

She sobbed intermittently. How long had it been? The star moon hall leader was still smiling at them not long ago! Still comforting them, don't worry!

How come all of a sudden... There's no more.

Before long, the other hall leaders, elders and disciples of Tianji Pavilion came to see the miserable situation in front of Yunxiao Pavilion.

When he found that there were blood stains on the white clothes of Yun Xiu, all kinds of doubts suddenly appeared in his heart.

First, they went to Yunxiao pavilion to check if there were any stolen treasures. Then they began to check the bodies of Xingyue and Xingchen. Because the silver needle had completely disappeared into Xingchen, they did not find anything unusual.

Su Mei, the leader of Qingxu hall, came out of Yunxiao Pavilion and frowned, "Xuanxin ring and three limitless elixirs have been stolen."

Another Xuanxin ring? Is the sealed wooden box the Xuanxin ring? No wonder the fox from Jiuyin temple asked her to hand it in.

Although Yun Xiuyi didn't know what Xuanxin ring was, he knew something about Wuji elixir.

It is said that the Wuji elixir was refined by the founder of zhulanglou. It is a kind of elixir for quick cultivation. There are 12 elixirs in the world, but there is no record of who has them.

There are three of them in Yunxiao Pavilion. Tianji Pavilion is worthy of being the largest faction of Dongyue empire.

"The border of Jiuyin temple is broken, and Xuanxin ring is lost again. Is it someone who wants to save the monster?" Zhiyuan, the leader of Tianshui hall, was at a loss.

Although the two hall leaders only said a few words, the meaning between the lines worried all the disciples.

Yunxiao Pavilion stolen! Xuanxin ring and Wuji elixir are gone.

The leader of Xingyue hall and elder Xingchen died miserably!

The border of Jiuyin temple is broken, and the monsters are gone!

No matter what happened, it was a great event, but now it happened at the same time. They looked at each other as if the monster was hiding in a corner, and they didn't dare to breathe.

What's worse is that the Lord and the two Dharma protectors are not in the pavilion. Who will protect them if anything happens?

Even these disciples can guess that the person who controls all this is waiting for xiaoyaozi, Tianjun and Qi Si to leave Tianji Pavilion at the same time, which is even more obvious in the hearts of the two hall leaders and several elders.

It turns out that Xuanxin ring was stolen by that girl. No wonder she refused to admit it before.

A suckling girl must be better than the whole Tianji Pavilion. The fox in the corner thinks silently.

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