No sleep tonight.

After dealing with the bodies of Xingyue and Xingchen, Su Mei and Zhiyuan order that Tianji Pavilion be sealed off, and no one is allowed to leave before xiaoyaozi returns.

Xu is immersed in the sadness of losing his younger martial sister and younger martial brother at the same time. Yue Xiu is personally responsible for handling the body, and even forgets to expose the fact that Yun Xiuyi killed Xingchen.

And cloud Xiu clothes in the public scattered after finally can't support fell down, standing beside her left wanwan haven't had time to catch her, then was don't know when appear left sangyan preempt.

Cloud Xiu dress this war wound is very heavy, and no Mo Xi Lou for her treatment, return to live after Ren by left Wan Wan how call all don't wake up.

Left Wan Wan anxious to turn around in the room, full of tears on the face frowning.

At this moment, I can't leave Tianji pavilion to find the pharmacist. If they tell the two hall leaders, they must ask who hurt Yunxiu's clothes. She is guilty when she lies, and they will see the flaw.

At that time, yunxiuyi's killing of elder Xingchen can't be concealed. The leader of Xingyue hall has already had an accident. She doesn't want yunxiuyi to have another accident.

"Wan Wan, calm down first."

Zuo sangyan, who has been guarding the cloud Xiuyi's side, advises her. As soon as his sister has something on her mind, she writes it on her face, and she is still unable to sink her heart.

Zuo wanwan looks at Zuo sangyan and wants to stop talking. Even if she is her brother, she can't say that yunxiuyi killed the elder Xingchen, but if no one saves yunxiuyi, will she die?

Thinking like this, left Wan Wan cried again, "brother, I don't want cloud Xiu clothes to die."

After hearing Zuo wanwan's words, Zuo sangyan looked at her helplessly, "she is suffering from excessive spiritual power loss and serious internal deficiency. It takes some time to recover. How can you say that she seems to be helpless? Do you wish her well or curse her? "


Left Wan Wan immediately broke tears to smile, "cloud Xiu clothes won't die?"

"Of course, what did my brother cheat you for?"

Left Wan Wan an heart after also sitting at the bedside guarding cloud Xiu clothes, buttocks haven't sat hot room door was pushed open, Luo Yan'er with a few disciples broke in.

She looked for a circle in the room, and finally stopped her eyes on Yunxiu's clothes on the bed. "The two hall leaders have orders to take her to ask questions."

After that, the disciples rushed to take Yunxiu's clothes.

Zuo wanwan angrily stopped them and said to Luo Yan'er standing at the door, "are you sick! Or are you blind? Haven't you seen Yun Xiuyi still asleep? "

Luo Yan son just wants to scold to go back, inadvertently glimpsed the left mulberry speech of the left Wan Wan side, will want to say words to suppress to go back again, "I also follow orders to act."

"That's because the two hall leaders don't know the current situation of yunxiuyi. Haven't they seen you so stupid before? Don't you know how to be flexible? "

In a hurry, left Wan Wan can't take care of his psychological obstacles to Luo Yan'er, and blurts out what he wants to say.

At this time, Zuo sangyan also got up and went to Luo Yan'er with some restraint. "Xiuyi, her present situation is not suitable for going out. She also asked Miss Luo San to explain to the two hall leaders."

"Brother, why are you so polite to her? You think she'll talk to you? "

Who knows Luo Yan'er cold hum two, unexpectedly recall those several disciples, "let cloud Xiu clothes wake up, go to two hall masters to explain tonight."

Then she stepped out of the door, walked two steps and turned around again. Her eyes wandered on yunxiuyi and Zuo sangyan for a while.

The voice is still that pair of affectation posture, "this big midnight, left childe stay in a girl's room that hasn't come out of the cabinet, don't seem to conform to the rules very much!"

Without waiting for Zuo wanwan to scold her for meddling, Luo Yan'er has left with several disciples.

When the episode ended, Zuo wanwan frowned at Zuo sangyan and said, "brother, why don't you go back first! I'm here to watch

"Because of Miss Luo San?"

"Not exactly. I know you like Yunxiu clothes, but Luo Yan'er is right. It's not good after all. I'm afraid Yunxiu clothes will be angry with me when they wake up. You'd better go back and have a rest! Come back tomorrow. "

"I see!"

Zuo sangyan patted Zuo wanwan's head, "then you take good care of Xiuyi. If you have something to call me."


There was a mist at the end of the sky. The crescent moon, which had been covered by clouds for a long time, finally showed a corner. A circle of pale light was shining on the window, printing mottled figures.

This series of misfortunes tonight is undoubtedly a broken nightmare for the people in Tianji Pavilion. All the unknown fears are hidden in the dark, stirring them to toss and turn.Luo Yan'er is also sleepless at the moment.

After leaving Yunxiu's house, she went to zuosangyan's house. She didn't wait long for the convenience to appear.

As soon as she saw Zuo sangyan, she ran over in a panic, "I want to leave here. If they know that I broke the border of Jiuyin temple, they will not let me go."

"What's the matter?"

Zuo sangyan grabbed his hand, and his gentle expression gradually blurred, "who will believe it if you say it? Can you break the boundary of Jiuyin Temple by yourself? "


She can stay in Tianji Pavilion because of Xingchen. Now that Xingchen is dead, Tianji pavilion has no place for her. No matter what happened tonight is related to her or not, Tianji Pavilion can't accommodate her.

Moreover, it was Zuo sangyan who told her the way to break the border, and she was the culprit in case she was found!

"Miss Luo San should understand the reason why we have to give up when the arrow is on the line! What's more, it's an arrow that has been shot out. Now we are in the same boat, and you don't have a chance to go ashore. "

Zuo sangyan is clearly smiling, but Luo Yan'er's back is filled with a chill. She steps back in fear, as if the person in front of her is a devil and dare not approach.

"Don't be afraid. I'm in control of everything." Afraid of Luo Yan'er's bad things, Zuo sangyan has to comfort her and try to stabilize her.

"You have the Wuji elixir and Xuanxin ring? Are you the one who killed the master and master

Before the incident, Luo Yan'er had been in Jiuyin temple. After she broke the border of Jiuyin temple, she wanted to leave. As a result, the monster escaped.

She is afraid of hiding, or cloud Xiu clothes appear, afraid that she died in that monster claw.

As for Yunxiao Pavilion, she didn't know anything about it. Zuo sangyan didn't tell her why he wanted to break the border of Jiuyin temple, let alone all his plans.

But intuition told her that things about Yunxiao Pavilion must have something to do with him.

If she guessed correctly, he would have known that the pavilion master and the two Dharma protectors would leave Tianji Pavilion for a few days, and he had already planned to steal Yunxiao Pavilion. He wanted her to break the border of Jiuyin temple, and also wanted to release monsters to attract other people's attention.

At that time, the hall leaders and elders of Tianji pavilion are all entangled by monsters, and they have no time to care about Yunxiao Pavilion, so they can leave easily.

See Zuo sangyan refuse to answer his question, Luo Yan'er continue to ask.

"In the same boat? I'm also bewildered. I believe you. The monster can't even kill the Lord of the pavilion. It can only be suppressed in the Jiuyin temple. You make it clear that I'm going to die. "

"Not stupid."

Zuo sangyan took a few steps towards Luo Yan'er, and his attitude was better than just now, "but you are lucky and have a big life. It's not that you didn't die! Besides, it's your choice to cooperate with me. "

"But that method can only last for a while, ah --" before she finished, Luo Yan'er screamed, followed by a sharp pain in her face.

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