As the pain gradually eased, Luo Yan'er's face began to age again, not only full of wrinkles, but also covered with horrible spots, which was terrible in the dark room.

Holding her face, she yelled at Zuo sangyan, "what I need is eternal beauty, not like now."

"You're just not used to it."

Zuo sangyan stepped forward, opened her hands covering her face, raised her chin, "how could that method be temporary? As long as you don't give up, this beauty will always be yours. "

Then he took out a small black bottle from his sleeve, pulled out the cork and handed it to Luo Yan'er, "this is for you."

As soon as he smelled the familiar smell, Luo Yan'er immediately took it over and drank it down.

After a while, the wrinkles on her face were smoothed one by one. She was Miss Luo San again, as if nothing had happened.

Only a bloodstain on the corner of her mouth reminds her that from now on, her life has been completely controlled by the harmless man in front of her.

The next morning, Yunxiu just woke up and was called to Qingxu hall.

In the Qingxu hall, Su Mei and Zhi Yuan are the two main hall leaders, and four elders, including Yue Yuexiu, Wu Huo, mu wanci and ye Tianjing, are sitting in a precarious position, as if they had been waiting for Yun Xiuyi for a long time.

They seem to be too lazy to deal with cloud Xiu clothes. Su Mei asks directly, "what's the matter with the bloodstain on your body last night?"

Before yunxiuyi could answer, Zhiyuan, who was sitting next to him, asked, "elder Yuexiu said that when he arrived, the master of Xingyue hall and elder Xingchen had been killed. You were there at that time. We hope you can tell us the details."

Cloud Xiu clothes looked at the month repair one eye, see his eyes droop, look sad.

He should have seen Xingyue's face and didn't tell the truth that she killed Xingchen. Moreover, he might have thought that Xingchen did harm to Xingyue and she was avenging her master.

"I don't know who killed master."

"What's the explanation for the blood on you? Is it possible that it was accidentally rubbed up? "

The blood on Yunxiu's white clothes last night was splashed from his neck when he broke Xingchen's head, which almost dyed his front.

At that time, these people had doubts, but they had no time to take care of Yun Xiu's clothes, so they summoned her when they were free.

"I met a huge red fox last night and got hurt in the fight with it." Cloud Xiu dress this words a, the person's facial expression on the spot all a flustered.

Su Mei asked, "are you sure it's the fire red giant fox?"

Yun Xiuyi nodded.

He got up and went forward to check the injury of Yun Xiu's clothes. His brow was frowning, "why don't you say that you have been hurt so badly? Xingyue dotes on you at ordinary times. If she leaves, something will happen to you. Let's explain to her? "

Zhiyuan also said, "do you know what the giant fox is?"

He sighed and sighed, "the giant fox is called xinyuehu. He is the king of ten thousand demons, but he does all kinds of evil and does harm to the world. Thanks to the Lord's suppression in Jiuyin temple, he benefits the whole Dongyue empire. It's lucky that you can get away with your life. "

The disciples in Tianji Pavilion only know that there are monsters in Jiuyin temple, but they don't know exactly what they are. Yunxiu clothes can accurately tell the shape of monsters.

So these people immediately believed what she said.

Only Yue Xiu looks up at her with strange eyes. He also believes that Yun Xiuyi does meet Xin Yuehu, but after escaping from Xin Yuehu, she can kill Xingchen. She is very human.

Since leaving Yunxiao Pavilion yesterday, Guanguan has been mute.

Now listen to these people outside, poor nest in heaven and earth Ding, and it is opposite, is a fire red fox.

The king of ten thousand demons! Their boss! Of course, it recognized it. Last night, when Yunxiu was absorbed by that powerful force to Jiuyin temple, it recognized it.

So I immediately got into the heaven and earth cauldron, thinking that it would be safe and I could escape.

Where to think of this fox unexpectedly to take advantage of cloud Xiu clothes coma, and the left Wan Wan of guard in the side is low, secretly entered the ding.

Irrigation heart is very bitter, before it was only afraid of Xinyue and moxilou, later this demon disappeared.

Then it began to be afraid of Yunxiu clothes. It didn't take long before moxilou appeared. Now Xinyue has come back and stayed in the same space with it. This heaven and earth tripod is not safe!

If you let others know that yunxiuyi carries one of the four spirits, Qinglong, xinyuehu, the king of ten thousand demons, and a clever, lovely and kind-hearted irrigation bird, I don't know what kind of shock it will be. I think it will be a direct cry!"What kind of bird, how to open this broken box?"

The fox has been studying the wooden box since he came in. However, the old man xiaoyaozi deliberately aimed at it. The seal on the wooden box was set to prevent it.

It works by any means, but it can't be opened.

When he heard the fox talking to him, his plumage trembled and faltered for a long time before he said, "don't be kidding. You don't know how to open it. I'm just a bird, let alone a bird."

The fox thought about it, and then asked, "does that girl outside know the border formation?"

Yunxiu clothes understand! Mo Xilou taught it in person! However, it seems that it's not good to sell Yun Xiu's clothes!

Irrigation continued to prevaricate, "should understand! She's very smart, but she's late at it. "

"I can see that the girl is so cunning that she even dares to threaten me, but she should not know who I am, and she will immediately beg for mercy."

Looking at the fox's self-confident appearance, douguan can't bear to fight it. The person who can make yunxiuyi kneel down and beg for mercy hasn't appeared yet!

Think of Mo Xi Lou is what identity, cloud Xiu clothes also never put in the eye.

After making sure that he couldn't open the wooden box, the fox threw it aside. "What does that girl want xuehuangyu to do?"

"It works!"

"I found out. You've been perfunctorizing me since just now. I'm not timid! Even if you are the girl's pet, don't forget that I am your king. "

See fox angry, irrigation immediately more counseled, "how dare I perfunctory you! You can't make Yunxiu clothes, and I can't make her any more! "

Because there is xuehuangyu in the heaven and earth cauldron, now the fox's spiritual power is more or less suppressed, and he doesn't care about a bird.

Outside the heaven and earth tripod, after yunxiuyi explained her whereabouts last night, Su Mei asked her again.

"You are the only apprentice of Xingyue, so we want to ask your opinion. We don't want to cremate her and Xingchen's remains for the time being. After all, they are dead. We should wait for the Lord to come back and make a decision."

Now that they have made a decision, why ask her for advice?

The leader and elder of Tianji pavilion are killed. Normally, they should wait until xiaoyaozi comes back. But once xiaoyaozi sees the body of Xingchen, he will find the silver needles in several big holes of Xingchen.

This kind of manipulation requires the help of acupoints, and one can know that the killer knows medical skills. Although the probability of contacting her is very small, what if?

"I want to see my master," she said

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