There was a star and moon protecting her before. All the disciples of Tianji Pavilion didn't dare to bully Yunxiu. As a result, less than a month after she came, such a big thing happened in Tianji Pavilion. Even their favorite star and moon hall leader was hurt.

Before they came to Tianji Pavilion, they were all the children of the famous families of Dongyue empire. They had heard about the affairs of Miss Yun.

There must be few people in the whole East moon Empire who didn't know that Yun Xiuyi killed his father as soon as he was born. He also caused the rosefinch to be attacked and the family of Yun to fall.

Although she is no longer a waste without a palace of life, it can not change the fact that she is a disaster.

Therefore, as soon as yunxiuyi came out of Qingxu hall, those radical disciples spontaneously organized to throw eggs at yunxiuyi, and those who throw vegetable leaves at yunxiuyi.

However, they didn't expect that elder Yuexiu and master Sumei would come out with them. They didn't control their direction, and they lost a lot of money on them. These disciples were all dumbfounded.

"What are you doing?"

Su Mei was upset and worried that there was no place to get angry. He picked up a vegetable leaf on his shoulder and said, "have you come to Tianji Pavilion for such a long time and learned all this?"

The disciples bowed their heads and did not dare to come out, let alone answer Su Mei's questions.

"If you don't want to stay here and leave as soon as possible, I can't tolerate you in Tianji Pavilion." Su Mei finished throwing leaves on the ground and left angrily.

This thought Su Mei put cruel words, they will be more restrained, the result wait until cloud Xiu clothes pass by their side, there are a few bold people directly said, "it's you who should leave, get out of Tianji Pavilion quickly."

"Get out of Tianji Pavilion."

"Get out of Tianji Pavilion." "..."

They say that people are excited, but Yunxiu clothes don't think so. Now that she has got xuehuangyu, she has no reason to stay in Tianji Pavilion.

As for the murderer of Xingyue, there are only a few people in Tianji Pavilion who have the strength to do it. If someone who has no strength does it, he must not be willing to be subordinated to others. Sooner or later, he will show his feet.

"Don't care what they say. Xingyue is always popular. These children like her. Maybe they can't accept her leaving for a while."

Yuexiu walks beside yunxiuyi and comforts her in a low voice.

"Don't be sad, martial uncle."

Yue Xiu sighed again and again, "I used to think she was noisy, but now I miss her again in less than a day. You say this person is really strange."

It can be seen that Yuexiu and Xingyue have much deeper feelings than Xingchen.

Now no one told him, so he told Yun Xiuyi what he had in mind. "Your master is a person who attaches great importance to love and righteousness. A little kindness will be remembered all his life, and he won't hurt each other in the same family."

He continued, "Xingyue likes you, and I'm willing to believe you, but there are some things I want to ask clearly, and it's not in vain for me to hide for you. Xingyue, even if Xingchen forced her to do it, she decided not to do it. What happened at that time? "

"I don't know who killed master."


Yuexiu shook his head. How could Xingyue like such a stubborn child?

As soon as he complained in his heart, Yun Xiuyi said, "I could have saved my master. It was Xingchen who stopped me, so I killed him. He should die."

In a word, Yue Xiu knew the cause and effect completely. "He always blamed Xingyue for robbing him as the leader of the hall. He was always unconvinced by Xingyue. It was my elder martial brother who failed to adjust their relationship."

"I don't blame you."

Yue Xiu didn't ask any more questions. Now that the matter has come to this point, it's just sad to ask.

After arriving at the ancestral hall where the bodies of Xingyue and Xingchen were placed, Yuexiu whispered in yunxiuyi's ear, "if you need my help, I will do my best."

Afraid of destroying clues, Xingyue is wearing the same clothes she wore when she was killed last night. She is wrinkled and doesn't look like she used to.

Yunxiuyi remembers seeing her for the first time. She is smiling, beautiful and detached. The scene seems to have happened yesterday, but she can no longer hear the sound of the stars and the moon.

She went to Xingyue and looked at her so carefully for the first time.

Even if the face is pale, without a trace of anger, you can see that Xingyue is a refined woman. She must have charmed many people when she was young!

She stooped to her ear, "master, I will fulfill your wish." Find out who killed your father and who killed you.

After saying goodbye to the stars and the moon, cloud Xiuyi comes to the stars and dust again. Although Yue Xiu didn't know what she was going to do, she came to Su Mei and began to talk to him to attract his attention.And cloud Xiu clothes also take the opportunity to suck out the silver needle in the body of Xingchen, and restore the wound that is too small to be seen by the naked eye.

After all this, she left the ancestral hall.

Back to huajiantang, the fox hiding in the heaven and earth cauldron immediately appeared in front of yunxiuyi and raised his hairy claws, "girl, I said that he would return Xuanxin ring to me."

Cloud Xiu Yi looked at it, then took out the wooden box in the heaven and earth tripod and threw it in front of it, then went into the room without looking back.

Heaven and earth in the irrigation laugh out a voice, its cloud Xiu clothing is domineering, even the king of ten thousand demons do not give face.

"You --"

Looking at the wooden box on the ground, the fox didn't take it or not.

The key is that it's useless to take it! It can't untie the seal on the wooden box at all. Originally, it wanted to frighten Yunxiu's clothes so that she could help it actively. This scene is not what it wanted at all!

Didn't someone tell her who she was just now? It is the king of ten thousand demons! Does she know what the king of banshees is?

All the ghosts and beasts in the world regard it as the king!

Of course, Yunxiu's clothes were not so kind as to hand over what he had brought out of Yunxiao Pavilion. Since the fox stayed in the heaven and earth cauldron and didn't take away the wooden box, it showed that it couldn't untie the seal at all. Do you want her to untie it? Then it has to make her willing.

Seeing Yun Xiu's clothes enter the room, the fox turns a big white eye. If she hadn't some use, it would have killed her with one paw.

A man can bend and stretch, so can a fox.

After thinking about it, the fox picked up the wooden box and jumped into the room with yunxiuyi. He threw the box in front of yunxiuyi in the same posture and said, "put it there first."

Finish saying and feel oneself of manner seem to have a little bad, in case really provoked urgent this wench how to do?

It felt it was necessary to be cute, so it patted Yun Xiuyi with its hairy claws, tilted its head and said, "sister Xiuyi, can I live in the heaven and earth tripod?"

Yun Xiuyi's expression was stunned, and the fox quickly added, "people have nowhere to go now. Is it good for Xiuyi's elder sister to take them in?"

The irrigation in the heaven and earth cauldron was so scared that he almost bit his tongue and thought to himself, "my mother! I'm afraid the demon king is not crazy! Or have you been locked up in Jiuyin temple for so many years?

"Yes, just for the bird's company."

"Hello! Cloud Xiu clothes Don't you just say yes? He didn't want to stay with the fox. He was afraid! Its psychological endurance is poor!

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