Irrigation in the heaven and earth cauldron called every day should not, called the earth does not work, and finally simply out of the heaven and earth cauldron, in front of cloud Xiuyi kept turning black eyes, crazy hint that she did not agree to the fox.

Cloud Xiu clothes but can't see at all, it is the fox next to clap it with his paw, "you don't want to stay with me."

"How?" I shake my head madly, but I want to cry without tears.

"To be able to share the same cauldron with you is a blessing you have cultivated in your previous life. You don't need to be moved."

Can it avoid this blessing?

"Someone's coming." The fox said that he was picked up and poured into the heaven and earth cauldron. Almost as soon as their figures disappeared, Jun Jinyao appeared at the door.

She's blushing and panting. She should have run all the way.

Seeing Yun Xiuyi standing there safely, she was relieved, and the stone hanging in her heart also fell down. "As soon as I left the pass, I heard that you were injured, and there was something about the master of Xingyue hall. Are you... Are you ok?"

Jun Jinyao came in after her breath was a little stable. She looked at Yun Xiuyi and said, "I don't know how to comfort people. Don't be sad."

From Yun Xiu's face, she could not see whether she was sad or not, but she always felt that she should say something, "don't worry, when my master comes back, I will give an explanation to the leader of Xingyue hall."


In fact, Jun Jinyao is not a person who is not good at words, but since Yun Xiuyi saved her, she became clumsy in front of Yun Xiuyi and could not speak at all.

They were silent for a while. Junjinyao remembered that she almost forgot something important. She took out a jade bottle and poured out a crystal clear pill to yunxiuyi.

"It's for my master to heal my wounds. It happens that our spiritual power is damaged. It must be useful for your wounds."

Yun Xiu Yi took a look at the pill, Jiuqu Lingshen pill, a rare elixir. It seems that xiaoyaozi is a precious disciple.

The fox in the heaven and earth cauldron disdains. Tianji Pavilion is corrupt everywhere. Sooner or later, it will end up in xiaoyaozi's home.

Fearing that Yun Xiuyi would refuse her kindness, Jun Jinyao took her hand and put the pill in her palm. "The master gave me a lot of this medicine. You don't have to feel burdened. Anyway, I'm much better."

Yun Xiuyi is not a pusher. He is favored by others and will return it next time. So he takes Jiuqu Lingshen pill in front of Jun Jinyao.

Jun Jinyao left at ease. Before she left, she repeatedly told Yun Xiuyi that she must have a good rest.

When she goes, the fox will make complaints about it. "The apprentice of love is afraid of you. Look at her coquettish, girlish gesture

"Don't talk nonsense. Yunxiu is also a girl." Douguan muttered.

But the fox spat, "Yeah! The girl's character is just like that of a little girl. She's just a man! " Then he burst out laughing.

Guanguan continued to mutter, "your character doesn't look like a fox!"

Fortunately, the fox laughed so loudly that he didn't hear the sentence of irrigation. Otherwise, his fur might be lost and even swallowed.

Three days later, xiaoyaozi and the two Dharma protectors returned to Tianji Pavilion, where yunxiuyi had been studying for a whole month.

It must be Yun Jinyan who wants to perform well in front of Yun Xiuyi. Early in the morning, he personally brings people to tianque to pick up Yun Xiuyi.

After knowing the whole thing, xiaoyaozi advocated not to publicize it to the outside world. After all, this matter is of great importance. I'm afraid that it will affect the reputation of Tianji Pavilion and suffer unnecessary criticism.

Therefore, he did not deliberately detain Yun Xiu's clothes. Instead, he asked Yue Xiu to send her to meet Yun Jinyan.

After leaving Tianji Pavilion smoothly, fox was in a good mood and finally left that ghost place. Xiaoyao old man would never dream that he had let it go himself.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, but it is not too late for a fox to take revenge for one hundred years.

The most urgent thing is to untie the seal on the wooden box. It needs to get Xuanxin ring as soon as possible.

In the past month, Zhuque street has been rebuilt with the efforts of the left family of the cloud family. The broken walls have disappeared without a trace. It's a refreshing feeling.

It seems that the previous disaster does not exist at all, and the people who have not experienced the disaster will soon start a new life, but the victims who have lost their loved ones are difficult to get out of the sadness all their lives.

Back at Yun's home, Yun Xiuyi first stayed with Qing Yao for a while, then went to yunmoxuan for a tour, and then went to Jimo's home after dark.

It's still the secret room full of crystal stones. What's different is that Mo Xi Lou is sober this time. It seems that even if the date of Yunxiu's return is early, he is not surprised at her arrival.Yun Xiuyi saw that his face was much better than the last time he met, and he didn't say much.

She took out xuehuangyu from the heaven and earth cauldron, and the fox jumped out, "long time no see, Mo Xilou, you..." the fox was surprised, "how did you become such a virtue? Who's the good man to take care of you? "

Cloud Xiu clothes kick away the fox that gets in the way and give snow phoenix feather to Mo Xi Lou.

The fox, who was kicked aside, looked pitifully at Yunxiu's clothes. It didn't seem to have provoked her, did it? Why does she kick it well?

Mo Xi Lou takes over snow Huang feather, "hard."

Then he didn't forget to tell the fox, "that's the same for each other, and you're no better than me."

Yun Xiuyi looked at the man and fox, and thought that Mo Xilou knew so many animals, first irrigation, then fox, and more or less friendship.

"That's right."

The fox suddenly thought of something, went back to the heaven and earth cauldron and took out the wooden box, "don't you know how to untie the seal? Help me to solve this problem. "

"Even the magic weapon has been taken away? Who is this man? "

Mo Xi Lou laughs and picks up the sealed wooden box. Although the seal is complicated, it can't be solved. Since it was brought back by Yun Xiu's clothes, the solution should also depend on her meaning.

"Don't tease me. You're not alone."

The fox circled Mo Xi Lou for two times and tut tut said, "it's still Tian Hun. That guy is hard to deal with. It turns out that this girl is looking for Xue Huang Yu to help you suppress him."

"When did you become so talkative?"

"If you've been locked up for so many years, you can't even see an insect or bird in that temple. I'm afraid I won't be able to speak in a few days."

Mo Xi Lou threw the wooden box to the fox again, "I'm not well now, I can't solve it."

"You... You did it on purpose!"

See fox hair, Mo Xi floor also don't sophistry, "yes! Since you're following her, I'm sure I'll watch her look! To be honest, I dare not listen to her


These two people have any grudge against it. Do they have to be angry with it?

But who is it? It's the king of ten thousand demons. What big scene have you never seen? The fox's eyes flashed a cunning light, "Mo Xi Lou, it's not like you! Are you interested in this girl

The fox seemed to hear a very funny joke. He laughed so much that he burst into tears.

"You, the Millennium iron tree, have blossomed. Ha ha ha, I just don't know that this flower is hard to come out. This girl is not willing to pick it for you, ha ha ha."

In the face of the fox's ridicule, Yunxiu clothes indifference, moxilou calm, but follow its words, "she is very cruel, not to mention a flower, the tree may be cut."

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