"Ha ha ha, Mo Xilou, you old cow eat tender grass! I'm not afraid to have my teeth broken. " The fox laughed, and finally covered his stomach and yelled, "no, no, I'm going to die of laughter. The outside world is still interesting."

When he finally stopped, the fox held Yun Xiu's clothes in his arms. "Girl, let this man untie the seal for me!"

The cloud Xiu clothes manage all ignore it, raise foot to prepare to kick it away.

Fox hair again, it is at least the king of ten thousand demons! King of ten thousand demons! She wants to kick it twice, which one can't bear.

It has to let her know how powerful she is.

The fox quickly took advantage of Yunxiu's clothes to kick it, and held her two thighs tightly. She couldn't shake them off. "You help me to untie the seal, and I will give you two ten thousand year beast yuan."

Ten thousand year animal yuan? The fox's hand is generous, and his mouth is two ten thousand year beast yuan.

Cloud Xiu clothes this just lowered head to see it one eye, at first keep it is to feel it still have some use, didn't expect so quickly on the initiative let her kill.

Mo Xi Lou, sitting on one side, shakes his head silently. The fox is old and doesn't know who he is. He thinks he is the most cunning in the world.

"You have been in Jiuyin temple for many years, even xuanxinjie has been robbed by xiaoyaozi, and there are still ten thousand years of animal yuan?"

The meaning of cloud Xiu dress is very obvious, she doesn't believe it, unless it is taken out immediately now.

Fox felt that his fox case was insulted. He would never break his promise if he didn't promise. This girl dared to question it.

Without saying much, the fox directly took out two ten thousand year beast yuan and put them in front of Yun Xiu's clothes. He held his neck high and said, "hum, silly! It's as much as you want. "

Yun Xiuyi naturally took the two beast yuan from the fox's claws and threw them into the heaven and earth cauldron impolitely. By the way, he took Guanguan out and put a defensive seal on the cauldron.

The fox thought that she agreed, so he quickly let go of her and went to Mo Xi Lou with the wooden box in his hand. "Help me untie it, untie it quickly."

As a result, Mo Xi Lou Li didn't even pay attention to it, but irrigation said sympathetically, "these two animal yuan should be the travel expenses to take you out of Tianji Pavilion, which has nothing to do with the wooden box."

After listening to the fox's tail hair all burst open, "you bully small animals!"

The next second, he found that these two people were more shameless than each other. They couldn't reason at all. They didn't eat hard or soft. They were shameless than it.

How can it survive!

"Then how can you help me to untie the wooden box?" Fox in the eaves had to bow, it is also a fox to know the current affairs.

"Well, I'm not very well now. I'll help you untie it when I'm ready, and she won't object to it. However, before that..." Mo Xi Lou looked at Yun Xiu's clothes. Before he could say the rest, the fox asked anxiously.

"But what? Before that, what? Say it

"Before that, you have to be by her side and protect her. If she makes any mistake, you are the only one to ask

"Ouch, I can't see it! You are still such an affectionate person! OK, I promise you, it's not difficult! "


Mo Xi Lou's evil spirit suddenly smiles, which makes the fox feel scared. Before he can ask what, Mo Xi Lou takes a drop of his blood and a drop of Yun Xiu's blood, which condenses into a bloody ice crystal.


The fox was so angry that he said, "aren't you in good health?" Who can keep it off guard even if it's not in good health?

And what did he do with his blood? Its fox blood is rare? Every drop is the essence. How can this man say that he takes it?

"With blood as the contract, you can follow her well in the future."


The fox was so angry that he became the slave of a little girl movie? Tell me how to mix after going to it? Doesn't it want face?

It's a pity that the contract has been made, and the fox has no room to go back. Naturally, Yun Xiuyi doesn't object to it. After all, the beneficiary is her.

Mo Xi Lou hangs the blood ice crystals on the fox's neck with the magic silk, which is equivalent to the brand of selling himself on the fox.

Fox paws ice crystal, not to mention, hanging on its neck is quite good-looking.

But how does it feel like a rhubarb dog guarding the house? It's like a collar and a bell around a rhubarb dog's neck!

It wants to tear it down, but it finds that moxilou also has a seal on it! That's too much!Irrigation has been watching to show great sympathy for their demon king, thanks to it with cloud Xiuyi so long or free body.

But when he thought that there would be a fox beside him, he was not happy. He always felt that some animals had taken away his favor. Although yunxiuyi did not love him at all, he would not love the fox.

Besides, yunxiuyi put a defensive seal on the heaven and earth cauldron. It can't get into the cauldron now. Does she want to drive it away!

Irrigate pitifully fly to cloud Xiu clothes of shoulder, "you don't want me?"

The bird must have misunderstood her. The reason why she sealed the heaven and earth cauldron was that she was afraid that there were too many living things in the cauldron, which would destroy the seal of Qinglong and cause unnecessary trouble.

Before only irrigation need not worry, after all, it is weak, but the fox is not the same, it really launched crazy, is bound to cause trouble.

"How can she not want you when she keeps you by her side?" Mo Xi Lou helps Yun Xiu Yi to say, "you should be happy. Now you have a younger sister."

"Who is the sister of the broken bird?"

"Then sister."

"That's about the same. Ah - who is going to be the sister of this broken bird? I'm the king of ten thousand demons. This broken bird doesn't even have the qualification to carry shoes for me. "

"You don't have to wear shoes now."

"I-You know I don't mean that. Mo Xilou, don't fall into my hands. I won't think about the old love. I'll crush you and feed the birds."

"I don't eat." This very childish conversation was finally ended by irrigation, and it seemed that it was back to the comfortable time before. Yun Xiuyi practiced pills every day. Although he did not break through the fourth level spirit Master, he had a good time.

Now the cloud family's status in Dongyue empire is more and more stable, and she doesn't need to worry any more. The only thing that worries her is the murderer of Xingyue.

Yuexiu will write to her every few days to tell her the progress of the matter, but the murderer of Xingyue never appears.

On this day, as soon as Yunxiu's clothes were collected, the fox and Guanguan jumped in from the window one by one, and the other flew in from the window. The fox opened his mouth first, "girl, how can this pill smell so good?" It's also colorful. It's very good-looking.

They both watched Yun Xiuyi put these colorful pills into a beautiful brocade bag, and watched her pass the brocade bag to irrigation.

"Is this for me?" he said? What is it? "

See cloud Xiu clothes turn around to leave, irrigate oneself opened brocade bag, first sniffed, and carefully picked up a put in the mouth, then "wow" a, "is sugar bean ah!"

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