"It's sugar beans! How can there be such a beautiful sugar bean? What's in the sugar beans, yunxiuyi? " It's like jam! Yun Xiu Yi, you are so powerful

"It's noisy."

The fox put up Fox's eyes, glanced at guanshui, and said to Yunxiu's clothes not far away, "where's my own?"

"You don't know! This is the one Yunxiu gave back to me. " Or return it with interest! I hope that in the future it and cloud Xiuyi still have such cooperation opportunities.

"I don't need to know anything else. I just need to know that yours is my own." Then the fox stretched out his claws toward the irrigation, and the irrigation quickly protected the sugar beans in his arms.

Without waiting for the fox to rush forward, Yunxi rushes in. When he sees the fox on the ground and Guanguan, he is stunned. Then he looks at Xiang Yunxiu's clothes and says, "Miss, it's not good! Something's wrong

In order to facilitate action, the fox has long become the size of a normal fox. Every day, he is lovingly held in his arms by Yun Xiu's clothes. The cloud family has long been familiar with the existence of irrigation. There are more people raising birds in the eastern moon Empire, so it's nothing strange.

But Yunxi didn't know why. He always felt afraid when he saw the fox.

"What's the matter?"

In the hall of Yun's family, Yun Jinyan and several elders were all there, one by one worried. In front of them, there was a female corpse in panic.

As soon as he saw the cloud Xiuyi, Yun Jinyan immediately welcomed him, "Xiuyi, you have a look, what's going on."

Cloud Xiu clothes roughly looked at the body, the fox in her arms also craned his neck to look, and then rushed back to cloud Xiu clothes arms, thought the body really smelly.

"His name is yunhuan. He was found dead in the suburbs this morning." Yun Jinyan expression dignified, "is not someone against my cloud family?"

This female corpse was sucked blood essence before she died. If it was the enemy of the cloud family, there was no need to take such a lot of trouble. She still wanted to attack a collateral child of the cloud family whose name she could not name.

The cloud Xiu clothes squats down the body to examine the corpse in detail again, there is no obvious trauma, from this we can infer that the murderer is not a general generation.

"My joy

Suddenly, a shrill cry broke the silence in the hall. A woman in Royal dress came in stumbling. When she saw the body on the ground, she sobbed a few times and cried even louder, "my huan'er died miserably! How do you want your mother to live? "

Yun Xiuyi stands up and retreats to one side. She is numb to life and death, and can't feel the feelings of these family members.

Although she can't empathize with them, she can understand their feelings and behaviors.

"Huaner Niang, I'm sorry, don't cry bad."

First Yun Jinyan advised, and then the elders of the Yun family also advised. However, huaner's mother was more sad and cried more.

"After so many years of hard life in the cloud family, we finally got to the end and began to enjoy our happiness. But something happened to huan'er. How could I not be sad if I, a white haired man, was asked to send a black haired man? Without huan'er, what's the point of asking for this luxury food? "

She touched huan'er's cold face and said, "my huan'er is old enough to get married. I'm waiting for her to get married! Who knows? "

Yun Jinyan sighed, "it's so far. It's useless for you to be sad. It's better for us to find out the murderer who killed huan'er."

After hearing Yun Jinyan's words, huan'er Niang woke up and said, "yes, we must find the murderer."

Then she knelt down in front of yunxiuyi and said, "Xiuyi! I know you don't know me, and I'm not qualified to ask you, but for the sake of our cloud family, please help me! "

In fact, Yun Jinyan early in the morning is also this plan, want to let cloud Xiuyi come forward to solve this matter, but at the moment it is euphemistic to persuade Huan Er Niang.

"Xiuyi can't solve this problem. Huaner Niang, don't embarrass her. She is also a child."

"But who else can I ask but her?"

"This --"

Yun Jinyan looks at Yun Xiuyi in embarrassment and seems to be waiting for her decision, but his move is nothing more than to get rid of his relationship and push Yun Xiuyi out directly.

Cloud Xiu clothes from the beginning did not intend to meddle in such business, bypass Huan son Niang is ready to leave the hall.

Unexpectedly, Yunxi, who came with her, knelt down beside huaner Niang and blocked her way. "Miss, I'm huaner's sister. Please help us! Don't let the killer get away with it. "

Yun Xiu's touch of fox's hair stopped for a moment, and the fox raised his eyelids, thinking that the girl would have to help them in Qingyao's face.Just think like this, then hear cloud Xiu clothes cool voice, "get up! Since I'm a member of the cloud family, I'll never sit back and ignore it. "

You just want to sit back and make complaints about it.

Not long after returning to the yard, Qingyao also came to find her, "my mother heard about huan'er. The child followed Yunxi to accompany me several times. How could she be killed?"

Qingyao nervously grasped yunxiuyi's hand, "Xiuyi! I know you won't care, but I'm selfish. Don't take part in it. You're a girl, too! "

Although the people of the cloud family told her how powerful her daughter was, she was always a child in need of protection in her eyes.

"Niang knows this idea is wrong, but Niang is also afraid of your accident!"

As soon as Qingyao finishes this sentence, there comes the sound of flower pots falling outside the door. Yunxiuyi looks up and sees Yunxi looking at Qingyao's back in disbelief. Then he runs away crying.

Hearing the voice, Qingyao realized something and said to herself, "Yunxi, that child is afraid to hate me."

"Mother, he will understand you."

Qingyao has always been very fond of Yunxi, not to mention that he has been with her for such a long time, trying every day to make her happy.

Yunxi is a smart boy. He can see people's eyes very well and knows what Qingyao likes to hear and doesn't like to hear.

Seeing him sad at the moment, Qingyao naturally couldn't bear it, but it also related to the safety of Yunxiu clothes, and she also made a mistake.

Although Qingyao advised yunxiuyi not to take care of this event involving human life, she didn't really stop her. Although yunxiuyi apparently promised that Qingyao would not take care of it, in fact, as soon as she left, she was easy to leave Yunjia with Fox and irrigation.

Out of the cloud home, cloud Xiuyi let Guanguan to the outskirts of the crime scene to find clues, while he is holding a fox in Zhuque street.

Along the way, the fox attracted a lot of people's eyes. They didn't see the fox, but it was the first time for the red haired fox to see it.

And it looks at them as if it can capture the soul. It can't move its sight with one eye!

Seeing that he was as popular as before, the fox was quite proud, "girl, do you see that? This group of mortals will be enchanted by the fox body. "

Yunxiuyi didn't pay attention to it, but continued to walk forward, listening attentively to the conversation of passers-by, and also collected a lot of information. It turned out that yunhuan was not the only one killed in Dongyue empire.

According to the information of these people, in the past month, many people in Dongyue Empire have been killed, and they are all young and beautiful girls.

And each death is very terrible, listen to their description, should be the same as yunhuan, was sucked blood essence.

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