Nowadays, people dare not let their daughters go out alone, especially at night. This method is really effective. No one has been killed except yunhuan these days.

Yunxiuyi made a simple analysis of these fragmentary information.

The murderer can take the blood essence of the dead without leaving any trauma, which shows that his cultivation is not low. However, he only kills the girls who go out, rather than breaking into their boudoir.

Is such a ferocious person a person who knows etiquette and doesn't want to damage a girl's reputation? The answer, of course, is not. He is afraid of being discovered by the family members of the dead, or more people, and he obviously does not want to kill unrelated people.

A person with high accomplishments is afraid of these ordinary people. The answer is obvious from the analysis.

His identity can't be found, and he doesn't want to make a big deal. Maybe his reputation in the East moon empire is not small, and it will be a big blow for him if it is revealed.

Yun Xiu stopped in front of a teahouse. There were several people talking about it. "Lao Wang, you can hide your precious daughter this time. Many girls have been killed."

The old man sitting opposite glared at the man, "why do you tell me? I won't let her go out at night, even during the day. "

"Just don't go out. Anyway, as long as you stay at home, it's safe. Some time ago, a girl would die every three days. These days, everyone dare not let their daughter go out, so there is no disaster for some time!"

"Who said it didn't happen?" The man sitting on the far left waved, and several people on the opposite side immediately gathered around, "I heard that a girl in the cloud family was also killed! And -- "

"And what, say it."

"And there are several girls in Ningxue building who have been hurt. Boss Zhong Li didn't publicize it to the outside world."

Those people in the teahouse are still talking excitedly. Yun Xiuyi has left here with the fox in his arms. When he stops again, he has arrived at Ningxue building.

The fox was choked by the smell of fat and powder and coughed a few times, "girl, what are you doing here?"

Yunxiuyi looks around. She remembers that there is an alley next to Ningxue building connecting Zhuque street. It was there that she met Moxi building. But the strange thing is that the alley is gone.

She released the spirit to explore, only to find that someone set up a barrier to block the entrance of the alley.

After she avoided the crowd in Zhuque street and entered the alley, she smelled. There was no doubt that it was also the scene of the murder.

More than one girl died.

The fox was choked by the smell of fat and powder at first, and it was not easy to breathe more smoothly. Then it was disgusted by the smell. As soon as it was ready to get angry, it found that Yun Xiuyi had been staring at a place for a long time without looking away. It looked along her eyes suspiciously and saw several girls lying on the ground.

Its fox tail bristled. "Are they dead or alive?"


The fox's tail stood up again? There's another pile on top of the other. Are they playing with the same thing? "

When the fox calmed down, he also found something unusual. "They were settled here. Why did the man do that?"

If Yun Xiuyi guesses correctly, the murderer should take the blood essence of a woman because of some kind of magic, and the time he needs blood essence is also regular.

There was something fresh in advance that was not available, and the effect was very poor. So he saved a few living things here.

Nowadays, the people of Dongyue empire are in a panic. Few girls dare to go out at night. In this way, the murderer has no target. But there is a place where there is no shortage of girls all year round. That is Ningxue building.

No accident, the girls lying here at the moment should be the girls of Ningxue building, so they haven't been found missing.

It seems that the murderer is not clever, so it is easy for people to find his Tibetan place.

Last night, he had taken his blood essence for three days. He should start again in two days. Under the current situation, he should come here directly and wait for him to show up.

Seeing that yunxiuyi didn't save the girls, he turned and left. The fox's eyes glared like a copper bell, "don't you save them? You're not here to save them? "

Of course not. She just came here by mistake.

"Don't worry, they won't die for a while."

Two days later in the evening, Yunxiu clothes changed into men's clothes again, holding the fox came to Ningxue building, but did not go directly to the alley, but into the building.

As soon as I got in, I was surrounded by a group of fat and thin girls, "Yo, young man, look at your face, come here for the first time!"

"Go, don't frighten the young master."The voice falls one, the girl that wears Mei red gauze skirt encircles the neck of cloud Xiu dress with arm, "little childe goes with elder sister tonight OK?"

Cloud Xiu dress reflexes, grabs her wrist, a reverse buckle will fall her on the ground.

The girls around didn't seem to expect such a thing. They looked at Yun Xiu's clothes in horror one after another. After a long time, they thought of helping the girl lying on the ground.

The fox shakes his head silently. If you don't have diamond, don't take the porcelain work! Come to this place still want to clean body like jade, this wench is to laugh to death it? The fox hid in the arms of cloud Xiu's clothes and laughed, "I don't know how to pity jade at all."

The girls in the snow building take over more guests than the men in Yunxiu's clothes. What kind of scenes have you never seen and what kind of transformation have you never met?

The girl who was thrown on the ground by Yunxiu clothes got up with the help of her companions. She didn't annoy Yunxiu clothes, and she was still smiling.

"I'm afraid you haven't opened meat yet! Don't be nervous. Your sisters won't eat you. "

The girl next to him immediately hid her face and laughed, "are you sure you don't want to eat him? I'm afraid you'll swallow this young man once he's gone! "

Tut tut! The girls in the snow building are unusual. They are all shameless. The fox says that compared with them, she is still very simple.

Yes, he is a pure fox.

"Which childe made you lose your manners one by one?" Zhong Li's Congzhi is also in the Ningxue building tonight. Now he shakes the fan step by step and goes downstairs.

"Sister Zhong Li, there's a young man who can't touch a girl. We're teasing him!"

Zhong Li went straight down the stairs to Congzhi, and the girls gave way to her consciously. "I'll see which young man came to me at a young age, and I'm not afraid of being skinned and cramped by my elders."

"Sister Zhong Li"

The girls complained one after another, "look what you said, why can't you come to us?"

As they talked and laughed, they leaned against Yunxiu's clothes on purpose. Yunxiu's face changed. Remembering the words Zhong Li had said to him before, they just suppressed the discomfort.

Zhong Li Congzhi came to Yun Xiuyi with a smile in his eyes. "This young man is --"

A word hasn't asked, another voice came from behind her, "that's Mr. yunmo, the pharmacist of the cloud family. He belongs to me tonight, and none of you is allowed to rob him."

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