The pharmacist of the cloud family? Is that the pharmacist who defeated Ye Xingming in zhulanglou?

Although they have never seen a real person, they have heard a lot about him. It is said that he only took a short time in yunmoxuan to produce three kinds of pills.

A little further away is the exchange meeting between zhulanglou and Tianji Pavilion. He guessed and hunted six spirit beast yuan, winning the star dust elder of Tianji Pavilion by an absolute advantage of 6-0.

They have seen the elder Xingchen. When they were in the Tianji Pavilion new disciple selection contest, their team just passed by Ningxue building. They were lying at the window for a long time. The disciples of Tianji pavilion are domineering one by one. Without some skills and background, ordinary people really dare not.

And cloud Mo unexpectedly won the star dust elder, can imagine his fierce.

The girls in the snow building stare at Yun Xiu's clothes, and their eyes are shining. This little boy is the famous Yun family pharmacist Yun Mo!

They are all Leng in situ for a long time, or the girl who fell down by cloud Xiu clothes first woke up, "Mr. cloud, I'm sorry! I didn't know you were... Offending. Please forgive me. "

The other girls next to him then said, "Mr. Yun is used to smelling the fragrance of medicine. No wonder he has such a strong reaction to you. You smell the fragrance of your body."

"Oh! I didn't know Mr. Yun would come today! I'm going to wash now and come back in my new clothes. "

"When you come back from washing, I'm afraid Mr. Yun will be robbed!"

All the girls looked at the girl behind Zhong Li's clotted fat, with unfriendly eyes and disdainful expressions.

The girl in the rose red dress looked at her and said coldly, "who should I be? This is our second lady! Why, I didn't accept the guests yesterday, so I figured it out today? "

"Don't talk nonsense. Who is the second lady? No matter how down-to-earth you are, you are also a rich lady from a famous family. Don't you know Mr. Yun? "

"All right, all of them are endless. I spoil you at ordinary times, don't I?" Zhong Li's Congzhi slapped the fans one by one.

Although there is a word of reproach in the mouth, there is no meaning of reproach in fact.

She finally looked at Xiang Yunxiu's clothes and said, "Mr. Yun can come to Ningxue building. It really makes my building shine. You can choose the girl you want! They are all waiting eagerly! "

In fact, Yun Xiuyi saw Luo Rou early in the morning. Unexpectedly, she came to Ningxue building after Luo's house was destroyed. Because of her character, she is willing to stay here. I'm afraid she has no way out!

Look at Luo Yan'er again. He is sought after in Tianji Pavilion. He is obviously two sisters, but his experience is very different.

Luo Rou's temper has been taught many times by Yun Xiu's collar. At the moment, there is no reason to ask for trouble. She avoids her sight and looks at other girls.

When the girl in the rose red dress saw that she had a chance, she immediately twisted her waist to get closer, but she did not dare to meet Yun Xiu's clothes, for fear of suffering again.

"Mr. Yun, I'm in pain all over now. I don't know if I've hurt my bone just now. Why don't you show me?"

The other girls were reluctant to miss the famous pharmacist. They looked at Yun Xiu's clothes with expectant eyes one by one and stroked the fox in her arms bravely! I saw that Mr. Yun had such a beautiful fox. "

A word immediately attracted everyone's attention, they all embraced to come over, besmear Dan Kou's hand mercilessly extended to the fox, began to harm it.

The fox was so scared that his hair exploded all over him. He rushed to the arms of Yunxiu's clothes, but he was still a little late. I don't know which powerful girl pulled him over.

Then a group of people began to attack it! It's too smooth, isn't it! It feels so comfortable. "

"Look how beautiful it is. It's Mr. Yun's fox."

"Yes, yes! You see its eyes, to hook the soul of people like, no wonder they say fox spirit fox spirit, really true ah

The fox cried out in his heart, help!

It kept looking at the cloud Xiu clothes, but found that the man didn't look at himself at all. It was so angry that a divine thought hit it: believe it or not, I burned the broken building with a torch.

What's the matter with her?

Seeing that Yun Xiu's clothes were still indifferent, the fox even said: "my fox hair is worth a lot of money! They've collected a lot!

Cloud Xiu clothes, if I have a mistake, you don't want peace!

I'm wrong, but I can't! You save me! I will never forget your great kindness.

Yun Xiuyi, I beg youIt was smoked out of tears by the smell of fat and powder, and was squeezed out of shape by their chest. It began to suspect that foxes were born, and it was going to kill.

Feeling the murderous spirit of the fox, Yun Xiuyi stepped forward and scattered the girls. Then she picked up the fox from their hands. She put out her hand to pat the fox's hair and brush off the powder. Then she took it back to her arms.

Finally saved the fox complained: I am too difficult, too difficult to be a fox.

In the end, Yun Xiu didn't choose Luo Rou or the girl in the rose red dress. Instead, she pointed to Zhong Li and said, "I want you."

Those onlookers were stunned at first, and then laughed wildly. "I didn't expect that Mr. Yun's taste is so heavy. We, sister Zhong Li, don't want what you want."

"I want her."

Zhong Li didn't seem to think that he would be named. He walked to Yun Xiu Yi with a smile and a fan. "If others say this, I'll drive him out of Ning Xue Lou immediately, but it's my honor to be liked by Mr. Yun!"

Listen to Zhong Li Congzhi say like this, the girl beside is silly, although this little childe is a famous pharmacist, but it is not qualified to let Zhong Li elder sister accompany him personally!

You know, even if the characters in the East moon Empire come to scare people to death, sister Zhong Li may not answer them.

What's so special about this cloud family pharmacist? It's also a pretty boy! Although I don't know him well, I can see that he has a bad temper. How can sister Zhong Li treat him differently?

If Yun Xiuyi chooses other girls, Luo Rou still has the courage to fight, but if the other party is Zhong Li, she doesn't dare to say a word.

Yun Xiuyi followed Zhong Li into the wing room with the surprised eyes of all the girls and the envious eyes of other guests.

As soon as he arrived in the wing room, Zhong Li asked on his own initiative, "I'm afraid Mr. Yun didn't come to Ningxue building tonight to find a girl! If you have anything to say, "he said

"Whether there are many girls missing in Ningxue building recently."

Zhong Li Congzhi is not a person who can be fooled casually. Yun Xiuyi doesn't want to make a detour with her, so he just comes to the point.

"But it's not just recently. It's not a good place after all. Girls can be excused for looking for a good home."

So when a girl suddenly disappears, she doesn't know how to deal with it. Generally, she goes with her lover and pursues a free life.

Some conscience will leave her letters, no conscience will never hear from.

No wonder Zhong Li didn't care about it. He thought they left the Ningxue building by themselves. "Did you ever hear that many girls died in Dongyue empire in the past month?"

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