Zhong Li's Congzhi is a smart person. Yunxiu's clothes are a little transparent. Her mood has some fluctuations. "Do you mean my girls have an accident?"


See cloud Xiu dress tone is firm, Zhong Li Congzhi step forward to continue to ask, "you come today is for this matter?"

"To be honest, a few days ago, someone in my cloud family suffered misfortune, so I was specially assigned to investigate. I also discovered the abnormality of Ningxue building, so I specially came to tell you. "

"Many guests in the building have talked about it these days, but I haven't paid attention to it. It's my carelessness." Although Zhong Li's complexion has changed, he is much calmer than ordinary people. "Give me a day, I'll find out the murderer."

Her name of baixiaosheng in the East moon empire is not a false name. As long as she has a heart to investigate, there is nothing she can't understand.

But today yunxiuyi didn't come to her to find the murderer.

Yunxiuyi tells Zhongli Ningzhi what he sees in the alley. After hearing this, Zhongli immediately goes out to rescue the girls, but is stopped by yunxiuyi.

"I need them to bring out the murderer."

Zhong Li's face was dignified. "How do you need me to cooperate with you on the premise of confirming the girls' safety?"

In fact, cloud Xiuyi to Ningxue building told Zhong Li that this matter is just to sell her a favor.

In this era of underdeveloped technology, there are few sources of information, and it's even more difficult to get information. She needs to get to know someone like Zhong Li Congzhi.

To be able to mingle in Huanchang for many years, Zhong Li's Congzhi is by no means an ordinary person.

Yun Xiuyi didn't directly point out her intention. She believed that with Zhong Li's exquisite mind, she would understand and care about this human relationship.

He only said that he had no time to be distracted from the murderer. He hoped that Zhong Li could rescue those girls so that she could concentrate on dealing with the murderer.

This is her family's girls, Zhong Li Congzhi naturally won't refuse, it's urgent to discuss specific matters with Yun Xiuyi.

At the end of the discussion, they both settled down. Zhong Li was not as nervous as at the beginning. Instead, they took the initiative to talk about Yun Xiu's clothes.

"That girl is not simple, and you are not stupid."

All around are praising her, yunxiuyi also did not respond, but the fox in her arms is dissatisfied with the hum twice, the benefits are let her occupy, but it lost several tufts of hair, if it bald, will not let yunxiuyi.

Xu didn't want to make the atmosphere too cold and awkward. Zhong Li immediately changed the topic, "you fox, I seem to have seen it somewhere."

Then she looked at the fox carefully, pondered for a long time, and continued, "it seems to be in an ancient book, but the ancient books are all about ancient beasts, which should have nothing to do with the fox."

Hum! No sense!

The fox put his paw on the arm of Yun Xiu's clothes and raised his chin. Is it the fox in the ancient books? This mortal is lucky to have seen its portrait.

"Here we are."

The topic that Zhong Li Congzhi just changed didn't last long. Yun Xiuyi motioned her not to speak, while he went to the window and looked at the alley.

Her concentration, the smell will be more and more rich, also more and more close.

In the alley with barriers, an old woman with a bent back was pulling a girl. She skillfully took her essence and blood. However, before she succeeded, an unexpected guest came.

Yun Xiuyi is standing at the end of the alley, looking coldly at the opposite person. The person seems to be surprised to see her. He quickly wraps up his cloak and makes himself more solid. She knows the person who is Yun Mo, the pharmacist of the Yun family.

Although she was a little afraid of the cloud pharmacist, she didn't plan to leave. Even if it's Yunxiu's clothes, she'll have to do it.

As soon as the blood essence was broken, her face would become more and more ugly. She would never let such things happen again.

They stood at the end of the alley, one before the other. No one started, but Yunxiu was much more leisurely than the old woman.

The fox in her arms yawned and stayed up so late that it was sleepy.

"Girl, you recognize who she is. Why don't you do it?"

It's rare that Yun Xiuyi talked so much today that he answered the fox's question, "it's too cheap to kill her like this." It's time to calculate the blood debt of Ningxue building with her.

Plus these innocent girls who died these days, it's time for her to double her repayment.

"What are you going to do?"

Cloud Xiu clothes suddenly smile, it is clear that people's mind rippling smile, fox but how to see how to feel thrilled, can't help shaking with.Then he heard Yun Xiuyi say, "king of ten thousand demons, can you disperse her spiritual power?"

"Of course

She even called the king of ten thousand demons, even if it can't! But... The fox looked at the man who was not far away. It was too cruel to scatter the spirit power! You know, the Empire of Dongyue is based on cultivation!

That person's talent is not low. If he is suddenly scattered, he will be crazy! But look at cloud Xiu dress like this, afraid is want to let her crazy.

The next morning, the Ningxue building was decorated with lanterns. All the passers-by gathered to ask if the girls were happy.

Girls do not hide, bright voice told the people, Ningxue building to the new girl, looks like a beautiful, sure to let them see a tea do not think rice do not want.

As soon as they heard that there was a new girl, their eyes lit up. They quickly asked when the girl was officially listed, and the girls answered two days later.

After two days of word of mouth, there were many people outside the Ningxue building in the early morning. They all believed in Zhong Li's character. Unexpectedly, she publicized for the girl in such a big way, which showed that the girl was really unusual.

Beauty, money and power are all the goals that human beings are striving for.

Not only are the regular visitors of Ningxue building, but also the men, women and children who have never set foot in Ningxue building come to see the excitement, hoping to see the beauty.

In the evening, the Ningxue building was already full of people, and everyone was waiting for the new girl to come out. At that time, the crowd was very busy.

And the girl finally came out of the crowd.

She was veiled and helped out by Zhong Li Congzhi. Although her walking posture was strange, it was not difficult to see her graceful posture.

That pair of big eyes that are exposed outside are very smart. Zhong Li Congzhi didn't deceive them. The new girl only looked at them once, and she didn't see the whole picture before she thought she was anything but ordinary.

When the girl and Zhong Li stood in front of the stage, everyone began to coax, "boss Zhong Li, you can make a price directly! I'll take the girl

"Sister Zhong Li, take off the veil and let's have a look!"

"Don't worry. If you can't eat hot tofu, I'll pit you, won't I? I'm sure it's a feast for your eyes tonight

Zhong Li said, then he took off the girl's veil. When everyone saw the girl's face, they took a breath. Were they dazzled? Isn't this girl Luo Yan'er, the third lady of the Luo family?

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