Mated To An Enemy

Chapter 487 It Will Not Be Easy

“I know there are consequences to using your abilities in this world, but you are the one that said I needed him,� Ashleigh stated, crossing her arms over her chest.

She was back in the blue void, staring down an ancient and powerful being.

“There has to be something you can do,� she continued. “You know this is because of Irina. Whether she made that monster or she controlled it, she did this to him.�

After Alice had dropped the phone, Ashleigh called everyone she could in Winter to get better answers. She knew that Myka had been attacked, but she didn’t know about the infection until she spoke with Corrine.

When she finally reached Bell, she found out about the fae connection.

Ashleigh couldn’t just sit back and do nothing. She had her mission, but if Myka was the key to finding the ley lines in Spring, he couldn’t die now. This infection endangered many other wolves, especially those she cared about most.

“Yes,� Talis replied with a gentle nod of her head. “Irina did create the beast that attacked him. She has corrupted the blood she stole from your brother and synthesized it into a base for this mutation.�

“Then you or Lian need to heal him,� Ashleigh insisted.

Talis shook her head.

“Our magic would only make the infection grow and spread faster,� she said.

“There has to be something you can do!� Ashleigh growled. “You said we need him, fine. Then you need to help him survive!�

Talis took a deep breath.

“Keep your focus on Moonguard,� Talis said. “I can’t heal him, and I don’t know how to stop what is happening to him, but I will try to help give him more time.�

Ashleigh woke with a sharp intake of breath.

“Are you ok?� Caleb asked as he pulled her close to him.

“Yea...� she said as she tried to catch her breath.

Caleb looked her over and watched her take a few short breaths before he spoke again.

“Were they willing to help?� he asked.

“I don’t know,� Ashleigh sighed. “Talis said she would help, but it didn’t sound like there was much she could do.�

Caleb squeezed her close and kissed the top of her head.

“You did what you could,� he said reassuringly. “It’s out of our hands now.�

“I know. I don’t want Peter to lose his mate,� Ashleigh replied sadly, grabbing Caleb’s hand and squeezing it tight. “And I don’t want anyone I love to be put at risk by whatever this infection is.�

Caleb kissed the back of her hand softly to his lips.

“I know,� he whispered.


“The results came back,� Bell said quietly as she entered the room.

Peter didn’t move. He sat on the stool as close as possible to the bed, laying his head on Myka’s chest.

“The mutation is... growing,� she continued. “The seizure was an outward reaction to the rapid changes inside Myka's body... there are likely to be more as he continues to change.�

Peter said nothing.


Alice stood at the counter, watching the slow drips from the coffee machine fall into her small paper cup. She didn’t particularly like coffee, but she couldn’t find anything else to distract her.

Seeing Myka in convulsions brought back the memory of his father’s death, and for a moment, she feared she was witnessing his end as well.

Her heart had sunk into the bottomless pit in her stomach.

But when it had passed, and he was laying naturally in his bed, his vitals normalized. He looked peaceful, as though he were resting in his own bed.
Alice had taken a deep breath, a sigh of relief. That was when it hit her that she could lose him, and not just him.

She left the room immediately and tried to call Axel. But, unfortunately, he didn’t pick up.

He was hunting for more of the creatures that had put Myka in this state, that had infected him with this mutagen.

Axel, one of the three people left in this world whose veins pumped almost pure fae blood. If he found it... if it found him...

Alice ran to the bathroom. She barely made it to the sink when the bile came up.

Her heart pounded in her chest, echoing in her ears. She felt dizzy, like the floor beneath her was rocking to and fro.

“It will not be easy for you,� a gentle voice called from behind her.

Alice quickly turned to face the intruder.

Before her stood a woman she had never seen before. Dark skin, eyes of jade, golden curls. The woman gave Alice a warm smile.

Alice felt a strong presence from the woman. She was different from the average wolf and had managed to enter the room without Alice’s notice. That in itself took a high level of skill.

She tilted her head as she observed her. There was something familiar about her, a scent. It was distant, barely noticeable, but still enough to draw a name from Alice’s lips.

“Myka...� she whispered, lifting her eyes to match the woman's gaze. “You... you’re her, aren’t you? The one Ashleigh told Bell about, one of the original lunas.�

The woman gave a gentle nod.

“Talis, mother of Spring,� she replied.

“No offense,� Alice replied. “But your children haven’t turned out all that great.�

“Myka has,� Talis smiled.

“He did most of his growing outside of Spring,� Alice countered.

“I cannot argue with you,� Talis said, her smile faltering. “Spring has become a blight on this world. There are no apologies I can make, no excuses I can offer.�

Alice felt a wave of anger burning deep within her heart. This woman was not to blame for all she had been through, for what Myka had been through. But who else could she cast her blame on?

“It won’t be for much longer,� Alice smiled. “Summer and Winter will win this war. I will make sure of it.� For more chapters, please visit

Talis looked sadly at Alice.

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“The life you have led....� Talis paused. “I am sorry.�

Alice clenched her jaw.

“You should never have been made, sweet child,� Talis stated.

Alice turned away.

“But,� she continued, “your existence might also be the only thing that can help Myka now.�

She prided herself on never being surprised, or at least never showing it. But she could not stop the widening of her eyes, the gasp, or the look of hope she wore as she turned back to Talis.

“What do you mean?� Alice asked.

“I could do nothing for his sister, and I cannot heal him now,� Talis replied. “Even you cannot heal him completely. But you can help him if you are willing.�

Alice took a step toward Talis.

“Of course, I am willing!� she cried out. “I would do anything to save him!�

Talis lowered her eyes and nodded.

“What you need to do does not come without risk,� Talis said, looking back at Alice. “You may save Myka, or you may only delay his fate.�
Alice swallowed.

“Are there ever any guarantees?� she scoffed.

Talis gave her a pitiful look.

“Alice,� she said. “Your humor is a shield, but it will not protect you from the consequences of your decision. This is not something to decide without thought.�

“As I said, I would do anything to save him,� Alice stated firmly.

Talis swallowed and licked her lips. She gave Alice a sad smile.

“It’s not a question of what you would be willing to do for him,� she said softly. “But what you might lose for him.�

Alice furrowed her brows; she felt a tightness in her chest and a chill down her spine.

“As I said, it will not be easy for you,� Talis whispered.


Bell sat near the door, watching as Peter lay silently against Myka’s chest, listening to the soft breaths he took in.

She had tried to coax him into talking about how he was feeling, about possible alternative treatments or ways to slow the mutation. But all she was met with was silence.

Myka had asked Peter not to give up, and knowing him, he didn’t want to. But all he could see was the pain and despair before him. He needed something to draw him out. A light in the darkness, a flicker of hope. Something to pull him back from staring into the abyss of his heartache.

The door opened, and Peter didn’t react, but Bell looked up. It was Alice.

She stepped inside, pausing as she looked at Myka.

Bell thought for a moment that she saw a pained look on her face. Not the one she had been wearing, not the same fear and concern she had for Myka. No, this was something else. It was more personal.

Alice took a deep breath and moved toward the bed. She stood beside it, looking down at the first member of her chosen family. She smiled at him and touched his arm.

Peter still did not react.

Alice’s smile fell, and she swallowed, turning her attention to Peter.

“Peter,� she called to him.

He remained still.

Alice cleared her throat.

“Peter, I have a way to help him,� she stated.

Bell gasped and stood up, hurrying to the bed.

Peter stilled. He slowly lifted his head to look up at her, his heart pounding loudly in his ears.

“What?� he asked quietly.

“I can help him,� she said. “I can’t cure him, but I can help slow the process. Not like the antibiotics, this would buy him real time. Days at least, maybe more.�

Peter swallowed and looked back at Myka. Below his ear, the bark was already spreading.

“Peter,� Alice called again.

Peter turned back to her with tears in his eyes. He was afraid of the hope she offered.

“I am going to do my part to save Myka,� she said. “So, I need you to do yours.�

“What?� Peter asked with confusion.

“It’s not just Myka in danger,� she continued. “Axel, Ashleigh, Caleb, Bell... all of them, and who knows how many others could be infected by this. So, you need to find the cure.�

“What?!� Peter asked in shock.

“Come on,� she grinned with a wink. “Just think of how long you’ll be able to hold this over Myka’s head when he recovers.�

Peter was stunned.

And then he found himself laughing.

He was exhausted, he was worn down, and his heart ached. But Myka had asked him not to give up, and Peter wanted to hold onto the sliver of hope that he could see, no matter how small it was.

“Ok...� he said, looking between Alice and Bell. “Let’s do this.�

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back andcontinue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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