Mated To An Enemy

Chapter 488 Always Lie Dormant

In the three days since Myka had been attacked, Axel had spent most of his time along the border hunting. He and several of his cold warriors searched high for any more of the creatures. But they did not find any.

The rest of the nomads had been notified and checked. There were no other reports of attacks and no other injuries. The encampments that had been made ten miles south of Winter were moved even further away. However, some of the individual wolves did choose to accept Axel’s offer to move within the borders.

Axel’s team had searched and searched, and they were finally satisfied that there were no more creatures to be found. But Axel was sure it was not the last time such an attack would happen.

In the three days he was gone. He’d only spoken to Alice once or twice. She was worried about Myka and focused on helping him get better, while Axel was focused on the hunt and keeping the rest of his people safe.

He had spoken to Ashleigh.

She had explained what she saw in the blue void--all the Priestesses had asked of her and what they had revealed to her.

While he was shocked to learn that the Goddess was not a goddess but rather a fae Queen, he was far more curious about what they had shared regarding Luna Irina.

He knew very little about her. He had heard the rumors of the Spring Luna that had lost her mind and killed herself. But he never knew what to believe.

Now, knowing that she was driven mad by the abilities she never even knew that she possessed, he felt pity for her.

He thought of Alice, about all that she had survived, about all that she had suffered. He felt an overwhelming need to hold her in his arms.

He returned north. Myka had been transferred the day before. Bell, Peter, and Alice had returned home with him.

From what Axel heard, Peter and Bell spent most of their time studying the husk. Running tests, analyzing samples, and doing whatever they could to find a cure for Myka. Meanwhile, Alice had been staying at Myka's side.

He didn’t know what exactly she was doing, but from what he was told, she was helping to slow the mutation process.

His return was quiet. He had purposely told his mother he would be home several hours later. Axel needed to see his mate. He needed to know that she was okay.

He didn’t understand why, but for the past two days, he had felt like something was off about her. And it worried him.

He opened the door to the hospital room quietly. He was trying not to make a sound. He glanced over at Alice, sitting in the chair beside Myka. She looked.

Axel grinned. She had caught him.

Her eyes widened, and a soft smile spread across her lips. But then something changed. She looked away, swallowing nervously.

Axel felt a tightness in his chest at this reaction. He had seen the elation in her eyes. He had felt the joy coming off her when she saw him. But now, all he saw, all he felt was fear.

Alice stood and walked towards Axel. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him tightly.

He returned her hug. He squeezed her, feeling like if he let go, everything would fall apart.

Alice took a deep breath.

“We need to talk,� she sighed.

Axel swallowed nervously and nodded.

They left the room together and found another that was empty. Alice closed the door behind them and locked it, so they would not be interrupted.

“What’s wrong?� Axel asked. “I know there’s something wrong. I have felt it for the past two days.�

Alice smiled.

“I’m glad you could feel it,� she replied with a sad smile. “She told me it wouldn’t change anything between us, but I wasn’t sure if I should believe her.�
Axel furrowed his brows. He was confused and a little scared.

“Who?� He asked. “What are you talking about?�

“The Mother of Spring,� Alice said with a bitter laugh. “She came to me when Myka was in real danger. She told me that I could help him, that I could slow the mutation.�

Alice had tears in her eyes, her words should have filled with joy, but instead, all that Axel could hear was sorrow.

He moved towards her, taking her hands in his. He made gentle circles with his thumbs, trying to offer her reassurance.

“Tell me what’s happening,� he whispered. “You can tell me anything. You know that.�

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Alice nodded; she took a deep breath.

“Because he is a descendant of the fae, Myka’s wolf could not heal itself. Every time he tried, the infection attacked harder and faster,� Alice said.

Axel listened closely; he gave her his full attention as he tried to understand what it was that she was holding so tightly to.

She took another deep breath.

“She said... That I should have never been made...� Alice smiled, tears glistening. “But, because I was, that made me the only person who could help him.�

Axel furrowed his brow, trying to understand what she was saying. He didn’t like the first part. He didn’t want anyone telling her she should not have been made. The way she became a wolf was reprehensible, but she was still her; without her, he was empty.

“Please, Alice, what does that mean? Tell me why you are so upset.�

Axel looked into her eyes, searching for an answer. But, instead, what he saw staring back at him was something strange, a vulnerability.

“His... Um. His wolf,� Alice began pausing to swallow as her nerves were getting the better of her. “He couldn’t heal, and he wasn’t going to be able to.... But... My wolf could.�

Alice lowered her eyes, looking away from Axel.

“I don’t understand....� Axel whispered. “Alice, I don’t understand. What does this mean? What are you talking about?�

Alice let out a soft sob before taking a deep breath.

“Talis, the Mother of Spring, she did something... A spell or something, it transferred the energies of our wolves.�

Axel clenched his jaw and took a deep breath through his nose.

“What does that mean?� he asked.

Alice looked up. She licked her lips, her eyes pleading with Axel to understand.

“It means my wolf is currently inside Myka, healing him,� Alice replied.

Axel’s eyes widened, and he took a shaky breath holding back the frustration and fear rising within him.

“What about his wolf?� Axel asked. Anger laced his words.

Alice sniffled and looked back to the ground, avoiding his gaze.

“It’s... Inside of me.�

Axel let out a low growl.

“You promised,� he hissed. “You promised you would stop doing this to yourself.�

Alice lifted her head, looking up at him.

“I’m not trying to sacrifice myself,� she said gently, tears streaming down her face. “I have taken the infection inside of me, but I don’t have any Fae blood. So the mutation cannot thrive in me. It will not grow as it has nothing to feed on.�

“You don’t know that,� Axel growled, angry tears in his eyes. “You can’t guarantee that.�

Alice kept his gaze, but she couldn’t deny it. She shook her head.

Axel sighed.

“She told me there was a risk,� Alice said sadly.

Axel closed his eyes, feeling the frustration building inside of him. He was angry, and he was terrified.

“You promised me, Alice,� he replied, his voice barely a whisper as he struggled with the emotions that rose in him.

Alice sniffled and then let out another heavy sob.

“I haven’t broken that promise, Axel,� she replied, her voice cracking as fresh tears filled her eyes. “The one thing that Talis did guarantee was my safety. I won’t die from this.�

Axel looked at her in confusion. He sniffled.

“I don’t understand. You said she told you there was a risk.�

Alice nodded. Another sob escaped her lips as fresh tears formed in her eyes.

“If Peter and Bell aren’t able to find a cure soon, the mutation will overpower my wolf inside of Myka, and we will be back where we started,� she said. Then lifted her eyes with a pained expression. “And while I will never suffer the effects of mutation, I will still carry it in my body.�

“Inside...� Axel whispered, processing the words she was saying.

“If they can cure him before the mutation spreads to my wolf, we can transfer our energies back without consequence,� she said. “But, if they don’t... It will always lie dormant inside of me, and you and I... Will never be able to have a family.�


On the other side of the hospital, Peter and Bell continued to study the creature. Peter was the only one allowed to touch the beast for safety. At the same time, Bell ran tests and analyzed the results.

An autopsy and several tests proved that it was initially an Autumn wolf. However, further testing led to an ever more surprising and concerning revelation.

The DNA of the creature was linked to someone in Winter.

Alpha Axel.

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