Mated To An Enemy

Chapter 617 His Own Eyes

[Five Years Ago, Summer]

As the hybrid monsters withered and died, as the remaining fae ran away or died, Galen knew that the war was over. He knew that Ashleigh and Caleb had defeated the Dark Queen and saved the people of Summer.

With a chuckle of relief and a warm sense of gratitude flowing over his body, he and the others finished off the remaining fae that insisted on fighting. After another two hours, the war in Summer had ended entirely with only a few casualties.

The Summer soldiers and Crag wolves gathered all the enemy bodies, piling them high and preparing to burn them.

Their fallen allies were gathered and, along with the wounded, returned to the compound with Galen. They would be cleaned and placed in cold storage until their families could return home to say goodbye and light the pyre.

Once inside the compound's walls, Galen immediately went to the control towers. He ran through all the systems he could, trying to bring back up their defenses and communications.

The gates were severely damaged, but the turrets remained intact. They would need to maintain a constant guard to ensure that no one entered the territory unseen. Even when the people of Summer returned home, it would take at least a week or two to fix the gate.

The communications towers were back up locally, but the range was still limited. So Galen reached out to the scouts still close to the territory and told them it was safe to return home.

From what he could understand from the diagnostic reports, only the central communications tower in Summer was attacked and damaged. The others were shut down automatically to prevent false information from being shared in case of a hostile takeover of the central tower.

There was a manual override at each of the others. Still, knowing that Winter was under attack and most of the smaller packs were currently in Winter, it was unlikely anyone could get to the towers after the attack had begun.
After the repairs Ashleigh had coordinated, the system recognized that Summer was in control. Still, it would take time for the other towers to respond. Over the next twenty-four hours, each would return online in order, ending with Winter.

Galen stared at the screen, clenching his jaw. He knew that waiting within Summer was the safest and most responsible course of action. To defend the territory and do what repairs he and his soldiers could do to make it easier for her people to return.

But it wasn’t what he wanted to do.

Staring at the countdown of twenty-four hours until communication would be restored with Winter. Knowing that Winter was already in the midst of a battle when the wolves of Summer had been sent through the portal. He felt uneasy.

He knew that Winter warriors were strong, Axel was a great leader, and that the defenses they had built in Galen’s time there would help to hold back an invading force. And now Ashleigh, Caleb, and at least a small platoon of Summer soldiers had to be there.

The chances were good. It was very likely that the battle in Winter had ended even before the one here in Summer. But still, his heart was unsettled. He wanted to see with his own eyes that Bell and Ren were safe. That the war was truly over.

“Go,� came a voice from the doorway.

Galen turned back, looking at the man leaning against the door frame with a half-cocked smile on his face.

It was Landon, the leader of the Crag wolves.

“What?� Galen asked.

“Go,� Landon repeated. Stepping into the room. “I assume you have turned on all the defenses and reset whatever needs to be reset in this room to get Summer back in operating order.�

Galen furrowed his brows.

“Yes... However, many repairs need to be done to several of the systems and borderlines,� he replied.

“I assume you got boys here that know how to do those things?� Landon asked, still grinning.

Galen nodded.

“All of the men on my team have at least basic repair training along the borders. I also have two engineers and a few that have worked directly on the gate before,� he said.

“Good,� Landon said with a nod. “Then decide which of them is in charge and go.�

“Why do you keep telling me to go?� Galen asked, taking a step toward Landon. “As Beta of this pack, it is my duty to remain here until my Alpha or Luna has returned.�

Landon chuckled.

“I am Beta of Broken Crag. I am aware of the duty we hold,� he said. “But, you wear the same expression as your Alpha when he stared up into the hillside where his mate waited. I told him the same I will tell you now. Go.�

Galen stared at Landon, trying to decide if his words had some hidden motive. But the truth was, Galen, got the sense that Landon was one of the most straightforward people he had ever met.

“My wolves and I are not going anywhere,� Landon continued. “The task my Alpha gave me was to see the safe passage of Burning Ember to Summer. We won’t leave until that task has been accomplished. While we are here waiting for the rest of my team to arrive with the pack, we will guard and defend this territory as though it were our own.�

Galen lowered his eyes, licking his lips as he considered what Landon was saying.

“I may not know him well, but I think your Alpha Caleb would understand your decision,� Landon continued turning to leave the room. “Just let me know which of your wolves I actually need to listen to while you are gone.�

Galen glanced back up as the other man disappeared out the door. He had a point. No one would understand Galen’s need right now better than Caleb.

Half an hour later, the large wolf of gold and red fur began the long run to Winter.

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