Mated To An Enemy

Chapter 618 No More Weakness, No More Strength

Everything was disoriented when Fiona and the front guard came through the portal into Winter. She felt dizzy and weak. But as she heard voices calling out to her, her mind settled back into place.

Two wolves, one with bright blue hair, approached her. They introduced themselves as Peter, a Winter wolf, and Myka, the nomad who helped Ashleigh in Spring.

They exchanged information, and she told them how she and her people were sent through the gate by Ashleigh, and the Summer was under attack by fae and expected to fall.

Peter told her about the attack on Winter and the sudden reinforcements from Broken Crag. Letting her know that some of her soldiers were already fighting against the enemy.

Fiona brimmed with pride at that.

Around her, the other soldiers that had come through the portal with her felt the jolt of pride and desire to join the fray.

Peter also told her that the Safe Zone had been breached. They knew Corrine led the Valkyrie at the entrance, but some monsters likely had found ways to go over the mountainside.

Fiona immediately sent a few of her wolves to start sweeping the mountains and reinforce the border of the Safe Zone. Meanwhile, she asked Peter if he could escort the wounded that came through to the hospital. And Myka if he would be willing to stay and ensure there were no issues with the rest of the people coming through.

"Where will you be?" Myka asked curiously.

Fiona smiled.

She turned back to the mass of people looking around as they exited the portal. The soldiers that had come through were spread throughout to keep everyone safe.

"Summer wolves!" She called out. "Those willing and able... there are enemies in this territory who need to be put down. Who wants to hunt?"

Low snarls and growls rose from the crowd.

"Spread the word to any that haven't come through and want to join," Fiona said with a wink to Myka.

He saluted her with a grin.

Fiona turned away from the portal and looked out over the snowy land. She shifted into her wolf and let out a low howl. Behind her, a chorus of howls echoed in response.

It didn't take long for Fiona and her hunting party to find their prey. A pack of feral wolves charged toward the gates of the Safe Zone; the wolves of Summer were only too happy to deny them their goal.

As they chased down the last feral beasts, Fiona noticed the two Valkyrie in the distance. Between them was someone she recognized. She felt a moment of joy at seeing her old friend, but that moment quickly faded as she watched Corrine's body go limp into the snow.
Fiona charged forward, leaving the ferals to her companions. As she reached Corrine, she shifted back.

"What happened!" she shouted.

"She was injured by one the fallen," the woman standing over Corrine said, "she has been pushing herself too hard, and the creature hurt her back."

Fiona's eyes widened. She had suffered a severe injury after losing Cain. The doctors thought she might not heal enough to walk again. But in time, she did. Even now, she only needed her cane from time to time.

"We need to build her a stretcher and get her to the hospital as fast as possible."

"I agree," the Valkyrie replied, then with a growl, she added, "but we have company coming."

She pointed toward the trees. Fiona found more feral wolves and a few rotted bears moving toward them.

A howl behind her drew her attention, and she looked back. Her wolves were done with their appetizer. They stood snarling toward the trees.

"What are you waiting for?" Fiona growled. "Get your meal!"

The wolves charged forward, joined by two of the Valkyrie. They chased the enemy into the trees, allowing Fiona to focus on Corrine.

"Perhaps I can help?" a voice called out.

When they looked, they saw a man dragging something behind him.

"You were with Alpha Axel," the Valkyrie called out.

"Yes," the man nodded as he got closer. "He sent me back to bring him to the Safe Zone."

The man tilted his head toward the thing he dragged. It was a platform with something bundled up on top of it. Fiona stretched her neck to get a better look. She gasped softly when she realized what she was looking at.

"Jonas…" she whispered.

The man nodded sadly.

"He saved Alpha Axel. I was tasked with keeping his body safe to be returned to the Crag," he said.

Fiona nodded.

"I wasn't sure if the gurney I built would hold, so I bundled some extra wood, and I have binding left over. So we can make another for Luna Corrine."

"She's not dead," the Valkyrie growled.

"Didn't say she was," the man replied.

"The gurney is the safest way to move her," Fiona said. "We don't know the damage to her spine."

The Valkyrie nodded, and all three got to work building a gurney to transport Corrine. As they finished, the wolves that had come with Fiona returned from the trees.

"Go in search of where you can best aid Winter," she told them. "I will remain with Luna Corrine."

The wolves lowered their heads, turned, and ran back into the trees.

"I will hold my post here," the Valkyrie said hesitantly, glancing at Corrine on the gurney.

Fiona smiled, knowing that she was worried about her Luna.

"She would be angry if you didn't," she said.

The Valkyrie gave a small smile and nodded.

Fiona took hold of the gurney and followed the man toward the Safe Zone. They made it inside without further incident, and Peter immediately took Corrine for examination.

While Corrine was being examined, Fiona went with Jonas. She stood back as one of the nurses cleaned and prepared his body to be stored temporarily.

They weren't good friends, but they had known each other well. He and Cain were very different, but they shared a general moral ethic that allowed them to work well together.

She smiled to herself, remembering seeing the three of them together. Cain, Jonas, and Wyatt. Cain could easily get along with either of them, but Jonas and Wyatt were constantly butting heads.

It used to make her laugh and drove Cain crazy. Almost everything they argued about, they agreed on. But, neither ever wanted the other to be right.

Fiona took a deep breath as she saw the wound. A silver arrow in his chest. The silver inside his body was too close to his heart, even if the injury hadn't been fatal. He had no chance.

She thought of his mate suddenly. She would have felt it, known the pain of the arrow, and felt the poisoning of his heart. It would have been excruciating. There was even a chance that she wouldn't have survived either.

But Liara was young and a member of Broken Crag. All of their exposure to silver and iron in the mountains around them could have prepared her body for the strain of his death in such a way.

Fiona sighed.

Broken Crag. Without them, this war would have been lost. She stepped forward, and the nurse noticed, stepping aside to give her privacy.

Fiona knelt down to be closer to Jonas' body.

"I will make sure that your wolves, your mate, and your daughter are cared for," she whispered. "I will honor your sacrifice. But, please, find your peace in the arms of the Goddess. There is no more weakness, no more strength. Just rest."

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