Material Empire

Chapter 109: bad boy

Kishi Tianfu ate this meal at the Qin family very harmoniously. He talked with Qin Hai's father Qin Minghua about many aspects of his youth and pointed Qin Hai to Qin Minghua to ask how to cultivate such a smart and capable son. Qin Haisheng was pulled down a generation, depressed and extraordinary, but had no reason to go.レ; 思 ♥ 路 ♣ 客 レ

Qin Shan, who wanted to see what a foreigner looked like, was also very feasting. Not only did she see Kyoda Bunfu's polite gentleman before eating, but she also saw the wolf howling "Chūn" in the North Kingdom with a drunk song after dinner. appearance. Kishida Bangfu also likes this innocent and beautiful Chinese girl. He pulled out a lot of small gifts from the handbag and gave it to Qin Shan. He also threatened to bring his young daughter to China with Qin Shan for a year or two. Play together.

It was getting dark, and the small car of the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office came to the iron and steel plant. Kishida Bangfu got up to say goodbye to the Qin Hai family, then took the small car and returned directly to Hongze.

Qin Hai's family watched Kishida Bangfu leave by car. Qin Shan held her gifts such as electronic watches and calculators given by Kishida Bangfu, and said to Qin Hai, "Brother, how do I think, rì is good? . "

"Well, to some people, I really can be friends." Qin Hai replied.

"How can I not understand what you mean?" Qin Shan said.

Qin Haidao: "There is no room for two tigers in one mountain. If China is to rise, it must inevitably have economic conflicts, or even political conflicts. The closer the economic levels of the two countries are, the more intense this conflict will be. Only when the Chinese economy leaves the Rì economy behind and lets Rì Ben completely sever the idea of ​​competing with China can real friendship between China and Rì be possible. "

"Xiao Hai, I'm afraid you can't see the situation you are talking about?" Qin Minghua stood beside Qin Hai and said, "The gap between our country and Rì Ben is really too big."

"Dad, don't worry, this day won't be too far away." Qin Hai confidently said to Qin Minghua.

On the national road from Pingyuan to Hongze, the ministry's car was running smoothly, the headlights of the front car cut through the darkness, and shè moved forward. Xiao Liu sat in the front passenger seat of the car and slightly unknowingly turned back to the banker Kishida asked, "Mr. Kishida, are you satisfied with this trip to Pingyuan?"

"I'm very satisfied, and I thank Mr. Liu for his company," Kishida replied.

"Mr. Qin who asked you to do something did not make you embarrassed?" Xiao Liu asked again.

"No, Mr. Qin is a very good friend of mine," Kishida said.

"Oh ..." Xiao Liu had nothing to say. When the foreign guest felt satisfied, he wouldn't make any more moths. He calmed down and asked, "So, is there any other arrangement for Mr. Kishida in An Ho Province?"

Kishida Bunfu said: "Nothing, please help me to book a ticket back to Pujiang tomorrow. I hope to return to Rìben as soon as possible to implement the relevant matters."

"Okay, rest assured." Xiao Liu turned back, took out a small book, and recorded Kishida's instructions.

Kishida reached out and touched the soles of his shoes. He pulled out a fingernail-sized **** from the rubber pattern on the soles, and then took out a handkerchief, like a baby bag, wrapped the **** and stuffed it into his own hand. In the bag ...

The visit of foreign guests left a long aftermath in Pingyuan County. For a long time, those who have seen and contacted Kishita Kunifu talked about his words and deeds with great interest, and commented on every point that is the same as and different from the Chinese. The photo of Xia Qilong shaking hands with Guo Ming and Kishida Bangfu was developed to a size of more than ten inches and hung in the conference room of the county party committee and county zhèngfǔ, becoming an important scenery.

Among all the legends about foreign guests, one story is particularly attractive, that is, a female worker in the Qingfeng factory exchanged a pair of gloves with a high-end watch for foreign guests. After several rounds of interpretation of this story, it turned out that rì gave the female worker tens of thousands of foreign exchange. The female worker has already made a lot of money and is preparing to go through formalities to go abroad. As for studying abroad or something else, it depends on the storyteller. Choose the version now.

"Sister, I heard people say that the foreign guests gave you a lot of foreign exchange, isn't it?"

In the room of Wang Xiaochen of Qingfeng Factory, a medium-sized, thin and thin boy was eating pork ribs and lotus root while gorging, and asked Wang Xiaochen with ambiguity.

This boy is Wang Xiaochen's younger brother, Wang Xiaodong. He is a high school senior in Pingyuan. He usually lives in school, and every one or two weeks, he will come to his sister to have a tooth festival. In Wang Xiaochenping, you ca n’t even eat an egg, but every time her brother comes, she has to buy a pound of spare ribs to make her brother full. At this moment, she was sitting opposite her brother with a smile, while letting her eat slowly, don't sting, while clarifying the false rumors about her.

"Everything is told blindly from the outside." Wang Xiaochen said blushingly. These days, she has been the center of people's discussion, making her embarrassed.

"Why don't you tell anyone outside? Sister, don't lie to me, I won't talk to my parents." Wang Xiaodong said.

Wang Xiaochen said: "The foreign guest really didn't give me money. At that time, the little Qin you knew accompanied the foreign guest to visit the workshop of our factory. The foreign guest's gloves were stained. Xiao Qin asked me to help the foreign guest find new gloves. In order to thank me, I was given a gift without money. "

"Really?" Wang Xiaodong asked.

"It's true, how could I lie to you." Wang Xiaochen said.

Wang Xiaodong said, "What gift did the foreign guests give you?"

Wang Xiaochen pursed her mouth and smiled, "You eat first, and I'll show you after eating."

Wang Xiaodong shoved the last ribs in the bowl into his mouth, chewed a few bites, spit out the bones, and pushed the bowl, saying, "I've finished eating, you can show it to me."

Wang Xiaochen gathered up the tableware on the table a little, then opened the drawer of his writing desk, took out a handkerchief bag from the inside, and put it on the table. Opening the handkerchief, it is the Casio electronic watch that Kishida Bangfu gave her. She carefully picked up the electronic watch and said to her brother, "Look, Mr. Kishida gave me this watch. Is it beautiful?"

"Watch?" Wang Xiaodong's eyes widened. He seized the watch from his sister with a split hand, and looked at it from left to right. His mouth squeaked: "It's a Casio watch. It's a multifunctional watch. How much is it worth? "

"Be careful, don't break it." Wang Xiaochen shouted to his brother distressed, "I heard people say that such a watch has not been sold in China yet. . "

"Is that so expensive?" Wang Xiaodong exclaimed, he tied the watch to his wrist indiscriminately, shook it, then nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Give me."

"This is not okay!" Wang Xiaochen's face turned pale all of a sudden, she never thought that her brother would see her electronic watch, and would ask for it in such a domineering way. In the past, every time my younger brother came to her, she took away whatever she saw, but she never felt distressed. However, this time she was unable to agree to her brother's request. This electronic watch was the first luxury item she had in her lifetime. In her mind, it can be said that it is more important than the eyes.

"Xiaodong, you are still reading. What do you want a watch for?" Wang Xiaochen said to his brother in a begging tone, and at the same time reached out, intending to take the watch back from his brother.

Wang Xiaodong stretched out his other hand to block Wang Xiaochen, and said, "I am now in my senior year. I am nervous about my studies. I have a watch to master the time. What do you want a good watch for a worker?"

"If you want a watch, I will find a way to save money and buy you a good one. You still have to give this watch back to me. This is a gift from a foreign guest ..." Wang Xiaochen begged.

"Oh, you're so annoying!" Wang Xiaodong said impatiently. He stood up, turned around and walked out the door, and said as he walked: "You can save your own money and buy a watch yourself. I see the street You only need eight yuan for your electronic watch, and you are using it properly. This watch is for me. I'm back to school, bye ... "

While talking, his man had left the door and went straight downstairs. Wang Xiaochen chased out the door, shouting, "Xiaodong, stand still! ... Xiaodong, listen to me, you ..."

When Wang Xiaochen chased down the stairs, he could no longer see his brother. A high school boy walks very fast. If he wants to get rid of his sister's chase, it is very easy.

"Xiaodong! Xiaodong! Woo ..."

Wang Xiaochen shouted a few words in vain, then stood crying in the corridor. Working in the Qingfeng factory for several years, she has never been as ill as she is now. She couldn't figure out why she couldn't help but even couldn't wait to get back to the room before crying. Was it just because the beloved thing was snatched by my brother? No, not only that, there are more inexplicable grievances.

"Well, Xiaochen, what are you ... what's wrong with you?" Qin Hai, who had just returned from the iron and steel plant, saw Wang Xiaochen crying ~ ~ asked in wonder.

"Nothing ..." Wang Xiaochen saw someone see, and quickly turned his head, running away towards his room, shivering his shoulders while running, sobbing constantly.

"Who bullied you, Xiaochen!" Qin Hai followed, before Wang Xiaochen closed the door, blocked the door with his hand, and asked Wang Xiaochen.

"My brother took my watch ..." Wang Xiaochen leaned behind the door, dare not face Qin Hai, and said in a crying voice.

"Is that the watch Kishikata gave you?" Qin Hai asked. After Kishikata Bangfu left, Wang Xiaochen once took the watch to ask Qin Hai how to use various functions, so Qin Hai knew that Wang Xiaochen was definitely talking about that watch, and also knew what that watch meant to Wang Xiaochen.

"Yes." Wang Xiaochen said, probably because she felt that her family was ugly. She choked and added: "In fact, I was not unwilling to give it to him, mainly because I was afraid he would take him to school ... being damaged by his classmates Now. "

"This bear child! You wait, I'll clean up for you!" Qin Haiyi said a harsh word, turned and went downstairs. (To be continued.)

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