Material Empire

Chapter 110: Go out and pack him

Wang Xiaochen's brother, Wang Xiaodong, Qin Hai has met.レ; 思 ♥ Luo Keke Wang Xiaochen once took him to Qin Hai's room, and asked Qin Hai to point his studies. Qin Hai lost confidence in the child after a brief conversation with Wang Xiaodong. This child's grade is at the bottom of the class, and he has no desire to learn at all, and his mind is filled with martial arts novels and arcade games. Except for Wang Xiaochen, who blindly pets his brother, I am afraid that anyone can see that this child is not a piece of reading material at all.

Qin Hai also knew clearly about Wang Xiaochen's coddling of Wang Xiaodong. Each time Wang Xiaodong came to Wang Xiaochen, he threw down a pile of dirty clothes and asked his sister to help wash it, and then wiped out the good food the sister prepared for him, without even leaving a consciousness for the sister. Wang Xiaochen was not at all dissatisfied with his brother's actions. It seemed that she had owed this brother how much debt she had in her previous life. The sole purpose of living in this life was to pay more than just.

"Xiao Chen, you can't get used to your brother like this." Qin Hai sometimes persuades Wang Xiaochen like this.

"No way!" Wang Xiaochen repeatedly dragged his feet in defense. "He is the only child in our family. My parents like to spoil him like this. What can I do?"

"At least you should teach him how to be a human?" Qin Hai suggested. "How can you, like a helpful and hard-working sister, teach him a little about your principles?"

"His main task now is to study. I hope he can be admitted to a technical secondary school." Wang Xiaochen said, "You don't know, he is the first in our village to enter the county."

"Okay ..." Qin Hai was helpless, and he believed that if he said more, Wang Xiaochen would probably turn his face with him. In fact, he really wanted to tell Wang Xiaochen that even if her younger brother did get good grades, he was admitted to the county middle school, which is a thing of the past. In the past two years, her younger brother has fallen into disfigurement, and there is absolutely no possibility of entering the secondary school.

Based on the view that it is difficult for the officials to break the housework, Qin Hai always watched the matter of the Wang family's sisters and brothers, and did not intervene. However, what happened today makes it even harder for him to curb his anger: The bear child is too bearish. If he doesn't clean up, one day he will sell his own sister and sister for money.

"Xiao Qin! Qin Hai, why are you going!"

After hearing the harsh words from Qin Hai, Wang Xiaochen was frightened and ran out of the house. But like Wang Xiaodong did before, before Wang Xiaochen caught up, Qin Hai had already run without a trace, and there was a sound of jeep engine starting downstairs. Because of his anger, Qin Hai started directly in third gear, and the jeep jumped away like a wild donkey.

Qin Hai drove back to the steel plant and called Ning Mo. He was going to find Wang Xiaodong in the county, and he had to bring a person familiar with the situation in Pingyuan. Ning Mo was unknown at the beginning. I did n’t know why Qin Hai was angry. After Qin Hai briefly talked about the situation, Ning Mo jumped higher than Qin Hai. , Such an honest person as Wang Xiaochen, he dares to bully him!

"The most important thing is that Wang Xiaochen almost took out her heart to her brother. This is almost a white-eyed wolf." Qin Hai also commented angrily.

"Clean him up! If you don't pack him with a blue nose and a swollen face, I won't call him a fat man!" Ning Momo swears, not knowing what a proud man is to be a fat man.

"Qin Gong, fat, what do you two say?" Qiao Changsheng, the steelmaking squad leader, walked past them, and when they heard what they said, he stopped and asked curiously.

"We're going to pack a wolf-eyed wolf, it's so irritating!" Ningmo exasperated.

Qin Hai told Qiao Changsheng the story of Wang Xiaochen's sister and brother again, and finally angered the old worker. This is the case in Chinese society. Compassion for the weak and filial piety is an eternal moral code. I heard that a bear child spoiled by her sister snatched away her sister's beloved things, and no one could stand it.

During this period, Qin Hai sometimes asked Wang Xiaochen to come to the iron and steel plant to help with some flaw detection and inspection work. He also dealt with Qiao Changsheng. Qiao Changsheng had a good opinion of this simple and gentle country girl.

"I will go with you to pack this wolf pup, I have more experience than you." Qiao Changsheng folded his sleeves, exposing his thick, iron-like arms, and said.

Three people got on the jeep, and soon came to the county. This day is a weekend, but third-grade students don't care about weekends or not, most of them are studying in the classroom. Qin Hai knew that Wang Xiaodong was in the class and took Ning Mo and Qiao Changsheng directly to the classroom.

"Wang Xiaodong? He's not there." A student sitting at the back door of Wang Xiaodong's classroom shook his head and said to Qin Hai and others.

"Isn't he from this class?" Qin Hai asked.

The student smiled with a sarcastic expression: "Now even our head teacher does not know whether he is in this class. He usually does not come to the classroom except to sleep."

"Uh ..." Qin Hai was stunned by the student's humor. He even believed that the student's words were not cold jokes, but facts.

"Where can I find him?" Qiao Changsheng spoke.

The student said, "Turn right out of our school gate. There are two stalls for renting books in the first alley. He will be there if he is reading a novel. Go ahead and there is a newly opened game room at the door. There is a boxing champion on the sign, and I know it very well. If he plays games, he will be there. However, he may not go to the game room recently. I heard that he owes a lot of money to the game and dare not go. "

"Thank you classmates." Qin Hai thanked the student, then took Ning Mo and Qiao Changsheng straight to the place pointed by the student.

"I was naughty enough when I was studying. Compared to Wang Xiaodong, I could be a good student." Ning Mo muttered as he walked, his fists squealed loudly, apparently very angry.

Three people first came to the two book rental booths, and they asked about it. The stall owner was really familiar with Wang Xiaodong. One stall owner pointed at the front and said, "The student didn't read the novel today. I just saw him from me. Passed by the door, it should be to the game room. "

"Don't he owe money to the sunspot, and dare not go?" Asked the other stall owner at the door.

"Who knows, Kuroko is here today, he dared to go in, maybe he wanted to get money from his sister." The former stallholder shook his head and said that although he was doing the business of these truant students, but for these The student's style is also quite disdainful.

The three of Qin Hai followed the instructions of the stall owner and found a game room with a boxing champion sign hanging at the door. They pushed in the door and there was a lot of noise inside, full of intense music, fighting, and half-old children Screams and cheers.

"Would you like to play one?" The shop owner welcomed the newcomer when he saw it. However, when he saw Qiao Changsheng, he quickly shut up. According to his experience, there is only one thing for such a man in his 50s to come to the game room. And in all likelihood, they will fight in the street and then drag home. He secretly prayed for a little customer in his heart.

"One of them is called Wang Xiaodong, do you know?" Qin Hai asked the owner.

"I know, you are ..."

"You don't care who we are, you just take us to find him." Qin Hai said.

"Come here," said the owner.

Three people approached the corner of the game room as the shop owner bypassed several game machines. Qin Hai saw that Wang Xiaodong was sitting in front of a game console, skillfully manipulating the handle, and yelling constantly in his mouth, apparently completely absorbed in the game. When Wang Xiaochen took him to Qin Hai for advice and learning, his face was dull, and his eyes were tired and a little disgusted. At this moment, his eyes were flowing, his face was full of excitement, and his whole body was full of energy.

"Wang Xiaodong!" Qin Hai stepped forward and shouted sharply.

"Oh, Brother Qin, are you here to play?" Wang Xiaodong looked up at Qin Hai, then turned his eyes back to the screen, his mouth casually perfunctory.

"You stop me," Qin Hai ordered.

"Anything? Wait for me to finish this one." Wang Xiaodong said.

"You are Wang Xiaodong?" Qiao Changsheng turned away from Qin Hai, walked in front of Wang Xiaodong, and stared at him.

Wang Xiaodong tilted his head and asked dissatisfied, "Who are you, I don't know you."

"Then I will let you know you!" Qiao Changsheng said, regardless of whether he had any relationship with Wang Xiaodong, he slaps his hands and slaps a slap on Wang Xiaodong's face.


I only heard a muffled sound ~ ~ Followed by a chaotic sound of panic and flutter, Wang Xiaodong was fanned directly from the stool to the ground, covering his face with a crying cry: "Old thing, you Who, why did you hit me! "

"Yeah!" Qiao Changsheng kicked Wang Xiaodong's buttocks again, so that he rolled a few steps on the spot and hit other players' feet.

In this way, the children in the entire game room were shocked, and a scared **** appeared on everyone's face. Such things as parents running to the game room to beat their children have happened many times in the past. It goes without saying that those children who have been beaten, even those who have not been beaten, have a sense of sorrow and horror, and they always feel that their loud slaps are on their faces.

"Several, several, have something to say, I still have to do business here." The owner hurried forward to persuade him, and he also knew that this was not something he could interfere with, but don't fight in his store anyway . Even if it does n’t damage the equipment, it is always bad to scare the flowers and plants who are playing the game?

"Master Qiao, don't fight here first, let's go out and clean up him." Ning Mo stopped Qiao Changsheng and said. After all, he stretched out his hand, grabbed Wang Xiaodong's neck, and dragged him out of the game room like a dead dog. (To be continued.)

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