Material Empire

Chapter 111: Sunspot is a loan

Qin Hai was talking about cleaning Wang Xiaodong, but he didn't actually think how to clean it up.レ; 思 ♥ As a traveler, his awareness of the legal system is very strong. He knows that beatings and breaking laws are not effective by other means. However, Qiao Changsheng and Ning Mo are not as pretentious as Qin Hai. In their opinion, the way to deal with bear children is to eat a fat meal. As long as it makes sense, anyone will support this just act.

Back then, bear children were a sad creature. Parents are justified in hitting their children, and it is reasonable for teachers to hit students in the school. Even brothers and sisters can get absolute support from parents when they pack up their siblings. All adults believe in the principle that filial piety is produced under a stick, and a child who has not been beaten is not a good child.

Qiao Changsheng is a steel-making worker. Ning Mo is a 180-pound blacksmith who is a strong man of Kong Wu. Even Qin Hai, as a technical school student who learns to cast, has strength in his hands. In contrast, Wang Xiaodong, who was thin and thin, was just like a little chick, with no resistance.

"Miscellaneous things, what did you do today!" Ning Mo dragged Wang Xiaodong out of the game room, threw it on the street corner, and trained with his finger on his nose.

"Brother, brother, I didn't really do anything!" Wang Xiaodong was persuaded by Qiao Changsheng's two attempts just now, and he never dared to speak hard. He didn't know who Ning Mo was, he could only curl up in the corner, and tremblingly answered Ning Mo's drink.

"I ask you, did you rob your sister's electronic watch today?" Qin Hai stepped forward and asked.

"I didn't grab it, it was my sister." Xiaodong Wang argued.

"Miscellaneous accounts!" Ning slaps Wang Xiaodong silently again. "Qin Hai has all seen it, your sister has been crying at you, and you still deny it!"

"My sister is crying?" Wang Xiaodong covered her face, and her eyes were surprised. He really wasn't faking it, because he didn't even think that his sister would cry for such a thing. In the past, he took his sister's things not once or twice.

Qin Hai was speechless by Wang Xiaodong's confusion. He pointed at Wang Xiaodong with his fingers and took a few breaths before he said, "Wang Xiaodong, you are also a man standing up five feet long, and you don't know you How good is your elder sister to you? Think about it, does your elder sister wear a good dress and work for more than two years, does she have a watch? She is also a 20-year-old girl. Does n’t she have no love for beauty? She saves money, just to help you read at home, you read novels and play games all the time, and grab your sister's beloved things. Are you special?

"I ... I don't know." Wang Xiaodong's eyes evaded Qin Hai's compulsion and said indignantly. He wasn't the kind of person with a completely conscience, but there were some things he didn't think about. Qin Hai pierced the window paper, and Wang Xiaodong also knew that he had some reason to lose.

"Less nonsense, hand over your sister's table." Ning Mo said aside.

"The watch ... was taken by the sunspot." Wang Xiaodong said with a lowered head.

"What did you say?" Qin Hai's voice increased by eight degrees. At this moment, he couldn't help but want to give Wang Xiaodong a slap. Wang Xiaochen looked at the treasure, and it was less than an hour after it was taken away by Wang Xiaodong, and it fell into the hands of others. If Wang Xiaochen knew it, he might be sad.

Wang Xiaodong said negligently, "I played a game console ... I borrowed money from the sunspot, and he forced me to ask my sister for money. Later, I didn't need the money, so he took my watch to offset it."

"What about sunspots?" Qin Hai asked.

"In it." Wang Xiaodong said.

Qin Hai and Ning Mo entered the game room again. Under the guidance of Wang Xiaodong, they found a sunspot with a cigarette while playing games. Kuroko is about 20 years old, wearing a floral shirt and long hair. At first glance, it looks like the bad youth in society.

Qin Hai stepped forward and asked gently: "Excuse me, are you a sunspot?"

"Who are you?" Kuroko tilted Qin Hai and asked impatiently.

"Can you go out and talk?" Qin Hai asked again.

Sunspot had already seen Wang Xiaodong who was behind Qin Hai, and he had already guessed the intention of Qin Hai. Just now Qiao Changsheng hit Wang Xiaodong in the game room, the sunspots also saw it, and he was mentally prepared for it. He stopped the handle, greeted two people next to him, and then walked out of the game room with Qin Hai and others, behind him, followed by three young men with hot heads and fake gold chains, which was obvious. It's all Kuroko's men.

"Friend, was your brother's electronic watch taken by you?" Qin Hai asked Heizi calmly. He didn't want to say Wang Xiaodong's name, but just called him his brother. This was also to make himself famous. .

"He used to pay the debt." Kuroko didn't deny it, and it wasn't something that needed to be denied.

"How much did he owe you?" Qin Hai asked again.

Kuroko raised **** and said, "20 dollars."

Qin Hai didn't want to, he took 20 yuan out of his pocket, handed it to the sunspot, and said, "I paid it back for him. Give me back the watch."

Kuroko looked at the two banknotes and sneered, "He started owing me 20 yuan, but it's been a week, so I can't collect any interest?"

"How much interest?"

"200 dollars."

"You don't let usury!" Ning Mu couldn't bear it and stepped forward.

"How did you talk to Black Brother!" A Milo behind Blacks also got together, this is a rhythm that does not let his boss lose.

Qin Hai reached out and stopped Ning Mu, and then stared straight at the black guy with his eyes, and said, "Friend, my brother is just a child. How much money he owes you, I will pay it back for him, even if we uncover it. As for the interest of 200 yuan a week, I haven't heard this right. Are you afraid that an adult in his family will come to you to trouble you?

"Troubleshooting? Haha!" Kuroko chuckled twice to show his arrogance. In fact, in the face of Ning Mu, who was as strong as a cow, he also murmured in his heart, but it was not good to admonish in front of his little brother.

"Repaying the debt is justified. If you want to blame, blame your brother for not being upset, who asked him to borrow my money. If you want to get your watch back, get 200 yuan, or give it to Lao Tzu ... get off." Heizi said At the last word, he hesitated slightly in his mouth, and he was not sure whether he should use such words to irritate the other party. However, he looked a little and found that there were four people on his side and only two people on the other side, he should still be confident. Wang Xiaodong's half-old child has always been weak, so he was directly ignored by the sunspot. Qiao Changsheng stood silent beside him, and was regarded as a passer-by of soy sauce by the sunspots, which was not counted in Qin Hai's power.

"Get off your mother's egg!" Kuroko's words successfully pulled hatred, and Ning Mo is the one who can allow others to point out his nose. Before the sunspot's voice landed, he rushed up and punched him in front of him. He punched hard, and although Kuroko also looked like he had a meter and a few feet, under this punch, he took a few steps back and held his chest, speechless for a long time.

"You dare, I fight with you!" One of Luo, who was behind Kuroko, was a little bit of a younger brother. When Kuroko was beaten, he fisted up and wanted to single out with Ningmo.

"Little bastard, who did you fight with?" Qiao Changsheng, who stood by and watched the battle, took a step forward and reached out to catch the fist of Miluo. Qiao Changsheng's hand was accustomed to iron, and his strength was amazing. Na Luo only felt that his fist was squeezed halfway in an instant, and then he was still shrinking at a visible speed.

"Oh, uncle, forgive me!" Luo Luoxi burst into tears, and only gave Qiao Changsheng a kneeling begging for mercy. Face, when necessary, can be torn off to clean the tablecloth, and the hands are your own. If you are inadvertently crushed by Qiao Changsheng, you wo n’t know what to do in the future.

The new and old generations of workers are angry, which is not fun. In less than a minute, Kuroko and his three buddies had been laid to the ground. Qiao Changsheng and Ning Mo were on one side, guarding the four captives, Qin Hai stood with them in front of them, and asked coldly, "Friend, electronic watch."

"In ... in my pocket." Kuroko couldn't get angry anymore, he whispered, and pulled out Wang Xiaochen's electronic watch from his pocket. He also knew that the watch was valuable, and he wrapped the watch in a small floral cloth that he didn't know where to get it.

Qin Hai took the watch, looked at it, and found that there was no damage to the watch. Then he put it away and threw two 10-yuan bills in front of the sunspot, saying, "My brother owes you money, I will pay it back for him. .You will not be allowed to lend him any more money to play games or lend usury to him, understand? "

"I understand, I understand." Kuroko nodded desperately and agreed.

Qiao Changsheng wanted to be more thoughtful than Qin Hai ~ ~ He took a step forward, kicked the sunspot with his foot, and said, "You see clearly, it's me who hit you today. My name is Qiao Changsheng. It's from Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant. If you want revenge, don't go to the trouble of this child, even if you come to me. If you let me know about the trouble of finding this child, I will take down your bones. "

"No, no." Kuroko now only wants to get rid of these killing gods, how dare he think about things that are too far away in the future. After he promised two sentences, he suddenly gave a stun, then looked up, and looked up and down Qiao Changsheng.

"Why, do you want to see it clearly, will you come to my house to trouble me later?" Qiao Changsheng angered. The other's gaze made him feel provoked.

"You are from a steel plant ... Uncle Qiao?" Heizi asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Qiao Changsheng was a bit miserable. The other person's title was obviously a taste of an acquaintance. He looked at Kuroko's face and asked suspiciously: "You are ..."

"I'm a sunspot, sunspot, don't you remember? That's ... that's ..." Sunspot couldn't figure out how to introduce himself. It took him a long time to think of the most suitable introduction method: "My dad is Fu Wenbin, you should Remember it? "(To be continued.)

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