Material Empire

Chapter 117: Helping Japanese friends

"Good news! Good news!"

The county economic commissioner Pan Shengjie stumbled into the county chief Guo Ming's office, his face was full of joy, like a gold ingot picked all the way. .

"Lao Pan, what good news makes you happy like this?" Guo Ming looked at Pan Shengjie cheerfully and asked.

"Country Guo, do you remember the man named Kishida Bangfu?" Pan Shengjie asked.

Guo Ming nodded: "Why can't I remember, is he here again?"

"No, he didn't come. It was a person named Ichiro Kawashima. He was named ... by the way, the vice president of the Great East Asia Sharing Green Foundation. He is coming to our Pingyuan." Pan Shengjie said.

"Big East Asia Shared Green Foundation ... This company produces paint?" The second monk Guo Mingzhang couldn't figure out. It is certainly a joy to have a foreign guest, but it is not worth Pan Shengjie's excitement to come to Pingyuan for a paint company representative. Besides, there are not too many buildings in Pingyuan where green paint is needed. What is this Ichiro going to Pingyuan to do?

"Haha, county governor didn't figure it out? I heard the news at the beginning, and it took a long time to turn around, but the provincial Foreign Affairs Office explained it to me for a long time before I figured it out." He said that although he was regarded as a subordinate of Guo Ming, the level of the two was not so different, and they were also targets for joking. The news he received was really good, so he couldn't help selling it, and let Guo Ming share his joy.

It turns out that this so-called Great East Asia Shared Green Foundation is not a paint company, but an environmental public interest organization in Japan, whose purpose is to help Asian countries restore their ecology and protect the environment. Kawashima Ichiro came to Anhe this time because I heard that some old iron and steel plants in Beixi City have accumulated a lot of iron slag, which has not been effectively treated for many years.

It is said that long-term exposure of such waste residues will affect local air quality and pollute groundwater. In short, it will cause extremely serious ecological disasters. As helpful friends, for the health of the Chinese people, they are willing to help the local axe of Beixi City to remove these slags, and also to provide a clear living environment for the people of Beixi.

"He was talking about the two **** mountains in the Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant?" Guo Ming heard Pan Shengjie's explanation and responded. The two **** mountains did obstruct the observation. The county had intended to dispose of them, but I still couldn't find a way to deal with it, so I dragged on and on for so many decades. I didn't expect Pingyuan County to be obscured by itself, but the two Zhashans have already alarmed their friends.

"Thanks to Kishida Bunfu for this matter, he said that he was so kind." Pan Shengjie said with emotion, "I heard that when Kishida Bungo was invited by Qin Hai to visit the steel plant, they discovered the two Zhashan. After returning home, he kept thinking about it, and after several efforts, he finally contacted Mr. Kawashima. The green foundation where Mr. Kawashima is located is dedicated to this kind of public welfare, and their money is The donations made by entrepreneurs in Japan are dedicated to helping developing countries like us for free. "

"Then how are they going to remove this waste?" Guo Ming asked.

"I heard that they plan to pay for it themselves, and ask local workers in our Pingyuan area to dig out the waste, load it on the train wagon, ship it to Cenzhou, load it, and ship it back to Japan." Pan Shengjie said .

Guo Mingxuan wondered: "Don't they say that these waste residues are poisonous, why should they be transported back to Japan?"

Pan Shengjie laughed and said, "Is n’t Guo County aware of it? I did n’t understand it at the beginning, as soon as they explained it, I understood it. You think, this is an island, and I heard that there are only these points in our Beixi area They want to develop the economy, they have to rely on reclamation to make land. So they transport these waste **** back for reclamation. Haha, this thing is waste in ours, and when people get there, they can turn waste into treasure. If you say that you are capable, you can't admire it. "

"So, they help us clean up the garbage. Not only do we not have to pay for it, but they can also make us some money, is that so?" Guo Ming asked.

Pan Shengjie said: "That's right. That's right. I heard that if I ask migrant workers to work, the wages can be higher, which is higher than that of our government officials."

"This is a great thing!" Guo Ming wanted to understand. "Lao Pan, you have to implement it immediately, contact the village cadres in the villages below Chengguan Town, mobilize them, and organize the most conscious farmers to work as migrant workers. Also, this matter has to say hello to the steel plant. Isn't Qin Hai renting the site of the steel plant now? Tell him in advance and let him cooperate. If this can be done, Qin Hai will Our county has done a great job. If it wasn't for him to bring Kishikata to the steel plant to visit, how would a Japanese friend know that we have this problem? "

Pan Shengjie happily ran to arrange it. Guo Ming asked the secretary to call the steel plant to inform Qin Hai that he would immediately go to the county government axe. He must be notified of important matters.

Qin Hai was studying the smelting technology with Li Linguang at the iron and steel plant at this time. After receiving the call, he didn't think much about it. He changed to a clean dress and drove to the county government axe. After the previous few things, Qin Hai and the leaders in the county also knew each other, and they went through Guo Ming's office for four or five times, which is familiar.

"Our heroes are here, please sit down, please sit down." Guo Ming was in a good mood and had a light joke with Qin Hai.

"Country Guo teased me again, what kind of hero I am, and made trouble for the county." Qin Hai smiled modestly.

"Well, the trouble is indeed not aroused, but there are credits. You don't know yet, you are unknowingly helping us to make a great contribution to Pingyuan County." Guo Ming said.

Qin Hai felt his head and couldn't think of any good things he had done these days. The thing about Qujiang Cement Plant, at least, cannot be regarded as "unconsciously", right? As for other aspects, what can be called "great work" seems to be impossible to find.

"Country Guo, I'm not good enough in intelligence. Just tell me anything if you don't let me guess." Qin Hai said.

Guo Ming haha ​​laughed, and told Qin Hai the things that Pan Shengjie had just said to him. Qin Hai didn't react at first. When he heard that he was planning to transport the waste residue to the sea for reclamation, he burst out laughing and sprayed.

"Country Guo, wouldn't you really believe that the pie would fall from the sky?" Qin Hai asked, not big or small. He has not been able to correct his seat for so long, especially at some critical times, and he would not treat the county or mayor as a cadre without paying attention.

Guo Ming was a little embarrassed by Qin Hai's words. He was originally in Xingtou. Qin Hai's words were not stubbornly cold, which made him very annoyed.

"Xiao Qin, what do you mean by that?" Guo Ming asked with a black face.

Qin Hai said indignantly: "The old ghost of Kishida is really too able to drill holes. I was inattentive and must let him take away the **** samples of the steel plant. I knew this, so I should not take him to see the **** mountains Or, after reading it, you should let him go out of the house and not let him take away any dust. Mayor Guo, I bet you, this **** green foundation may be a subsidiary of the Fukuoka Club. They are Come to take our resources for free, and we are still grateful to them for Dade. "

"Resources?" Guo Ming froze, he began to realize that things were not easy.

Those who can reach the level of county magistrate are not fools. If Guo Ming was a little confused at the beginning, it was just because the media constantly advocated something like Chinese friendship, kindness and enthusiasm, which gave him some preconceived illusions. When Qin Hai was so broken, Guo Ming naturally restored his normal surname. Yeah, he has nothing to do with his diligence and he must be stolen if he is not wiped out. Does he really have such kindness?

"Xiao Qin, you can make things clear. I only want our waste, how can it be a resource?" Guo Ming asked Qin Hai seriously.

Qin Haidao: "Mayor Guo, there is a technical problem here. In the past, the Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant only knew about ironmaking. When it found iron ore from the mountains, it began to smelt. As a result, a pile of high-quality waste iron was produced, leaving behind Waste slag. As everyone knows, our iron ore in Beixi City is lean from the point of view of iron. But these iron ore are actually tantalum niobium ore. The most valuable element is not iron but tantalum And niobium. In the market, one kilogram of tantalum is equivalent to tens of tons of iron. "

"You mean, what tantalum and niobium are you talking about in these waste residues?" Guo Ming asked ~ ~ Qin Haidao: "I can't be 100% sure about this now. It comes from the distribution of mineral deposits Say, our Beixi City is just in the area where tantalum and niobium is rich. Most of the iron ore should be the tantalum and niobium associated ore. Because I was too busy some time ago, I didn't take the time to analyze the composition of these slags. However, I once talked about this with Professor Li Linguang, who also believed that these slags should be tantalum-niobium slag.

The strongest evidence is that this little devil named Ichiro Kawashima, if there is no **** among them, he would not be able to run so eagerly to offer love. "

"But ..." Guo Ming hesitated. If these slags are really rich in tantalum and niobium as described by Qin Hai, then my intention is very sinister, and Pingyuan County should firmly refuse to say that I should remove the slag. On the other hand, if Qin Hai's guess is wrong and Pingyuan County accuses me of his goodwill, the impact is also very bad. At that time, the superior department pursued it and could not explain it at all.

Qin Hai saw Guo Ming ’s thoughts and said, “Mao County, you do n’t have to worry about it. I ’ll go back now and ask Professor Li to bring some samples back to the College of Engineering for testing. If the test results confirm my guess, Then we have reasonable reasons to reject my request. What I need now is to drag on for a few days. I think the county governor should have this method? "(To be continued.)

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