Material Empire

Chapter 118: Rescue slag

Pan Shengjie received a call from Guo Ming and asked him to come to the office to discuss things.レ; 思 ♥ Luo Keke lei He hurriedly rushed over, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw Guo Ming's black face like a pot bottom.

"Mr. Guo, what happened?" Pan Shengjie's smile condensed on his face, not knowing what had happened. When he left Guo Ming's office just now, Guo Ming still looked like he was happy.

"Xiao Qin, tell the situation to Director Pan." Guo Ming pointed his finger at Qin Hai, who was sitting on the sofa.

Pan Shengjie then discovered Qin Hai, and realized that Guo Ming's face change was directly related to Qin Hai. He smiled reluctantly, and said to Qin Hai, "Xiao Qin, has Guo County told you about your friends? There are some places in the two piles of **** in your steel plant."

Qin Hai smiled: "Director Pan, I was wondering with the county chief just now. You said that rì himself helped us to clean up the garbage. This is a good thing. But even if you are in China, you ca n’t even hold tens of thousands of tons of waste residue Why do you have to ship it back? "

"I asked this before, they said it was transported back to reclaim land for farming." Pan Shengjie said.

Qin Haidao: "This is farting without pants. There is 200 kilometers of rail transportation from Pingyuan to Cenzhou port. Then change the river liner to the Pujiang sea liner, how much money do you have to toss? Rì Ben itself is In a mountainous country, it would be better to just dig a mountain to reclaim sea than to transport this waste residue. "

"That's what I said ..." Pan Shengjie scratched his head. "I had wondered about this before, and now the wagon is very nervous. Our county wants to transport agricultural products, and it is not possible to find wagons on the railroad. It may take a lot of effort, especially to transport the waste, and it seems that it can't be achieved. "

"Since you're wondering, why didn't you just say?" Guo Ming scolded indignantly. A simple truth, he had to wait until he was beaten by Qin Hai before he realized it. It was really shameful. The root cause of his shame was that Pan Shengjie was too brainless.

Pan Shengjie said with a sad face: "I always feel that rì himself has money, they are willing to do so, they always have their reasoning, and they cannot follow our Chinese thoughts. As for what they think, how can I guess?"

Qin Hai shook his head, and he was too lazy to correct Pan Shengjie's ideas. In that era, countless Chinese people thought that foreigners were rich, and rich people did not need to consider logic when they did things. He said to Pan Shengjie: "Director Pan, the county chief Guo talked to me just now and said that he was a bit unsure about rì's own motives. I will now go back and arrange for the inspection of those slags to see if there is anything else in rì himself. Attempt. Now what Director Pan needs to ask for assistance is to drag him as much as possible, after at least three days, to discuss this matter, what does Director Pan think? "

"Three days is no problem." Pan Shengjie promised, "The Provincial Foreign Affairs Office has just notified me. It is estimated that it will be implemented in a few days. However, Xiao Qin, can you give me a thorough understanding, What is so famous in these slags? "

"Until things aren't settled, don't spread these things first." Guo Ming stepped forward, and Qin Hai said just now that he noticed that Rì Ben's motive was impure, which is equivalent to putting gold on his face, and he really needs such a piece. Gold foil to cover up shame. If you talk too much with Pan Shengjie, I'm afraid Pan Shengjie can understand that these principles are not something he can understand, and it is Qin Hai who really finds the problem.

The three discussed the details again, and then Pan Shengjie hurried back to make arrangements for the call. He had originally informed the villages under Chengguan Town to arrange labor for migrant workers, and now he needs to tell everyone that this matter is on hold. As for any reason, it is not Qin Hai's concern.

Qin Hai returned to the steel plant and introduced the relevant situation to Li Linguang. Li Linguang changed suddenly, scolded a few swear words like "ghost", and then took two students to the back of the **** mountain to dig two bales of slag, and rushed to the bus station to buy a ticket back to Hongze. . Regarding the value of tantalum and niobium ore, Li Linguang knows more than Qin Hai. I heard that Rì himself actually used this method to deceive precious minerals. Li Linguang has no rush reason.

Qin Hai didn't take it too seriously. In his mind, no matter what tricks rì himself played, these **** was under his eyelids, and rì himself could dig them out in the middle of the night?

After two days like this, neither rì himself nor Pan Shengjie had any news. Qin Hai couldn't bear it anymore. He picked up the phone and asked the county economic committee to directly ask Pan Shengjie about the progress.

"Oh, it's Xiao Qin." Pan Shengjie said a little lazily on the phone, presumably the resentment that Guo Ming had rebuked that day hasn't cleared up yet, he said: "Mr. Kawashima is now in Beixi, Foreign Affairs Office said , Wait for him to finish the matter over Beixi, and then come to the county below.

Xiao Qin, I said the last time, are you a little suspicious? Mr. Kawashima went to the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant to discuss the slag. The Beixi Iron and Steel Plant had no opinion and sent a forklift to help with the shipment. We are a small Pingyuan County, and we still talk about the motives of our friends, do n’t we look too small? "

"What, Chuan Island went to Beixi Iron and Steel Plant?" Qin Hai was shocked. He suddenly remembered that besides Pingyuan Steel Plant, Beixi City also had a steel plant, and the scale was larger than that of Pingyuan Steel Plant. The plant is much larger. In addition, there are seven or eight iron and steel plants in all districts and counties affiliated to Beixi City, some of which are still reluctant to operate, and some, like Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant, have also been suspended for many years. However, all these iron and steel plants have two points: one is that everyone uses Beixi local ore; the other is that a large amount of **** is left.

Little devil officer really is fine.

Obviously, after finding the waste **** of the Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant, Kishida immediately thought of it, thought of other steel mills, and arranged a secret investigation. This time Kawashima Ichiro came to Beixi. The picture is not the waste residue of the Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant, but the whole Beixi.

His Majesty Pan Shengjie's phone, Qin Hai went straight to the post and telecommunications office, filled out the form and asked to be connected to Beixi City. The call was dialed, and neither Chai Peide nor Xu Yang answered the call, but a stupefying young man. After listening to Qin Hai's request, he replied, "Mayor Chai went out for a meeting. When will he return ... I don't know."

"Where did he go to the meeting?" Qin Hai asked.

"Who knows, it looks like Beijing, or ... Pujiang," said the young man.

In the era when there is no mobile phone pager, looking for someone who is away for business is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. Qin Hai patted his own head and filled out two quotations. This time it was for Hongze.

After boiling the phone porridge for 40 minutes, Qin Hai finally came out of the phone booth. The female salesperson in charge of the post and telecommunications office paid him a very complex emotional look: 9 cents a minute long distance call, a dozen is 40 minutes. What kind of local tyrant is this? I don't know if this guy has a target No, if not, it would be great ... But, it seems that the age gap is too big for you to marry him. Let the girl marry him, uh, it seems that the age gap is too big ...

Qin Hai couldn't imagine that making a phone call could cause so many fragrant plots. He settled the charges at the counter, then drove back to Qingfeng Factory and headed straight to Ning Zhongying's office.

"Director Ning, apart from Mayor Chai, do you have any other relationship in Beixi?" Qin Hai asked directly to Ning Zhongying.

"Of course." Ning Zhongying proudly said, "I'm not telling you, the entire Beixi area, I don't have to take a penny with me, I can't go hungry in any county."

"Is there anything I can talk to Beixi Iron and Steel Works?" Qin Hai asked again.

"Yes, the old Liu of the Municipal Economic Commission has a relationship with me and is also a soldier of the mayor of Chai. He would definitely go to the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant to speak." Ning Zhongying said.

"Well, please introduce me for me. I have to go to Beixi now." Qin Hai said.

Ning Zhongying said: "You talked for a long time. What the **** is it? You haven't told me yet. Why, did your business go to Beixi Steel Plant?"

"It's not business, it's about whether the mineral resources in our country will be stolen by little devils," said Qin Hai.

Then he told Ning Zhongying about the situation of Kunida Kirifu, Kawashima Ichiro and waste slag. The more Ning Zhongying listened to, the more ugly her face became, and finally her face became a little angry.

"Mother's little boy, I don't think that Kishida Bunfu is a good thing! What do you guys say friendly and friendly, friendly ball!" Ning Zhongying cursed.

Qin Haidao: "Director Ning, that's not what I said ~ ~ We are all yards, **** is slag, and Kishida Bunfu is Kishida Bunfu. Think about it, our rotary tiller blade, Don't you have to rely on Kyoda to help us sell it? "

"That's true." Ning Zhongying suddenly returned to reality. The waste of the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant has nothing to do with him after all. China is so big that there are so many babies being cheated away. Not to the point of causing calamity to the country and the people. In contrast, maintaining a harmonious relationship with Kishikata Bunfu is vital to the Qingfeng plant. This year, the Qingfeng plant also expects to earn one or two million from this business.

"You said that rì I want **** because there is tantalum-niobium ore in it, do you have evidence?" Ning Zhongying asked, he is also a cautious person. When encountering such a thing, the first consideration is to have evidence so that he can Make yourself invincible.

Qin Haidao: "I just talked to Professor Li on the phone. They are still doing analysis and will soon have results. The urgent task now is to let Beixi Iron and Steel Plant suspend cooperation with rìfang and wait for the analysis results to come out. After that, everything is clear. In fact, even if rì himself is not unwilling to clean up the waste, it can be done for a day or two, right? "

"Well, let's go, we'll go to Beixi to find old Liu now. It's better to say it in person on the phone." Ning Zhongying said. (To be continued.)

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