Material Empire

Chapter 122: Control them both

Don't mention how bad Wang Yiqiao's mood is now.レ; 思 ♥ 路 ♣ 客 レ

When Kawashima Ichiro first arrived at the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant, Wang Yiqiao was very happy, because the waste **** yard has always been his heart disease, and now someone is willing to move it for free. Why is Wang Yiqiao happy?

Such a matter of great joy has changed due to the emergence of Ning Zhongying and Qin Hai. As the resistance between these two people became more and more fierce, Wang Yiqiao's heart began to murmur. In case Qin Hai was telling the truth, wouldn't he have been fooled by rì himself and become a head of injustice?

If I can think of this early, when Ichiro Kawashima proposed to clean up the waste residue, he would first find someone to do some analysis and testing to find out the real situation, and then make a decision, then he would be more proactive. If this discovery was made by his Wang Yiqiao, he would also receive a "Dare to Protect State Property" praise before his superiors.

However, there is no regret medicine in the world. He trusted the claims of Ichiro Kawashima and mobilized the forklifts in the factory to help with the slag. This is the pattern of bowing without turning back. At this time, the best result he could hope for was that no one mentioned the matter, and everyone was fooling away the slag. As for rì, what can I do after I get the slag, anyway, people in the country do n’t know, so everyone pretends to be confused for life.

Just now in the **** yard, he used words to force Ning Zhongying and Qin Hai away. He was not very relaxed in his heart, but felt that it was a matter of suppressing the matter, so he can stop talking about it after rì. Now Ning Zhongying and Qin Hai have adopted a road blocking method to further escalate the contradiction. This is equivalent to pushing his Wang Yiqiao into a dead end. How can he not jump over the wall without a dog?

What tantalum niobium to go to, let alone say that this is just a guess, even if it can be confirmed, as long as the superior did not give a clear instruction, I will do it according to the plan that has been determined. Lao Tzu does not seek meritorious service, but seeks no fault. Is such a high demand?

"Hong Yuan, let your people invite these two people away." Wang Yiqiao ordered to Hong Yuan, who hurried to him.

"Yes!" Hong Yuan promised, and brought several people to Ning Zhongying and Qin Hai. Seeing Ning Zhongying's age and his Zhongshan suit, Hong Yuan hesitated and said, "Comrade, please cooperate with us and leave the railway."

It is reasonable for Hong Yuan to be cautious. If the other party is just a farmer, he can take coercive measures without negotiating. But now it seems that the other party seems to be a cadre, and he can't figure out what's going on. Judging from the jeep parked next to him, the cadre still has a certain level.

Ning Zhongying looked up at Hong Yuan and said, "If I don't leave, what are you going to do?"

"Then ... we may have to take some coercive measures." Hong Yuan said gently.

"Come, you handcuff me." Ning Zhongying stretched out her hands and made a handcuffed look.

Hong Yuan had handcuffs in his hands. At that time, the security section of the big factory was not much different from the police station. He had law enforcement powers. But before he knew the situation, Hong Yuan didn't dare to take out the handcuffs. This thing is easy to put on, and it is difficult to remove it.

"You go up and drag them down." Hong Yuan gestured to his men.

A few men stepped forward and stretched out their hands to prepare Laning Zhongying and Qin Hai's arms. Ning Zhongying stood up sharply, glaring and yelling, "I see who dares to touch me!"

Tigers don't show power, they are sick cats in the eyes of others. Ning Zhongying was a person who could kick the ground with a few kicks at Qingfeng Factory. When it really got angry, the gas field was unparalleled. The staff of several security divisions were all frightened by the roar and took two steps back, one by one, turning around, watching Wang Yiqiao, waiting for his instructions.

"Ning Zhongying, what prestige are you playing with me!" Wang Yiqiao's temper also came up. It is impossible for a person with no temper to be a leader in the factory. He waved to his hand and said, "Don't be afraid of him, Pull me down and I'll carry it when something happens. "

"Okay!" A gimmick in the basic militia promised, and rushed up with a rifle, and a bayonet was mounted on the rifle head. It looked very cold and scary.

"Well, do you dare to fire a gun?" Ning Zhongying's face sank as if it was going to rain, his eyes glared at the hoe, and he straightened his chest forward so that the bayonet tip was right on his chest. , Said, "Boy, you have a way to go to your grandpa. You dare to kill me for a rì myself, you are the only one who was shot!"

"I ... I ..." Yuantou Qing didn't realize that the old man on the opposite side was even heavier than himself. He only worked as a basic militia for a few days, and felt that it was cool to scare people with rifles. When someone pointed his chest at his bayonet, he was so frightened that his hands softened, and his voice brought a crying voice: "Chairman Hong, I ... what should I do?"

"It's just ... it's impossible, tell the Public Security Bureau to come!" Zeng Yongtao looked at the scene and scolded Wang Yiqiao's men for being waste. He also knows that the security guards in the factory are the ones who deal with the brawl at most. How can they have the guts to really shoot at people? At this time, the two sides are compared with a momentum. If Wang Yiqiao's momentum is more sufficient than Ning Zhongying, naturally he can win Ning Zhongying. The point is that Ning Zhongying's strength is famous throughout Beixi City. Compared with him, Wang Yiqiao can only be regarded as a small witch.

At this moment, dust was rising on the road ahead, and a jeep and two military trucks whistled around. Three cars drove to the railway crossing, and Kankan was stopped by the jeep parked by Qin Hai. An army officer got on the jeep in front of him. He walked in front of the jeep in Qin Hai and looked at it, then waved backwards and ordered: "Get off all, block the scene!"

The military truck hula hula jumped down as dozens of soldiers in the following dumplings, with smoky semi-automatic rifles in their hands. Compared with the basic militiamen at Beixi Iron and Steel Plant, these regular soldiers are a bit higher in both momentum and movement. The crowd at the scene involuntarily closed their mouths and looked at these soldiers, not knowing what happened.

"Is Comrade Qin Hai here?" The chief officer shouted to the crowd.

After hearing this sentence, all people turned their eyes to Qin Hai, and their eyes were mixed with emotions. Some were shocked, some were surprised, and some were gloating. Everyone is thinking about the same thing: Nima, this is a big deal!

The officer saw Qin Hai's body along the eyes of everyone. He walked in front of Qin Hai and asked tentatively: "Excuse me, are you Comrade Qin Hai of Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory?"

"It's me, excuse me ..." Qin Hai slammed in his heart. Before leaving Pingyuan, his other call was to Yue Guoyang. Yue Guoyang said that once Li Linguang had a result there, he would come out to support Qin Hai. . These soldiers suddenly appeared here, most likely related to Yue Guoyang.

"Reporting head! I am Xiong Hongkang, platoon leader of the Third Regiment, Second Battalion, Five Battalions and Three Rows of the Third Regiment, Anhe Military District. I was instructed to come in line to assist the head in performing the task, and the head is instructed!" The military officer saluted Qin Hai respectfully Shouted loudly.

Chief? !!

Xiong Hongkang shouted, and everyone in the room widened his eyes. Wasn't this Qinhai a Qingfeng factory worker? When did he become the head of the army? Xiong Hongkang couldn't understand this more clearly. A soldier from a platoon came over to support Qin Hai. It was ridiculous that Wang Yiqiao planned to drive Qin Hai away by a few basic militiamen.

"Comrade, I'm Wang Yiqiao, the director of Beixi Iron and Steel Plant. Excuse me, are you here? Is there anything wrong?" Wang Yiqiao hurried forward and asked, this is his site, and such a big thing happened, How could he not ask exactly.

Unexpectedly, Xiong Hongkang simply ignored the stubble. He sank his face and said, "Director Wang, please don't hinder us from performing our task."

"This ..." Wang Yiqiao was spit and spit, and didn't know what to say. When the military does things, it has two lines with the local area. They say something about military secrets. What more dare you say?

After sending Wang Yiqiao aside, Xiong Hongkang took two pieces of paper from his arms and handed them to Qin Hai, saying, "Head, this is a fax from the provincial military region. Please look at the head."

Qin Hai didn't care about the right or wrong of the title of the chief. He took the two sheets of paper, glanced at his face, and smiled. One of these two papers is a test analysis report made by Li Linguang. The report clearly states that these slags are rich in tantalum and niobium, and are fully feasible for refining.

As for the second piece of paper, it was an order written by Yue Guoyang instructing the Dülì Third Regiment and Second Battalion in Beixi to cooperate with Qin Hai, and must smash the attempt of rì himself to steal important Chinese resources in the name of environmental protection.

"Bear platoon leader, execute as ordered." Qin Hai said to Xiong Hongkang.

"Yes!" Xiong Hongkang promised ~ ~ and then turned around and shouted loudly: "Seven classes blocked the railway and **** trains were forbidden to pass. Eight and nine classes followed me to the **** yard and blocked Scene, protect the evidence. "

The army was doing everything with utmost fame. Command them, and the soldiers rushed down to the designated positions like tigers. A squad of soldiers guarded the railway crossing and pulled out the jǐng warning line. Soldiers from the other two squads sealed off the entire **** yard.

"This is Kawashima Ichiro." Qin Hai took Xiong Hongkang to Kawashima Ichiro and introduced it to Xiong Hongkang.

"You are Kawashima Ichiro?" Xiong Hongkang stepped forward and asked Kawashima Ichiro.

"This is a foreign guest. What do you want to do?" Liu Xuping, who has been accompanying Ichiro Kawashima, quit, and came forward and shouted at Xiong Hongkang. In his opinion, the foreign guest is above all else, and he is the interpreter of the foreign guest. , Naturally also has supreme privilege.

"Control them both." Xiong Hongkang turned back and ordered.

Several soldiers rushed forward and separated Kawashima Ichiro and Liu Xuping from each other. The black muzzle pointed at their chests. Liu Xuping felt only a heat, and then felt the wetness of the crotch. (To be continued.)

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