Material Empire

Chapter 123: Talent is baby

"What are you doing, I'm rì myself, you can't treat me like this. レ; 思 ♥ 路 ♣ 客 レ"

Kawashima's legs were also shaking. Not all rìs have samurai jīng gods. As a generation who grew up in a peaceful environment after the war, Kawashima Ichiro has never experienced being pointed at his chest with a gun, let alone the opponent or a foreign soldier.

Liu Xuping had already scared his soul out of his body. Where else could there be a jīng **** who came to translate for Kawashima Ichiro. However, there was a Qin Hai who knew rì at the scene. When he heard the words of Ichiro Kawashima, he stepped forward with a smile, and replied in rì: “Mr. Kawashima, we suspect you are using the identity of a public welfare person. Stealing important military resources, so you need to investigate, please cooperate. This is an order from the Anhe Military District, do you want to see it? "

What Qin Hai presented to Kawashima Ichiro was exactly the order written by Yue Guoyang. In this order, Kawashima Ichiro is explicitly required to be controlled and handled after the investigation is clear. What Xiong Hongkang did was only to execute the orders of the military command.

"Comrade Qin Hai, what's going on? Why do you treat Mr. Kawashima like this?" Zeng Yongtao hurried to follow up and saw the soldiers pointing Kawashima Ichiro with a gun and took away his briefcase, Can't help but be shocked. He is not as stupid as Liu Xuping, and he dares to fight against the military, but it matters, and he has to ask the question anyway.

Qin Hai handed the two faxes together to Zeng Yongtao and said, "Director Zeng, now things have been figured out. The waste **** of the steel mills in Beixi contains rich mineral elements for the defense industry. Kawashima Ichiro's attempt to steal these slags by deception has jeopardized the national defense security of the country, so the provincial military region issued an order to detain all slags and related personnel. Kawashima Ichiro is undoubtedly the object of detention. "

"Don't you say that there is any tantalum and niobium in this slag, how did it become a defense mineral?" Zeng Yongtao asked.

Qin Hai smiled and said, "The director, we still need some scientific knowledge for our foreign affairs work. Tantalum is an important metal material with a hard texture, rich extension xìng and extremely high corrosion resistance xìng, which can be used in manufacturing Tantalum capacitors are very important in military equipment, and their alloys can also be used to make heat-resistant high-strength parts in rockets and missiles. Niobium alloys also have extremely high melting points and can be used to make jet engines for fighters. Tell me, Is this important defense material? "

Qin Hai's statement is half-truth, half-truth, and somewhat bullying the liberal arts students. Tantalum and niobium are indeed important materials, but their use is not limited to the military. Tantalum-niobium ore is of relatively high value, but it does not belong to the military embargoed minerals. Moreover, it is not only China that produces these minerals in the world. It is listed as a national defense material, and some of them are pulling tiger skins as a banner.

However, this banner was not pulled by Qin Hai himself, but the reason that Yue Guoyang found for Qin Hai. Qin Hai explained to Li Linguang to analyze and test the slag, and ordered him to contact Yue Guoyang as soon as the test results were obtained, and to get Yue Guoyang's support. .

Yue Guoyang told Li Linguang seriously about the use of tantalum and niobium. When he heard that both materials have important applications in the military field, he claimed to define them as defense materials. If the army wants to intervene in local affairs, it must find a suitable reason. Foreigners cheated mineral resources that can be used for military purposes, and the amount is huge. This reason is enough for Yue Guoyang to order a detainee.

"These slags really have tantalum and niobium, what Qin Hai said is true." Zeng Yongtao glanced at the two materials and turned his head to Wang Yiqiao, who followed him. Although he could not understand the above technical terms, Yue Guoyang's order was clearly written, and the official seal of the Provincial Military Command was stamped on it, which was impossible to falsify.

Wang Yiqiao's face was extremely ugly, and he felt that he had made mistakes again and again, and now there was no room for recovery. He greeted Qin Hai's ancestor Yatsushiro in his heart: Isn't it just such a little slag, what are you doing with such a big deal? Now even the army has been transferred. What other command of the commander of the Provincial Military Region is it not intended to leave alive?

"Lao Ning, look at this ... you say a few words." Wang Yiqiao began to embrace Ning Zhongying at this time. Among all these people, he only had some friendship with Ning Zhongying, and Ning Zhongying was able to Affects Qin Hai. He hoped that Ning Zhongying would come forward to mediate and keep things from getting out of hand.

Ning Zhongying was also shocked when he saw the emergence of the army. Qin Hai told him long ago that he planned to intervene in the matter with the help of the provincial military region. Before that, Ning Zhongying always felt that Yue Guoyang might exert influence through the administrative channels in the province. Who would have thought that he would take such a simple and effective method and directly sent troops to detain Kawashima Ichiro.

"Xiao Qin, pay attention to size, don't make things bigger." Ning Zhongying whispered in front of Qin Hai.

"Director Ning is assured, I will grasp it." Qin Hai said, proud of being unable to go further, Qin Hai knew this.

In the face of the military, Ichiro Kawashima was afraid to resist, and Xiong Hongkang ordered the two soldiers to detain him to return to the army's camp, put him under house arrest, and wait for orders from his superiors. Zeng Yongtao and Liu Xuping both came with Ichiro Kawashima, and naturally cannot leave at this time, so they followed Kawashima Ichiro to the army camp. Liu Xuping was scared of incontinence by the soldiers ’position just now. His pants were soaked. Although everyone pretended not to see it, Liu Xuping also knew that he had been shamed to his uncle's house. The previous arrogance.

Taking away Kawashima Ichiro, the rest of the matter, according to Ning Zhongying, is the contradiction among the people. Qin Hai did not embarrass Wang Yiqiao. Instead, he said some scenes such as "Unexpectedly," so that everyone can step down. However, Xiong Hongkang did his duty diligently to leave a squad of soldiers guarding the **** yard. Wang Yiqiao naturally had no choice but to dare to say anything about such an arrangement.

Watching Qin Hai and his party get up in the car and walk away, Wang Yiqiao looked like he had been cramped, and sat on a big rock softly, his eyes dull. Hong Yuan stepped forward without knowing the current situation and asked, "Director Wang, what shall we do now?"

"What else can I do, wait for the notice above!" Wang Yiqiao said angrily.

"The two guys in the Qingfeng Factory are too arrogant. Director Wang, we can go to the city to sue them." Hong Yuan came up with an idea.

"Stupid!" Wang Yiqiao shouted, "The old man Ning won this bet. Even the provincial military district came out to support him. Is this something that the city can pull? Do you know the commander of the provincial military district and the governor of the province Yang What friendship? "

There is no need to say the frustration of Wang Yiqiao. A rì himself was detained by the army in Beixi. This incident caused a stir in the zhèngfǔ system in Anhe Province. The Provincial Foreign Affairs Office was the first to bear the brunt. Some people screamed to go to the court to sue, saying that the military would intervene in local affairs at will. Others were gloating, saying that some people in the office had been too close to foreign guests, and they might have been bought by foreign spies.

Such a big movement, of course, is impossible in the province without any response. After emergency consultations, Deputy Governor Yang Yihe contacted Yue Guoyang, and the two shared a car and rushed to Beixi overnight.

"Lao Yue, you have given me a big problem." On the road, Yang Yihe gripped his head with few hairs and complained to Yue Guoyang. Yang Yihe was born in a military service and was a partner with Yue Guoyang in the army. The relationship was very harmonious. He was talking about the problem, but his face was smiling, not looking angry at all.

Yue Guoyang told the relevant situation to Yang Yihe in 1510, Yang Yihe nodded and said, "I heard the news and knew that there must be a reason for it. Your old Yue is not a reckless person. Since he dares to send troops to detain foreign guests, his hands It is definitely holding the trump card. We say that reform and opening up are right, but this kind of foreigners who use friendly banner to deceive our resources, what is necessary for us to be kind to them? Lao Yue, you have done this Pretty."

Yue Guoyang said: "I was also very anxious for a while. This group of little devils are really horrible. They obviously want to steal our stuff, and they are also playing a banner of environmental protection. Let us be grateful to them. If there is one more in Qin ’s mind, Xuan, let's be sold and help the people. "

Yang Yihe said: "Lao Yue, just now I have heard you say it seven or eight times to Xiao Qin. Who is this Xiao Qin ~ ~ Can we commander Yue Dayong be so unforgettable? "

Yue Guoyang laughed and said, "This little Qin is really a strange person to say. I am also a man who has commanded thousands of troops and horses. I have never seen such a capable person. I first saw him because I asked him to go. To help the missile force diagnose the material of the tail wing, so many experts have not solved the problem. After he joined, it was solved in less than a month. Do you say this thing is not magical? "

"Which university did he graduate from?" Yang Yihe asked.

Yue Guoyang said: "The most strange thing is his education. He is actually a graduate of our provincial agricultural machinery school. I have checked it out. There is no problem with his school status. In addition to reading books, There's nothing unusual about it, it's completely politically reliable, it's just patience and puzzling. "

"It's not difficult to understand, there are always geniuses." Yang Yihe said disapprovingly, "However, Lao Yue, since you are so optimistic about him, this time when I arrived in Beixi, I would like to have a good chat with him, now Talents are treasures for economic construction. "

"You will definitely see him, this boy, I've stabbed Lao Tzu for such a big leak, Lao Tzu can't spare him." Yue Guoyang smiled fiercely. (To be continued.)

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