Material Empire

Chapter 124: Tips for turning bad things into good things

"Your name?"

"Kawashima Ichiro. レ; 思 ♥ 路 ♣ 客 レ"


"Vice President of the Greater East Asia Shared Green Foundation."

"What is the purpose of coming to Beixi Iron and Steel Plant?"

"Help the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant clean up the waste slag."

"Where is the **** going?"

"Return rì this."

"What are you going to do after returning rì?"

"Used to reclaim land for land."

"Where is land reclamation? What is the name of the company that undertakes the land reclamation?"

"..." Kawashima Ichiro was dumb, and he suddenly found out that he didn't really compile this detail, and he couldn't even think of a place name that was used to make things happen.

He originally thought that the Chinese knew nothing about rìben, and what the other person believed, as long as they could let the **** leave Chinese ports, the rest of the matter did not need to be explained at all. However, he is now facing the military interrogation. If he wants to get over it, it will not be so easy. It ’s true that some places are engaged in land reclamation, but Ichiro Kawashima has no contact with the institutions in these places. He can neither speak their phone number nor the name of the contact person. As long as the other party is not a fool, I can hear him talking nonsense.

"Why, can't you tell?" Yue Guoyang sitting on the interrogation table sneered. "You are in charge of this matter. You don't even know which terminal the cargo ship is headed to and who will pick it up?"

"I ..." Kawashima Ichiro continued speechless.

"Don't go around. This is a waste of both your time and our time. Come on, when did you know that these slags are rich in tantalum and niobium?" Yang Yihe also spoke. He must have witnessed such a major event in person, as long as he can confirm that Kawashima's bad intentions. Anhe Province has no responsibility in this matter. It can explain to zhōngyāng and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On the other hand, if the exact handle of Ichiro Kawashima cannot be grasped, the pressure on Anhe Province will be really great.

Kawashima Ichiro took a moment to hear Yang Yihe's words. Then he nodded thoughtfully and said, "Sorry, sir. I only know that these slags are very useful, but I really don't know that the ingredients are tantalum and niobium. If I knew these two elements, I think I will not take this business. "

"Who asked you to cheat these slags?" Yue Guoyang asked.

"It's the Fukuoka Club." To this day, he knows that it is not good for him to carry it by hand. Since this incident was caused by Kyoda Kunifu, let Kyoda Kunifu handle it. It ’s better to be a client who takes money to work, and it ’s better to be held as a commercial spy, right? The accusation given to him by the military is really terrible. If this accusation is substantiated, he is likely to go to jail.

At this point, the latter things will be easy to handle. Yue Guoyang explained to the staff that Ichiro Kawashima wrote down the matter before and after and signed it, and then handed all these materials to the officials of the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office to handle the matter. This foreign-related case. There are a series of sensitive policy issues that can only be clarified by those who handle foreign affairs.

A day later. The Consul General Rì in Pujiang also hurried over. After reading the readme of Ichiro Kawashima, the Consul Rì had nothing to say, so he had to discuss with Anhe Province zhèngfǔ and hope to conclude the matter on the basis of an apology. Of course, Anhe Province does not want to make things big, after some setbacks in the process. Ichiro Kawashima was released, and he left Anhe with the consul rì and quickly returned to rì ben.

Anhe Province zhèngfǔ submitted a report to zhōngyāng on the matter, the main content was that Anhe Province's relevant departments clearly inspected Qiuhao and yù escaped, and realized the true face of the commercial spy. Avoid the loss of the country's important mineral resources. In this report, Yang Yihe, Yue Guoyang, Li Linguang, Zeng Yongtao, Liu Zunian, Wang Yiqiao and others were particularly mentioned in this process. As for Qin Hai and Ning Zhongying, they were only mentioned accidentally at the end of the report, saying that they also played a certain role in the process of solving the case ...

zhōngyāng After receiving this report, the relevant departments quickly forwarded it to the provinces and autonomous regions of the country, asking each locality to learn from the experience of Anhe Province, learn relevant lessons, and conduct a careful review of foreign-related cooperation projects. Do n’t let the foreign party lead their nose . Everywhere, zhèngfǔ acted quickly, and found several similar cases within a short period of time, and corrected them in a timely manner. That's it.

After sending off Kawashima Ichiro, Yang Yihe did not rush to return to Hongze, but stayed for another day. He specifically called Qin Hai to his temporary office in Beixi, and when he met, he said, "Xiao Qin, I'm so sorry for you."

"Province Yang made a big point. I didn't seem to feel any grievance." Qin Hai answered with a smile.

"This time you can see through rì's own plan. You are the first one. This is the consensus between Commander Yue and me. However, the report provided to zhōngyāng in the province did not highlight your role, so I need to ask You apologize. "Yang Yihe said frankly. When a man does something wrong, he always feels uneasy. He is in this state now.

Qin Haidao: "I don't dare to accept the apology of Governor Yang. It must be meaningful to do so in the province. I dare not complain."

Yang Yihe said: "This time, the impact is too bad. From the governor of my province to the relevant leaders of the Foreign Affairs Office and Beixi Iron and Steel Plant, no one has a little jǐng worries about Kawashima's behavior. xìng. If it is not for you and Professor Li Linguang so insistent, our province's face will be lost. Such a thing, the province must not be reported as it is, so you need to have some chūn autumn style, and at the same time downplay your role, this hope You can understand. "

Qin Hai laughed absurdly, and Yang Yihe's words were straightforward. If you think about it, officials from one province did not find any problems. In the end, a graduate of a technical school showed everyone jǐng. If this kind of thing spreads to zhōngyāng, why can Anhe be up and down? At present, this method of processing, crediting the credit to the provincial, municipal, and factory leaders, has turned a collectively deceived scandal into a forward-looking and glorious event.

To put it more plainly, that is a grievance against Qin Hai, which has benefited thousands of officials, and Qin Hai has countless merits.

"I don't care if I have credit for it, but for those cadres who admire the world, there should be an attitude in the province. The former director of the Foreign Affairs Office and the director of the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant, knowing that Ichiro Kawashima had problems, I also intend to forcibly drive me and Factory Ning away. If such behavior can not be punished, we can still be praised, and then no one will dare to speak out and speak up. "Qin Hai said.

Yang Yihe waved his hand and said, "You can rest assured that the behavior of the personnel involved in this incident is in the eyes of the province. After this incident, we will have serious responsibility for Zeng Yongtao and Wang Yiqiao Comrades deal with it seriously, at least they must be transferred from important positions. By the way, the Foreign Affairs Office has already reported to me, they think that the translator named Liu Xuping is no longer suitable for foreign affairs, and it is recommended that he Transfer to the Provincial Library for cataloging of rì documents. "

"The governor of Yang really knows what is good," Qin Hai said with a mocking tone.

Qin Hai is not a person who likes revenge, but he has a feeling of disgust for Zeng Yongtao and Liu Xuping, and he always hopes that they can get the punishment they deserve. I heard that the province intends to take serious treatment of these people, Qin Hai felt much relieved. In contrast, whether he himself appeared in the application materials to zhōngyāng, he was not particularly concerned.

"The province is also very clear about your contribution in this matter. Although it is not appropriate to praise you publicly, the province can give you some rewards from other aspects. Tell me what you want to get What about the reward? "Yang Yihe asked.

Qin Hai shook his head and said, "I don't need any rewards. Governor Yang can be sure that the work I do is already the biggest reward for me."

"Haha, Lao Yue also said that you can't speak, I think you know how to talk." Yang Yihe laughed and laughed for a while before he said, "Well, this question is not suitable for you. I owe you a favor in the province, I will write it down first, and I will consider you in the future when I have a suitable opportunity. "

"Thank you very much, Governor Yang." Qin Hai bowed.

"Xiao Qin, I heard Commander Yue said that you have some experience with steelmaking, is that so?" Yang Yihe finished talking about Kawashima Ichiro, leading his words to another topic.

Qin Haidao: "I learned casting in the technical school ~ ~ Steelmaking is also one of our professional courses. I usually like to read some professional books, so I do have some opinions on steelmaking."

Yang Yihe asked: "Do you know the situation of Beixi Iron and Steel Plant?"

Qin Hai froze for a while, and did not understand why Yang Yihe raised such a question. He thought about it and said, "I don't know much about Beixi Iron and Steel Plant. However, most of the steel used in our Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Plant comes from Beixi Iron and Steel Plant. As far as I can see, the quality of these steels is not good. Too much. "

Yang Yihe nodded heavily and said, "You're right. The province has high hopes for Beixi Iron and Steel Plant, but the production status of Beixi Iron and Steel Plant has been unsatisfactory over the years. The quality of the steel you said is not satisfactory. Passing is only one of them. Another aspect is that the output of Beixi Iron and Steel Plant has been stagnating, which has seriously affected various infrastructure activities in the province. This time I came to Beixi, I also intended to take the opportunity to beat them. of."

"But ... what does this matter have to do with me?" Qin Hai was puzzled.

Yang Yihe said: "I would like to ask you to give play to the ability of turning a stone into gold, to give Beixi Iron and Steel Works a pulse." (To be continued ...)

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