Material Empire

Chapter 125: I was serious

Yang Yihe's dissatisfaction with the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant has a long history, but it really only made him think about rectifying the Beixi Steel Plant. .

Last year, the Plenary Session of the Central Committee adopted a decision on economic system reform. The core content can be summarized in four words, that is, "simplification of administration and decentralization."

In China, the division of responsibilities between the central and local governments has gone through several iterations, sometimes the central control of the power, and sometimes the devolution of power to the local. Since the reform and opening up, the central government's policies have generally been moving towards decentralization. Last year's decision to reform the economic system has clearly put forward the principle of expanding local autonomy.

Thanks to this spring breeze, a vigorous construction climax has been set up all over the country, and local governments have tried every means to raise funds and start construction of various projects. Coupled with the sudden emergence of township and village enterprises, the scale of capital construction throughout the country has continued to expand, and an extremely prosperous situation has emerged.

Behind this prosperity, local leaders such as Yang Yihe can clearly see that the foundation of prosperity is very weak. To carry out infrastructure construction, in addition to capital, it also needs the support of raw materials, of which steel is the most important. In the past year, the country's output of finished steel products was only 36 million tons. After deducting the part required to guarantee national key construction projects, the steel that can ultimately fall into the hands of local government axes for infrastructure construction is a sloppy salary.

In the case of inadequate use of steel in the national plan, local governments want to obtain steel. There are two paths. One is to import from abroad. The other is to mobilize local steel plants to expand the production scale. Place needs. Anhe Province does not have as much foreign exchange withholding as those in the coastal provinces, so the road of importing steel is not feasible. The remaining solution is to let the steel mills in the province tap innovation and increase output.

With such an idea, Yang Yihe, who is in charge of the industry in the province, went to various steel plants in the province, took the face of the deputy governor, and spoke kindly to those directors, asking them to expand production. The directors of the various steel mills slap their chests in front of him, only to bite the **** to write a blood book to ensure. But after speaking these rhetoric, it was followed by a lot of difficulties, what was the lack of funds, the equipment was backward, the raw materials were tight ... In the final analysis, it was a sentence: no drama!

If only a steel plant complained to Yang Yihe in this way, he could ignore it, and even ruthlessly removed the director of the factory, and hired Xianliang to play the role. However, all steel plants in the province seemed to have made an appointment, and even the reasons given were very similar, and Yang Yihe couldn't handle it. He even had some doubts whether the steel problem was indeed an unsolvable problem, and Anhe Province could not solve such difficulties.

This time when he came to Beixi with Yue Guoyang to deal with the **** problem, Yang Yihe had an unexpected harvest. He heard from Yue Guoyang's mouth that he could create a magical Qinhai. According to Yue Guoyang, Qin Hai started from scratch and, without the support of the state's penny, activated the long-closed Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant. Now the production of this plant is steaming. It is said that it has planned to increase equipment and expand its scale. Already.

Yang Yihe did not know how Qin Hai did this, but in the light of the idea of ​​seeking medical treatment in an emergency, he still planned to chat with Qin Hai to see if this young man had a solution to the steel shortage problem in Anhe Province. Yang Yihe always believed that there was a genius in this world, so he didn't think that Qin Hai's age was blunt.

Hearing Yang Yihe's request, Qin Hai pondered for a moment and said, "The problem at the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant is not fundamentally a technical issue, but a ... systemic issue."

When it comes to system issues, Qin Hai hesitated a bit, wondering if such words would make Yang Yihe unhappy. Officials at the time were very fashionable about the reform of the system, but they were very secretive about the shortcomings of the system. This may sound contradictory, but such contradictions are indeed widespread. For example, everyone knew that the planning system was an important reason for restricting productivity at the time, but when it came to reform ideas, no one dared to directly deny the planning system. They could only talk about the "planned commodity economy". .

As a traversalist, Qin Hai knew very well the root cause of the shortage of raw materials of surnames throughout the country, but the solution to the problem was ahead of the times. He did not know whether such an idea could be accepted by an old cadre like Yang Yihe.

"How to talk about the system?" Yang Yihe said, and he was not surprised by Qin Hai's words, because some of the problems were also thought by him.

Now that Qin Hai has begun, he said, "First of all, the unreasonable price system is the main reason for the lack of positive surnames and difficult equipment transformation in steel plants. This should be heard by Governor Yang. Right? "

"I've heard of it, but ... I'm afraid this problem can't be solved in the province." Yang Yihe smiled bitterly.

In the era of the planned economy, the prices of all commodities on the market were set by the state, and enterprises had no pricing power. Since the reform, the country has successively liberalized the prices of agricultural products and light industrial products, but has never dared to liberalize the prices of heavy industrial products. Because the latter is upstream of the industrial chain, once it is liberalized, it will cause chain prices of downstream products to rise, creating unexpected social risks.

However, as a result, there has been an inconsistency in the prices of light and heavy industrial products. The rising prices of light industrial products continue to increase the cost of living for the entire society. The price of heavy industry products remains unchanged, making it impossible for the income of heavy industry enterprises to rise. Under this circumstance, the more the heavy industry enterprises produce, the more they lose money. The limited profit used to pay employees' wages seems to be stretched, and there is spare money to update equipment and improve technology.

The only way to solve this problem is to relax the price control on heavy industry in a timely manner and gradually increase the price of heavy industrial products so that heavy industrial enterprises can obtain the funds needed to expand reproduction and form a good name cycle. To achieve this, it is indeed not possible for a province. For steel mills to produce, it also requires the state to allocate raw materials such as ore and coal through the plan of the surname. Therefore, it is unrealistic to go beyond the management of the plan.

"The second aspect is the internal mechanism of state-owned enterprises. To improve the positive surnames of workers and motivate them to improve their skills, more flexible mechanisms must be available. In this regard, I conducted a trial at the Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant, It has achieved results. However, I can guarantee that it is impossible for Beixi Iron and Steel Plant to adopt such a mechanism. "Qin Hai continued.

In essence, the Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant is not the original state-owned enterprise, but a private enterprise under the name of Qin Hai. In the Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant, Qin Hai introduced a full set of market-based salary and personnel systems. Good-skilled workers can get more money, and more workers can also get more money. , Directly fired. Under this mechanism, the production efficiency of the Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant is several times higher than in the past. Workers work happily and count money happily. There is no such phenomenon as old state-owned enterprises.

Although Qin Hai had not been in-depth contact with the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant, but based on his own imagination, he could also know the current situation in the plant. He said that the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant could not adopt such a mechanism, and it completely accorded with the actual situation.

"So there is no hope for the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant?" Yang Yihe asked.

Qin Hai shook his head: "At least I can't see the hope. There are too many problems at the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant, which can't be solved by one or two ideas."

Yang Yihe thought for a while, and suddenly said, "If I leave Beixi Iron and Steel Plant to you, can you solve the problem?"

Qin Hai was startled: "Province Yang, although I am young, my heart is not so strong, don't scare me like this."

Yang Yihe laughed: "I didn't scare you, I was serious. I just thought that you could revitalize the Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant, why not give the Beixi Steel Plant to you too? The central government now advocates multiple economies The joint venture between the forms, since the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant is already hopeless, why not use it as a pilot for the joint venture in the province? "

Qin Hai stared at Yang Yihe's eyes, trying to find some playful expressions from it, but what he saw was calm. He hesitated and asked, "Province Yang, aren't you really talking about fun?"

"Jun has no jokes, I am still a deputy governor, can I make such a joke with you, a young worker?" Yang Yihe said ~ ~ Qin Hai shook his head and said: "This is a very serious matter Difficult. The Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant is a closed plant. I just borrowed its shell without any fetters. The Beixi Iron and Steel Plant is completely different. It is still a normal operating company. Although it is not very effective, But salaries and benefits can be sent out. Except for you, Governor Yang, everyone thinks it is pretty good. In this case, it is difficult to reform it. What's more, I just Offended Wang Yiqiao. Does Governor Yang feel that he can cooperate with me in a happy mood? "

Yang Yihe said: "The matter of Wang Yiqiao is not something you need to consider. I said that handing over the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant to you is not something you can do right away. So, you can think about it from now on. Wait until Years later, the province resolved the relevant issues, and we will discuss what method to revitalize the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant so that it can truly play the role of the basic industry. "

"Well, I also use this time to think about it. However, I hope that when Governor Yang can change his original intention, don't put my little young man on the fire to bake." Qin Hai said jokingly.

Yang Yihe shook his head and sighed: "Young people, how can you grow up without going through a little wind and rain? Other people want to have such a chance of being burnt on the fire, you ca n’t even push three or four, it ’s really too muddy to help the wall . "(To be continued.)

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