Material Empire

Chapter 128: Tremendous stress

In the chūn festival of 1986, every household of Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers added new electric appliances. Both adults and children were wearing new clothes. Even the banquets for dinner were several times more than in previous years.レ; 思 ♥ Luo Keke, such as Xiao Dongping, "wine in the wine" rushes to the different banquets all day long, every meal must be drunk, every drink must be drunk. Before the fifteenth day of the first month, he was awake for a few hours Status.

Qin Hai moved the whole family from the countryside of Baihe Town to Pingyuan County a few years ago. Only the old nǎinǎi, who was not used to living in the city, remained in Baihe Town and was taken care of by Qin Hai's uncle's house. With Qin Hai's current status in Pingyuan County, it is no longer difficult for her younger sister Qin Ling to transfer to the junior high school of Pingyuan No.1 Middle School. As soon as Qin Ling came along, she mixed with Qin Shan and Tranquil to form a trio of beauties. Qin Hai could only avoid it when she was in trouble.

Due to the good sales of special cement at Qujiang Cement Plant, the income of Qujiang Farm has continued to increase, and the lives of farm workers have also been greatly improved. Before the chūn festival, Fu Wenbin specially arranged for a person to bring a semi-truck of agricultural products to the county to give to Qinhai. There are dozens of grass carps and carps weighing more than five pounds, and hundreds of pounds of pork, two complete The pig's head, chicken and duck, eggs, vegetables, etc., in Qin Ling's words, will be enough for their family to eat for 20,000 years ...

All these things left Qin Hai to eat at home, and the rest was distributed to friends around. When Li Linguang returned home for the Chinese New Year, Qin Hai personally drove to Hongze. The car was loaded with several barrels of good wine and countless new year goods, which made other teachers in the family college of Engineering envious with red eyes, one by one. Secretly ran to Li Linguang to ask: Is there any manpower over Pingyuan?

The happy atmosphere of Chūn Festival continued until the fifteenth day of the first month, and then slowly stopped. Qin Hai explained in detail to the father Qin Minghua and Ning Mo and other things in Pingyuan Iron and Steel Factory, and then brought a small team together to come to Beixi to discuss with Beixi City zhèngfǔ Cooperation issues at Beixi Iron and Steel Plant.

"Our little hero is here."

As soon as Qin Hai entered Chai Peide's office, Chai Peide left his desk, stepped forward with a smile and shook hands with him, and then hailed Qin Hai to sit down. He sat on the sofa opposite Qin Hai. Such a treatment was previously only enjoyed by Ning Zhongying. It is an honour for a person of this level and age like Qin Hai to be given a seat by the deputy mayor. Shake hands to greet.

"The mayor of Chai said this, it really made me feel shame ... I was young and ignorant, and I acted recklessly, which caused trouble to the mayor of Chai." Qin Hai pretended to be honest and frightened, and said to Chai Peide.

Xu Yang sat aside and said for Chai Peide: "If you can communicate with Mayor Chai earlier, it will not develop into the latter situation. In the end, it will be solved by Governor Yang. For Beixi City, In fact, it is a bit passive. "

"This is mainly because of a sudden accident. I only know that there is a batch of waste **** in Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant. I do n’t know that Beixi Iron and Steel Plant also has it. I also do n’t think that I would start from Beixi Iron and Steel Plant. I am worried that in case they transport the **** From Beixi, we went to chase it back, and the impact was even greater, so I was anxious to stop. At that time, I asked the director Ning to call the mayor of Chai, who would have expected that the mayor of Chai was on a business trip. It's a piece, "Qin Hai justified.

Chai Peide said: "In this case, the factory director Ning has already explained to me, you are right to do so. Governor Yang has come forward in person, which is a bit passive for the city. But bad things can turn into good things. Intervene, and I have what I asked you to do today. Isn't this a great thing? "

The affairs on the officialdom are extremely delicate, and Rao has the high IQ of Qin Hai, and cannot fully understand it. The **** incident did cause some political damage to Beixi City, but Chai Peide himself was not affected. One was because he was away on a business trip and was not aware of it; the other was because Yang Yihe learned that Chai Peide had very close relations with Ning Zhongying and Qin Hai, and could even be regarded as the background of Ning and Qin. The credit for the two can be attributed to Chai Peide, which offsets Chai Peide's fault.

In this sense, Chai Peide should actually thank Ning Zhongying and Qin Hai for their persistence. Without their insistence, these slags were deceived. When the truth becomes clear later, his responsibility will be immeasurable.

"I heard that before Governor Yang left Beixi, I specifically talked to you once and talked about the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant. Is that true?" Chai Peide ended the topic of **** and began to enter today's formal topic.

Qin Hai nodded and said, "Yes, Governor Yang is very dissatisfied with the production of Beixi Iron and Steel Plant, and asked me what I think. I said some of my own views, and Governor Yang basically agreed. However, Regarding how to do this, Governor Yang said that further discussion is needed. "

"Well, I already know what you said to Governor Yang. The determination in the province was already set before the Chūn Festival, and the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant will be used as a pilot. The relevant reform plan will be launched after the year." Chai Peide said.

Qin Hai asked: "What exactly do you want to do in the province? I rushed over when I got a call from the city. The specific details are not clear."

"Xiao Xu, tell Xiao Qin about the considerations in the province and the city." Chai Peide gestured to Xu Yang.

Xu Yang said: "The province has no clear instructions on how to do this, but only gives guidance on principles. The attitude of the province is that the public ownership of Beixi Iron and Steel Plant cannot be changed, but it can be flexible in its management methods Diversified, you can take a bigger step, as long as it meets the policy requirements, you can boldly try. In addition, there are two more specific instructions. First, Beixi Iron and Steel Plant must provide 200,000 tons of qualified plans this year. Foreign steel; second, this matter must give full play to the enthusiasm of Comrade Qin Hai. "

"Uh ..." Qin Hai was speechless. Although he talked with Yang Yihe, Yang Yihe had said he would ask him to lead the team to do this, but clearly wrote his name in the middle of the guidance xìng opinion, let him There is a feeling of being trapped.

"Mayor Chai, Secretary Xu, as far as I know, the steel output of Beixi Iron and Steel Plant last year was only 70,000 tons, of which nearly 50,000 tons were planned steel, and only 20,000 tons were unplanned. That is, Said that this year's goal is to increase unplanned output by 10 times ... This is really a little stressful. "Qin Hai said bitterly.

Chai Peide haha ​​laughed: "Why can you do more? Take your momentum to engage in military shovel, rotary blades and auto parts. What is 200,000 tons of steel? By the way, when it comes to auto parts, I have to solemnly Thank you for saying that this year, more than 40 industrial enterprises in Beixi have turned losses into profits, and the overall loss-turning situation ranks first in the province. My deputy mayor in charge of industry has also received praise from the province for this. But to say, this The credit should be attributed to your little Qin. Most of the more than 40 companies have achieved losses by taking over the production of auto parts. "

"The mayor of Chai spoke heavily, which should be the result of the long-term attention of the Ning Plant." Qin Hai humbly said, and then returned to the topic, saying, "Mayor Chai, regarding the instructions in the province, how do we think in the city? .This time you called me to Beixi, what do you want me to do? "

Chai Peide still did not answer, but left the interpretation right to Xu Yang. Xu Yang smiled to Qin Hai and said: "This matter needs to be discussed with you. The province said that the public ownership of Beixi Iron and Steel Plant must be guaranteed. It also said that the business methods can be flexible and diverse. In fact, the attitude has been very To be clear, that is to hope to adopt a joint venture approach. One side is Beixi Iron and Steel Plant and the other is your Qinhai. What do you think? "

Qin Hai shook his head and said, "It's difficult. If the 200,000 tons of unscheduled steel products proposed in the province are to be achieved, the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant must be completely renovated. From production and supply to internal management, we must make great efforts. do you accept?"

"As long as it is necessary, it can be accepted." Xu Yang said.

Qin Hai looked at Xu Yang and laughed: "If Secretary Xu is going to be the factory director, then I have some confidence."

After hearing Qin Hai's words, Xu Yang turned to look at Chai Peide, and Chai Peide smiled and said to Qin Hai, "This is what you said."

"How?" When Qin Hai looked at Xu Yang seriously, when he found some reserved expressions on his face, he couldn't help asking: "Isn't it really necessary for Secretary Xu to be the director of the factory?"

Xu Yang nodded ~ ~ and said, "The mayor of Chai said that I have been a secretary for too long and needs to continue to exercise. It happened that the province requested adjustment of Wang Yiqiao's work, so the mayor of Chai arranged me to go to the north Xi Iron and Steel Plant, first as the executive deputy plant director, presided over the work, can you go one step further in the future, depending on whether you can help me, Xiao Qin. "

"This is unexpected news. Let me digest it first ..." Qin Hai was truly shocked.

Xu Yang has been Chai Peide ’s secretary. He does not know much about factory management. His only strength is that he has the backing of Chai Peide. In addition, he is able to feed back all kinds of situations to Chai Peide in time so that Chai Peide can control the situation. Let Xu Yang be the executive deputy director who presided over the work. It was made clear that he was escorting Qin Hai. Of course, it also meant to borrow Qin Hai's light to plate Xu Yang with gold. From this personnel arrangement, we can see that Chai Peide's trust in Qin Hai and his expectations for Qin Hai.

Xu Yang said: "Xiao Qin, the two of us will stir in a pot in the future. Mayor Chai explained that you can go ahead and try, but if there is any trouble, I will take care of it for you. Simply put, I'm here for you, so you don't have to have any psychological burden, just work hard to complete the tasks explained in the province. "(To be continued.)

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