Material Empire

Chapter 129: Can it be counted as a wolf?

Beixi's determination to transform the steel plant was so great that Qin Hai had never expected it. As a voyager, he certainly knew that these measures were outrageous, and compared to subsequent reforms, it was nothing but drizzle. After a few years, let alone talk about joint ventures and cooperation, even if private enterprises merge state-owned enterprises, it is trivial, of course, it is unnecessary to say more severe.

The goal set by the province for Qin Hai is also intriguing. Qin Hai must produce 200,000 tons of unscheduled steel within one year. This requirement is indeed tailored for Qin Hai.

Before the reform, all materials were controlled by the state plan. How much an enterprise produces and how much it can allocate in a place are already set at the level of the State Planning Commission. Everyone can do things according to the planned indicators. .

After the reform, the state began to gradually loosen control of the economy, and many important materials also began to distinguish between "planned" and "unplanned." The so-called planned materials are designated by the national plan for production, all raw materials are provided by the state, and all products are directly allocated by the state. Whether it is raw materials or finished products, the price is uniformly regulated by the state. Just a producer.

The so-called out-of-plan is the part that is not managed by the national plan. Sales can be determined by the enterprise, and the price has a relatively large flexible surname. But because this part of the material is not allocated under the plan, its raw material supply also mainly comes from the company's own procurement, which is equivalent to the part of the company's independent operation.

Beixi Iron and Steel Plant has always been responsible for the completion of national plans. Beyond that, the supply of unscheduled steel is very limited. If Anhe Province wants to carry out infrastructure construction, the state cannot get all kinds of material indicators, and it can only mobilize enterprises in the province to increase production to meet the needs. If the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant can produce more unscheduled steel, these steels are materials that can be deployed in Anhe province. Whether it is used by itself or it is exchanged with other provinces for other materials, it can play an important role.

To engage in unscheduled steel, one is to tap the internal potential of the enterprise so that the company can have a stronger production capacity; the second is to have a way to get unplanned raw materials. This requires a long-sleeve person who is familiar with market operations. . In Yang Yihe's eyes, Qin Hai is a capable person who can do both.

"Secretary Xu ... No, shouldn't he be called the factory director Xu?" Qin Hai said to Xu Yang.

Xu Yang waved and laughed, "Don't be polite between us, just call me Xiao Xu ... well, it seems that it's not appropriate for you to call me Xiao Xu, otherwise, you call me Brother Xu, I am after all How old are you? "

"In public, let's call it Director Xu. In private, you can call it whatever you like." Chai Peide gave a rule.

"Well, okay, then I would dare to call Brother Xu. Brother Xu, you said earlier that you want to use the joint venture to solve the problem of Beixi Iron and Steel Plant. Do you have any considerations on how to associate?" Qin Hai asked Road.

Xu Yang said: "After receiving the assignment from the city, I did think about it and I wanted to discuss it with Xiao Qin. Beixi Iron and Steel Plant has 2 ironmaking blast furnaces and 4 steelmaking hearth furnaces. It is organized into two blast furnace workshops and two open hearth workshops, but now they are under-started.

My idea is to first take out two open hearth furnaces in the No. 2 open hearth workshop to cooperate with you, which are specially used for smelting unscheduled steel. The two open hearth furnaces in the No. 1 open hearth workshop are used to maintain existing production tasks and provide planned steel. In this way, we will not delay either end. "

I have to say that Xu Yang has been a very careful secretary for so many years. He knew that after taking over the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant, the planned production tasks could not be affected, otherwise he would be negligent. The cooperation with Qin Hai is the icing on the cake, and it has been made gratifying. If you can't do it, you can find reasons to explain it. Therefore, he adopted a "one factory, two systems" approach, and allocated two open hearth furnaces to Qin Hai, leaving two of them under his own control to ensure the completion of planned tasks.

The production process of the iron and steel plant is roughly to first use a blast furnace to make iron, then use an open hearth furnace or a converter to smelt the molten iron into molten steel, and finally produce steel through the casting and rolling links. Blast furnace production has the characteristics of continuous surnames. Once the furnace is turned on, it must be smelted all the time. It is very troublesome to stop the wind and stop the furnace. Qin Hai has just participated in the production of Beixi Iron and Steel Plant, and is obviously not suitable for directly taking over the management of the blast furnace, so Xu Yang listed the blast furnace outside the scope of cooperation with Qin Hai.

To produce unscheduled steel, Qin Hai must not occupy the original molten iron of Beixi Iron and Steel Plant, but must make raw materials for ironmaking. At this time, Beixi Iron and Steel Plant was equivalent to Qinhai's outsourced unit, responsible for helping Qinhai to smelt molten iron and supplying it to the two open hearth furnaces of Qinhai.

"That's good." Qin Hai nodded. He also thought that the division was more secure. In the event of an error in his own set, at least it would not affect the original production of Beixi Iron and Steel Plant.

"How about the workers?" Qin Hai asked again.

Xu Yang shook his head and said, "I haven't considered this issue well. You said to Governor Yang that to mobilize the workers' positive surnames, there must be a more flexible mechanism. But we are a state-owned enterprise, and we cannot do what you said Mechanism. So I really do n’t have a good way how to deploy workers. "

Qin Hai considered this issue very carefully. He said, "If so, then we will do it. The two open hearth furnaces will be leased to me. I will also hire workers from the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant. The workers who come here will be treated as suspended pay at Beixi Iron and Steel Works. No wages will be paid and I will bear all the wages. Everyone chooses voluntarily. They are not forced. How? "

"What if nobody wants to come to you?" Chai Peide asked beside him.

Qin Haidao: "If this is the case, then I will send in workers from the Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant, and then recruit from the community. Under the reward, there must be brave men. I guarantee that my workers' wages will reach two Times, I do n’t believe no one wants to apply. "

"I'm worried that if this happens, our Beixi Iron and Steel Plant will not be able to retain people." Xu Yang said jokingly.

Qin Haidao: "It is not easy to get our double wages. At the very least, we have to learn technology and obey management. If we violate one labor discipline, we will deduct 5% of the wages. If we violate 10 times, we will deduct back to Beixi Iron and Steel Plant. Level. It violated 20 times and ran away in a month. "

"This is in line with the principles of the commodity economy, you can try." Chai Peide affirmed, "Province Yang specifically proposed to let Xiao Qin do this, I am afraid that Xiao Qin's experience in this regard."

Xu Yang nodded and said, "Xiao Qin will certainly have an impact on our factory. When everyone sees that the workers who went to Xiao Qin have made money, they will ask our factory to raise their wages. At that time, we can put forward higher requirements to everyone. This is called demonstration. "

"That's right," Qin Hai responded.

As soon as you say something to me, you will discuss the joint venture between Beixi Iron and Steel Plant and Qinhai. In the initial stage, Beixi Iron and Steel Plant mainly provided 2 open hearth furnaces and corresponding continuous rolling equipment. Qin Hai operated by way of contract and paid the corresponding contract management fee to Beixi Iron and Steel Plant. The molten iron required by the open hearth furnace is provided by Beixi Iron and Steel Plant, and the two parties settle at a reasonable price. As for the produced steel, there is no need to worry about the market. Now the province is very short of steel and will be purchased at a price equivalent to the black market.

As an associate, of course, Qin Hai cannot of course appear in his own name, but uses the name of Pingyuan Special Steel Factory, so it seems more formal to say this. In order to make an effective distinction, the headquarters of Beixi Iron and Steel Plant will still use the name of Beixi Iron and Steel Plant, and the part associated with Pingyuan Special Steel Plant will be called Beixi Special Steel Plant.

"Xiao Qin, I think you are ambitious and ready to do something big. Look at this situation, if you develop in the future, maybe you will annex our Beixi Iron and Steel Plant. Now think about it, I count Shouldn't it be to lead a wolf into the room? "After talking about the relevant details, Xu Yang laughed and laughed at Qin Hai.

Qin Haidao: "Isn't it better for everyone to compete on equal terms and promote together, and pursue a win-win result?"

"Yes, a win-win situation, Xiao Qin's statement is good." Chai Peide praised.

After the cooperation intention is agreed ~ ~ there are a series of procedures to be followed. Qin Hai signed an agreement on behalf of Pingyuan Special Steel Plant with Xu Yang, obtained the operation right of the No. 2 open hearth workshop of Beixi Iron and Steel Plant, and submitted an annual operating contract fee of 1 million yuan. Ton of unscheduled steel, this part of steel should be calculated in the share of steel provided by Beixi Iron and Steel Plant, in other words, it should be included in Xu Yang's political achievements.

Regarding the issue of operating contract fees, everyone was tangled up. One million yuan is definitely an astronomical figure for individuals. Both Chai Peide and Xu Yang are worried that Qin Hai will not accept it. But to say that the two open hearth furnaces should be handed over to Qin Hai for operation. If they only charge a few thousand yuan a year, it would simply not be justified.

Qin Hai did not raise any objections to this quota. The Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant produced some shovel and exported special steel products to Japan some time ago. It has made a profit of nearly 1 million yuan and can fully afford the contract. And if it can really produce 200,000 tons of steel in the future, the profit will be calculated in tens of millions. How about the contract fee of 1 million yuan?

After signing the letter of intent for cooperation, it was quickly sent to Hongze and presented to Yang Yihe and the relevant leaders of the Provincial Planning and Economic Commission for review. After obtaining the approval of the relevant departments, this contract was considered to be officially effective, and the brand of Beixi Special Steel Plant was officially hung on the door of the No. 2 open hearth workshop. (To be continued.)

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