Material Empire

Chapter 130: The bonus is real

"Beixi Special Steel Factory? What does it mean, isn't this the No. 2 open hearth workshop, how did it become a factory?"

Early in the morning, workers at the Beixi Iron and Steel Works were attracted by a new sign hanging outside the door of the No. 2 open hearth workshop. Everyone gathered around this sign and talked about it. The workers in the No. 2 open hearth workshop were even more surprised because they received a notice from the workshop director that the No. 2 open hearth workshop had been contracted out, and they could no longer work in this workshop.

"Have you heard that there is a rich man who has contracted the second workshop to produce high-grade steel?"

"I heard it was an overseas Chinese."

"What overseas Chinese is the boss of a township enterprise, it seems to be a ten thousand household."

"Shh, look, here they are ..."

Everyone turned around and saw that from the direction of the factory in the distance, there was a group of people, men and women, young and old, who could not tell what lineup it was. The two leaders, one is a young man, seem to be less than 20 years old, and the expression on his face is quite mature. The other one was just met by the workers at the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant. Xu Yang, the new executive deputy director. Because the former factory director Wang Yiqiao has been transferred to other units, Xu Yang is now the leader of Beixi Iron and Steel Plant.

"Where are all the masters here? Otherwise, let me announce something about the reform of the No. 2 open hearth workshop here." Xu Yang walked in front of the people and said with a smile.

Unfamiliar with Xu Yang, the workers did not answer his stubble, but focused on him. Some workers who were standing in the outer circle chatting when they heard Xu Yang's greetings came together. The scene suddenly became crowded and crowded. People standing in the back could not see Xu in front. Yang.

Seeing this, Qin Hai, who was next to Xu Yang, turned around and greeted him, and the sunspots brought from Pingyuan responded. Qin Hai whispered a few words to him, Kuroko nodded, and ran into the workshop with another young man. After a while, he dragged out a table and put it at the door of the workshop.

Qin Hai pointed at the table and said to Xu Yang, "Director Xu, the conditions are simple, just stand on this and tell the masters."

Xu Yang was worrying too many people, and his words could not be heard. Seeing that Qin Hai had moved to the table, he was also not polite. He looked around and couldn't find anything that could be used for feet. He just propped it up with his hands and jumped to the table with a general athlete's jumping action. When the workers saw such a gesture by the head of the new factory, they couldn't help shouting loudly, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly relaxed.

Xu Yang came to work at Beixi Iron and Steel Plant, and the main thing was the image of a young leader. He just jumped onto the table just now. Change to other mature and stable leaders, even if you will not refuse to stand on the table to speak, at least you must take a stool to step on, in order to step onto the table with a more graceful attitude.

"Masters, let me introduce it to you first." Xu Yang had a clear voice, and he pointed at Qin Hai, who was standing below, with a finger, and said, "This is the Qin Hai Qin Factory sent by Pingyuan Special Steel Factory. It is our young reformer who is highly valued by the Governor of our province, the Mayor of Lichai, and the Mayor of the city of Lichai. Let us warmly applaud the factory director Qin to our factory for guidance. "

"Wow ..." The workers below applauded thinly. Everyone didn't know who Qin Hai was, but just gave him some applause out of politeness.

"According to the instructions of the superiors, the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant will start a new round of reform plan. The focus of the reform is to introduce a variety of business methods to inject new vitality into the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant. After discussion by the city leaders and approval by the provincial government, Beixi Iron and Steel Plant decided to use the No. 2 open hearth workshop and Pingyuan Special Steel Plant to set up a joint venture to set up the Beixi Special Steel Plant for commercial operation. The newly formed Beixi Special Steel Plant will be led by Comrade Qin Hai. "Xu Jan said enthusiastically.

"What? Associates?"

"What does affiliate mean?"

"Then we are the people of Beixi Iron and Steel Works, what kind of people are they from special steel works?"

Xu Yang's remarks caused a lot of ripples. With suspicious eyes, people stared at Qin Hai with a smile on their faces, wondering what the young man He Dehe can do, and what kind of factory director he could be. Of course, what they want to know more is the impact of the establishment of this special steel mill on their actual surnames.

"Director Qin, let's announce the rest. I let Xian." After Xu Yang introduced the basic situation, he jumped off the table and gave the table to Qin Hai.

Just now, Kuroko has found another stool from the workshop and put it at the table. Qin Hai stepped on the stool to go to the table, and glanced around the audience with a gaze, saying, "Masters, everyone, my name is Qin Hai, from Pingyuan County, and I am very happy to have the opportunity to work with everyone. According to Anhe Province According to the instructions of Zhengxi, Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant tried to contract the No. 2 open hearth workshop of Beixi Iron and Steel Plant. We will recruit some employees from Beixi Iron and Steel Plant to work in the jointly formed Beixi Special Steel Plant in accordance with the principle of voluntary reciprocity. Everyone is welcome to sign up. "

"Plant Xiaoqin, you said that the Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant was contracting our open hearth workshop. How did I hear that the Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant has been closed for more than ten years. Why do you contract our workshop?" A worker is below Said, with a hint of disdain in his tone.

Qin Hai looked at the worker and laughed: "This master, I don't know how you call it, but I can tell you that the situation you said is out of date. The Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant has resumed production last year, and so far So far, the production has been good. The steel products we produce are mainly used for export and have been sold to the Japanese and Iraqi markets. "

"Director Xiaoqin, are you bragging? I said that my technology is so good, how can we import our steel?" Someone retorted loudly.

"What's impossible?" Qin Hai still said with a smile. "Beixi is not far from Pingyuan. If you don't believe it, you can go and see it. In addition, the employees of our Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant are in the New Year. Everyone got a year-end prize of 500 yuan, which would not be bragging. "

"500 yuan year-end award!"

"Well, it's my half year salary!"

"Who knows if it's true or false, this young man speaks too loudly, and I'm a bit unbelievable."

The shock caused by Qin Hai's remarks far surpassed Xu Yang's remarks before. What contract or joint venture is too far away for the workers, and the 500 yuan end-of-the-year award is real.

The Beixi Iron and Steel Plant can be regarded as a company with decent benefits. In the era when the state-owned enterprises were generally not efficient, the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant guaranteed at least wages and benefits. At the end of the year, there was a little bonus, but the amount of each award was only small. It is tens or hundreds of dollars. Where have I heard of a 500 yuan bonus given by a surname? Everyone said unbelief, but in fact they all believed a bit. It sounds very easy to fight this kind of thing. Everyone has three relatives and six relatives, so this kind of thing can't be concealed.

Qiao Changsheng standing below took a step forward and said aloud, "I'm Qiao Changsheng of Pinggang, and we have also apprenticeed us at Beigang. Master Cheng Baichuan taught me at that time, and he can testify for me. I'm so old, I can't tell lies, I can tell everyone, because I am the squad leader in the workshop, our Qin factory manager gave me a special reward. This year, I got a 1,000 yuan end-of-year award. "

"Hi, Joe, it really is you. I'm Lao Yu, Yu Youheng, do you remember?" Someone who really knew Qiao Changsheng in the crowd immediately shouted at him with a passion in his tone.

Qiao Changsheng was sent to Beixi Iron and Steel Plant to learn steelmaking technology and spent a few months at Beigang. He is a man of passion and righteousness. He is very popular and has made many friends at Beigang. Although the time has passed for more than ten years, when it comes to speaking, someone can still remember him.

Qiao Changsheng looked up at Qin Hai who was standing on the table, and Qin Hai nodded at him. Qiao Changsheng greeted the worker named Yu Youheng with a smile and walked over. The two shook hands with each other and patted their shoulders, laughing and chatting together.

"Old Joe, haven't you retired, why are you at work again?"

"Well, there's no way to be idle. We have resumed production at Pinggang and we can't find ready-made workers. Will this make us old guys come back to the mountain?"

"Yes, what you said just now, it was true and false to get a 1,000 yuan bonus at the end of the year?"

"Is old Joe a liar? I tell you ..."

The workers standing next to Yu Youheng were also attracted by their conversation ~ ~ In everyone's opinion, what the leader standing on the table is probably bragging, but private The conversation of acquaintances below has 90% credibility. At first glance, Qiao Changsheng looked like that of an old worker, and the tone of his speech made him feel trusting. Everyone was more willing to listen to him about what happened to Pinggang.

Seeing that everyone's interest was attracted by Qiao Changsheng, Qin Hai smiled with a ridicule, jumped off the table, began to greet the sunspots, set up their tables and chairs, and set up several help desks. This matter of the joint venture is a bit complicated. Recruiting Beigang workers is also very sensitive. It involves the immediate economic benefits of each worker, so there is a lot of content that needs to be explained. Qin Hai and Xu Yang discussed that they would conduct a few days of consulting activities at the door of the No. 2 open hearth workshop in order to answer various questions.

"Director Qin, I'll leave it to you, I won't bother. I will leave Xiao Zhang here to help you solve some communication issues. If there is any trouble that cannot be resolved, let Xiao Zhang go Notify me. "Xu Yang shook hands with Qin Hai and left, while leaving a factory secretary named Zhang Yunjia at the scene.

"Masters, the recruitment of special steel mills has now officially started, and everyone is welcome to come to inquire about related matters. It doesn't matter, everyone can ask anything, and we will all work together at Beigang in the future. It is also good to make friends." Qin Hai shook his throat and shouted to the crowd. (To be continued.)

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